/var/lib/gnumed/server/sql/gmClin-EMR-Structure-dynamic.sql is in gnumed-server 21.15-1.
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-- ===================================================================
-- $Source: /home/ncq/Projekte/cvs2git/vcs-mirror/gnumed/gnumed/server/sql/gmClin-EMR-Structure-dynamic.sql,v $
-- $Revision: 1.7 $
-- license: GPL v2 or later
-- author: Ian Haywood, Karsten Hilbert
-- ===================================================================
-- force terminate + exit(3) on errors if non-interactive
-- ===================================================================
-- -- clin.xlnk_identity --
--select add_x_db_fk_def('clin.xlnk_identity', 'xfk_identity', 'personalia', 'identity', 'pk');
select audit.add_table_for_audit('clin', 'xlnk_identity');
comment on table clin.xlnk_identity is
'this is the one table with the unresolved identity(pk)
foreign key, all other tables in this service link to
this table, depending upon circumstances one can add
dblink() verification or a true FK constraint (if "personalia"
is in the same database as "historica")';
-- -- clin.health_issue --
select audit.add_table_for_audit('clin', 'health_issue');
comment on table clin.health_issue is
'This is pretty much what others would call "Past Medical History"
or "Foundational illness", eg. longer-ranging, underlying,
encompassing issues with one''s health such as "immunodeficiency",
"type 2 diabetes". In Belgium it is called "problem".
L.L.Weed includes lots of little things into it, we do not.';
comment on column clin.health_issue.id_patient is
'id of patient this health issue relates to, should
be reference but might be outside our own database';
comment on column clin.health_issue.description is
'descriptive name of this health issue, may
change over time as evidence increases';
comment on column clin.health_issue.laterality is
'NULL: don''t know
s: sinister - left
d: dexter - right
sd: sinister and dexter - both sides
na: not applicable';
comment on column clin.health_issue.age_noted is
'at what age the patient acquired the condition';
comment on column clin.health_issue.is_active is
'whether this health issue (problem) is active';
comment on column clin.health_issue.clinically_relevant is
'whether this health issue (problem) has any clinical relevance';
alter table clin.health_issue drop constraint issue_name_not_empty;
alter table clin.health_issue add constraint issue_name_not_empty
check (trim(both from description) != '');
-- -- clin.episode --
select audit.add_table_for_audit('clin', 'episode');
comment on table clin.episode is
'Clinical episodes such as "Otitis media",
"traffic accident 7/99", "Hepatitis B".
This covers a range of time in which
activity of illness was noted for the
problem episode.description.';
comment on column clin.episode.fk_health_issue is
'health issue this episode belongs to';
comment on column clin.episode.fk_patient is
'patient this episode belongs to,
may only be set if fk_health_issue is Null
thereby removing redundancy';
comment on column clin.episode.description is
'description/name of this episode';
comment on column clin.episode.is_open is
'whether the episode is open (eg. there is activity for it),
means open in a temporal sense as in "not closed yet";
only one episode can be open per health issue';
alter table clin.episode drop constraint only_standalone_epi_has_patient;
alter table clin.episode add constraint only_standalone_epi_has_patient
check (
((fk_health_issue is null) and (fk_patient is not null))
((fk_health_issue is not null) and (fk_patient is null))
drop function clin.trf_ensure_episode_issue_patient_consistency() cascade;
create function clin.trf_ensure_episode_issue_patient_consistency()
returns trigger
language 'plpgsql'
as '
issue_patient integer;
msg text;
if NEW.fk_health_issue is not NULL then
if NEW.fk_patient is not NULL then
select into issue_patient id_patient from clin.health_issue where pk = NEW.fk_health_issue;
if issue_patient = NEW.fk_patient then
NEW.fk_patient := NULL;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- if unlinking from health issue: carry over patient
if TG_OP = ''UPDATE'' then
if (NEW.fk_health_issue is NULL) and (OLD.fk_health_issue is not NULL) then
select into issue_patient id_patient from clin.health_issue where pk = OLD.fk_health_issue;
if NEW.fk_patient is NULL then
NEW.fk_patient := issue_patient;
-- do not change patient and unlink from issue at the same time ...
if NEW.fk_patient != issue_patient then
msg := ''trf_ensure_episode_issue_patient_consistency(): unlinking from health issue and changing patient at the same time is not allowed'';
raise exception ''%'', msg;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
return NEW;
create trigger tr_ensure_episode_issue_patient_consistency
before insert or update on clin.episode
for each row execute procedure clin.trf_ensure_episode_issue_patient_consistency()
-- -- clin.encounter_type --
comment on TABLE clin.encounter_type is
'these are the types of encounter';
-- -- clin.encounter --
--select add_x_db_fk_def('encounter', 'fk_location', 'personalia', 'org', 'id');
comment on table clin.encounter is
'a clinical encounter between a person and the health care system';
comment on COLUMN clin.encounter.fk_patient is
'PK of subject of care, should be PUPIC, actually';
comment on COLUMN clin.encounter.fk_type is
'PK of type of this encounter';
comment on COLUMN clin.encounter.fk_location is
'PK of location *of care*, e.g. where the provider is at';
comment on column clin.encounter.source_time_zone is
'time zone of location, used to approximate source time
zone for all timestamps in this encounter';
comment on column clin.encounter.reason_for_encounter is
'the RFE for the encounter as related by either
the patient or the provider (say, in a chart
comment on column clin.encounter.assessment_of_encounter is
'the Assessment of Encounter (eg consultation summary)
as determined by the provider, may simply be a
concatenation of soAp narrative, this assessment
should go across all problems';
-- ==========================================================
-- health issues stuff
drop function clin.f_announce_h_issue_mod() cascade;
create function clin.f_announce_h_issue_mod() returns opaque as '
patient_id integer;
-- get patient ID
if TG_OP = ''DELETE'' then
patient_id := OLD.id_patient;
patient_id := NEW.id_patient;
end if;
execute ''notify "health_issue_change_db:'' || patient_id || ''"'';
return NULL;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger TR_h_issues_modified
after insert or delete or update
on clin.health_issue
for each row
execute procedure clin.f_announce_h_issue_mod()
-- =============================================
-- encounters
drop index clin.idx_pat_per_encounter;
drop index clin.idx_encounter_started;
drop index clin.idx_encounter_affirmed;
create index idx_pat_per_encounter on clin.encounter(fk_patient);
create index idx_encounter_started on clin.encounter(started);
create index idx_encounter_affirmed on clin.encounter(last_affirmed);
drop function f_set_encounter_timezone() cascade;
create function f_set_encounter_timezone() returns opaque as '
if TG_OP = ''INSERT'' then
NEW.source_time_zone := (select (extract(timezone from (select now()))::text || ''seconds'')::interval);
NEW.source_time_zone := OLD.source_time_zone;
end if;
return NEW;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tr_set_encounter_timezone
before insert or update
on clin.encounter
for each row
execute procedure f_set_encounter_timezone()
-- per patient
drop view clin.v_pat_encounters cascade;
create view clin.v_pat_encounters as
cle.pk as pk_encounter,
cle.fk_patient as pk_patient,
cle.started as started,
et.description as type,
_(et.description) as l10n_type,
cle.reason_for_encounter as reason_for_encounter,
cle.assessment_of_encounter as assessment_of_encounter,
cle.last_affirmed as last_affirmed,
cle.fk_location as pk_location,
cle.fk_type as pk_type,
cle.xmin as xmin_encounter
clin.encounter cle,
clin.encounter_type et
cle.fk_type = et.pk
-- current ones
drop view clin.v_most_recent_encounters cascade;
create view clin.v_most_recent_encounters as
select distinct on (last_affirmed)
ce1.pk as pk_encounter,
ce1.fk_patient as pk_patient,
ce1.reason_for_encounter as reason_for_encounter,
ce1.assessment_of_encounter as assessment_of_encounter,
et.description as type,
_(et.description) as l10n_type,
ce1.started as started,
ce1.last_affirmed as last_affirmed,
ce1.fk_type as pk_type,
ce1.fk_location as pk_location
clin.encounter ce1,
clin.encounter_type et
ce1.fk_type = et.pk
ce1.started = (
-- find max of started in ...
select max(started)
from clin.encounter ce2
ce2.last_affirmed = (
-- ... max of last_affirmed for patient
select max(last_affirmed)
from clin.encounter ce3
ce3.fk_patient = ce1.fk_patient
limit 1
-- =============================================
-- episodes stuff
-- speed up access by fk_health_issue
drop index clin.idx_episode_issue;
drop index clin.idx_episode_valid_issue;
create index idx_episode_valid_issue on clin.episode(fk_health_issue) where fk_health_issue is not null;
create index idx_episode_issue on clin.episode(fk_health_issue);
drop index clin.idx_uniq_open_epi_per_issue;
create unique index idx_uniq_open_epi_per_issue on clin.episode(is_open, fk_health_issue) where fk_health_issue is not null and is_open;
drop function trf_announce_episode_mod() cascade;
create function trf_announce_episode_mod() returns opaque as '
patient_id integer;
-- get patient ID
if TG_OP = ''DELETE'' then
-- if no patient in episode
if OLD.fk_patient is null then
-- get it from attached health issue
select into patient_id id_patient
from clin.health_issue
where pk = OLD.fk_health_issue;
patient_id := OLD.fk_patient;
end if;
-- if no patient in episode
if NEW.fk_patient is null then
-- get it from attached health issue
select into patient_id id_patient
from clin.health_issue
where pk = NEW.fk_health_issue;
patient_id := NEW.fk_patient;
end if;
end if;
-- execute() the NOTIFY
execute ''notify "episode_change_db:'' || patient_id || ''"'';
return NULL;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tr_episode_mod
after insert or delete or update
on clin.episode
for each row
execute procedure trf_announce_episode_mod()
drop view clin.v_pat_episodes cascade;
create view clin.v_pat_episodes as
cep.fk_patient as pk_patient,
cep.description as description,
cep.is_open as episode_open,
null as health_issue,
null as issue_active,
null as issue_clinically_relevant,
cep.pk as pk_episode,
null as pk_health_issue,
cep.modified_when as episode_modified_when,
cep.modified_by as episode_modified_by,
cep.xmin as xmin_episode
clin.episode cep
cep.fk_health_issue is null
chi.id_patient as pk_patient,
cep.description as description,
cep.is_open as episode_open,
chi.description as health_issue,
chi.is_active as issue_active,
chi.clinically_relevant as issue_clinically_relevant,
cep.pk as pk_episode,
cep.fk_health_issue as pk_health_issue,
cep.modified_when as episode_modified_when,
cep.modified_by as episode_modified_by,
cep.xmin as xmin_episode
clin.episode cep, clin.health_issue chi
-- this should exclude all (fk_health_issue is Null) ?
-- =============================================
-- schema
grant usage on schema clin to group "gm-doctors";
-- =============================================
-- tables
, clin.health_issue_pk_seq
, clin.episode
, clin.episode_pk_seq
, clin.encounter_type
, clin.encounter_type_pk_seq
, clin.encounter
, clin.encounter_pk_seq
TO GROUP "gm-doctors";
-- views
grant select on
, clin.v_pat_episodes
, clin.v_most_recent_encounters
TO GROUP "gm-doctors";
-- ===================================================================
-- do simple schema revision tracking
select log_script_insertion('$RCSfile: gmClin-EMR-Structure-dynamic.sql,v $', '$Revision: 1.7 $');
-- ===================================================================
-- $Log: gmClin-EMR-Structure-dynamic.sql,v $
-- Revision 1.7 2006-05-06 18:48:52 ncq
-- - remove obsolete comment
-- - improve consistency checking when inserting/updating episodes
-- Revision 1.6 2006/05/03 21:29:21 ncq
-- - updated commit message
-- Revision 1.5 2006/05/03 21:28:49 ncq
-- - drop constraints before adding them
-- Revision 1.4 2006/04/29 18:47:26 ncq
-- - cleanup
-- Revision 1.3 2006/02/27 22:39:32 ncq
-- - spell out rfe/aoe
-- Revision 1.2 2006/02/27 11:21:31 ncq
-- - add laterality to health issue
-- Revision 1.1 2006/02/10 14:08:58 ncq
-- - factor out EMR structure clinical schema into its own set of files