/usr/share/highlight/langDefs/haskell.lang is in highlight-common 3.41-1.
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{ Id=1,
List={"absolute", "value", "addition", "and", "array", "boolean", "ceiling",
"character", "concatenate", "concatenation", "constant", "continuation",
"passing", "style", "cosine", "cosine", "hyperbolic", "cosine", "hyperbolic",
"inverse", "cosine", "inverse", "division", "empty", "equality", "even",
"floor", "function", "composition", "index", "lazy", "evaluation", "length",
"list", "list", "calculation", "list", "construction", "list", "insertion",
"list", "item", "modulo", "monad", "multiplication", "nint", "odd", "or",
"order", "power", "round", "sine", "sine", "hyperbolic", "sine", "hyperbolic",
"inverse", "sine", "inverse", "split", "string", "subtraction", "sum",
"tangent", "tangent", "hyperbolic", "tangent", "hyperbolic", "inverse",
"tangent", "inverse", "trigonometry", "truncation", "tuple", "True", "False"},
{ Id=2,
List={"Array", "Bool", "BufferMode", "CalendarTime", "Char", "ClockTime",
"Complex", "Complex", "Day", "Double", "Either", "ExitCode", "FilePath",
"Float", "Handle", "HandlePosn", "Int", "Integer", "IO", "IOError", "IOMode",
"Maybe", "Month", "Ordering", "Permissions", "Ratio", "Rational", "Rational",
"Read", "ReadS", "SeekMode", "Show", "ShowS", "StdGen", "String", "TimeDiff",
{ Id=3,
List={"abs", "accum", "accumArray", "acos", "acosh", "addToClockTime",
"all", "and", "any", "ap", "appendFile", "approxRational", "array", "asin",
"asinh", "assocs", "asTypeOf", "atan", "atan2", "atanh", "bounds", "bracket",
"bracket_", "break", "calendarTimeToString", "catch", "catMaybes", "ceiling",
"chr", "cis", "compare", "concat", "concatMap", "conjugate", "const", "cos",
"cosh", "cpuTimePrecision", "createDirectory", "curry", "cycle", "decodeFloat",
"defaultTimeLocale", "delete", "deleteBy", "denominator", "diffClockTimes",
"digitToInt", "div", "divMod", "doesDirectoryExist", "doesFileExist", "drop",
"dropWhile", "either", "elem", "elemIndex", "elemIndices", "elems",
"encodeFloat", "enumFrom", "enumFromThen", "enumFromThenTo", "enumFromTo",
"error", "even", "executable", "exitFailure", "exitWith", "exp", "exponent",
"fail", "filter", "filterM", "find", "findIndex", "findIndices", "flip",
"floatDigits", "floatRadix", "floatRange", "floatToDigits", "floor", "fmap",
"foldl", "foldl1", "foldM", "foldr",
"foldr1", "formatCalendarTime", "fromEnum", "fromInteger", "fromIntegral",
"fromJust", "fromMaybe", "fromRat", "fromRational", "fst", "gcd", "genericDrop",
"genericIndex", "genericLength", "genericReplicate", "genericSplitAt",
"genericTake", "getArgs", "getChar", "getClockTime", "getContents",
"getCPUTime", "getCurrentDirectory", "getDirectoryContents", "getEnv",
"getLine", "getModificationTime", "getPermissions", "getProgName", "getStdGen",
"getStdRandom", "group", "groupBy", "guard", "hClose", "head", "hFileSize",
"hFlush", "hGetBuffering", "hGetChar", "hGetContents", "hGetLine", "hGetPosn",
"hIsClosed", "hIsEOF", "hIsOpen", "hIsReadable", "hIsSeekable", "hIsWritable",
"hLookAhead", "hPrint", "hPutChar", "hPutStr", "hPutStrLn", "hReady", "hSeek",
"hSetBuffering", "hSetPosn", "hWaitForInput", "id", "imagPart", "index",
"indices", "init", "inits", "inRange", "insert", "insertBy", "interact",
"intersect", "intersectBy", "intersperse", "intToDigit", "ioeGetErrorString",
"ioeGetFileName", "ioeGetHandle", "ioError", "isAlpha", "isAlphaNum", "isAlreadyExistsError",
"isAlreadyInUseError", "isAscii", "isControl", "isDenormalized", "isDigit",
"isDoesNotExistError", "isEOF", "isEOFError", "isFullError", "isHexDigit",
"isIEEE", "isIllegalOperation", "isInfinite", "isJust", "isLatin1", "isLower",
"isNaN", "isNegativeZero", "isNothing", "isOctDigit", "isPermissionError",
"isPrefixOf", "isPrint", "isSpace", "isSuffixOf", "isUpper", "isUserError",
"iterate", "ixmap", "join", "last", "lcm", "length", "lex", "lexDigits",
"lexLitChar", "liftM", "liftM2", "liftM3", "liftM4", "liftM5", "lines",
"listArray", "listToMaybe", "log", "logBase", "lookup", "magnitude", "map",
"mapAccumL", "mapAccumR", "mapAndUnzipM", "mapM", "mapM_", "mapMaybe", "max",
"maxBound", "maximum", "maximumBy", "maybe", "maybeToList", "min", "minBound",
"minimum", "minimumBy", "mkPolar", "mkStdGen", "mod", "msum", "negate",
"newStdGen", "next", "not", "notElem", "nub", "nubBy", "null", "numerator",
"odd", "openFile", "or", "ord", "otherwise", "partition",
"phase", "pi", "polar", "pred", "print", "product", "properFraction", "putChar",
"putStr", "putStrLn", "quot", "quotRem", "random", "randomIO", "randomR",
"randomRIO", "randomRs", "randoms", "range", "rangeSize", "read", "readable",
"readDec", "readFile", "readFloat", "readHex", "readInt", "readIO", "readList",
"readLitChar", "readLn", "readOct", "readParen", "reads", "readSigned",
"readsPrec", "realPart", "realToFrac", "recip", "rem", "removeDirectory",
"removeFile", "renameDirectory", "renameFile", "repeat", "replicate", "return",
"reverse", "round", "scaleFloat", "scanl", "scanl1", "scanr", "scanr1",
"searchable", "seq", "sequence", "sequence_", "setCurrentDirectory",
"setPermissions", "setStdGen", "show", "showChar", "showEFloat", "showFFloat",
"showFloat", "showGFloat", "showInt", "showList", "showLitChar", "showParen",
"shows", "showSigned", "showsPrec", "showString", "significand", "signum",
"sin", "sinh", "snd", "sort", "sortBy", "split", "splitAt", "sqrt", "stderr",
"stdin", "stdout", "subtract", "succ", "sum", "system", "tail", "tails", "take", "takeWhile", "tan", "tanh",
"toCalendarTime", "toClockTime", "toEnum", "toInteger", "toLower", "toRational",
"toUpper", "toUTCTime", "transpose", "truncate", "try", "uncurry", "undefined",
"unfoldr", "union", "unionBy", "unless", "unlines", "until", "unwords", "unzip",
"unzip3", "unzip4", "unzip5", "unzip6", "unzip7", "userError", "when", "words",
"writable", "writeFile", "zip", "zip3", "zip4", "zip5", "zip6", "zip7",
"zipWith", "zipWith3", "zipWith4", "zipWith5", "zipWith6", "zipWith7",
"zipWithM", "zipWithM_"},
{ Id=4,
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"forall", "foreign", "hiding", "if", "then", "else", "import", "infix",
"infixl", "infixr", "instance", "let", "in", "mdo", "module", "newtype",
"qualified", "type", "where"},
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