/usr/share/highlight/langDefs/mssql.lang is in highlight-common 3.41-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 | -- Language definition generated by lang2to3
Identifiers=[[ @?@?[a-zA-Z_][\w]* ]]
{ Id=1,
List={"absolute", "action", "after", "all", "all_constraints",
"all_errormsgs", "all_indexes", "all_levels", "alter", "and", "any",
"ansi_defaults", "ansi_null_dflt_off", "ansi_null_dflt_on", "ansi_nulls",
"ansi_padding", "ansi_warnings", "append", "arithabort", "arithignore", "as",
"asc", "attach", "authorization", "auto", "backup", "begin", "between", "break",
"browse", "bulk", "by", "cascade", "case", "check", "checkalloc",
"checkcatalog", "checkconstraints", "checkdb", "checkfilegroup", "checkident",
"checkpoint", "checktable", "cleantable", "close", "clustered", "collate",
"commit", "committed", "compute", "concat", "concat_null_yields_null",
"concurrencyviolation", "constraint", "contains", "containstable",
"context_info", "continue", "count_rows", "create", "cross", "cube", "current",
"cursor", "cursor_close_on_commit", "database", "datefirst", "dateformat",
"dbcc", "dbrepair", "dbreindex", "deadlock_priority", "deallocate", "declare",
"default", "delay", "delete", "deny", "desc", "disable_def_cnst_chk", "disk",
"display", "distinct", "distributed", "drop", "drop_existing",
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"fips_flagger", "first", "fmtonly", "for", "force", "forceplan", "foreign",
"forward_only", "free", "freeproccache", "freetext", "from", "full", "fullscan",
"function", "global", "grant", "group", "go", "goto", "hash", "having",
"headeronly", "help", "holdlock", "identity", "identity_insert", "if",
"ignore_dup_key", "implicit_transactions", "in", "intermediate", "into",
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"intensive", "into", "io", "is", "isolation", "join", "keep",
"keep_replication", "key", "keyset", "kill", "labelonly", "language", "last",
"left", "level", "like", "load", "loadhistory", "local", "lock_timeout", "log",
"logspace", "loop", "low", "maxdop", "maxsize", "medianame", "mediapassword",
"merge", "move", "name", "newalloc", "next", "no_infomsgs", "nocount", "noexec",
"nonclustered", "noindex", "nolock", "norecompute", "norecovery", "noreseed",
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"null", "numeric_roundabort", "of", "off", "offsets", "on", "only", "open",
"opentran", "optimistic", "option", "or", "order", "outer", "output",
"outputbuffer", "override", "pad_index", "paglock", "parse_only", "partial",
"password", "percent", "physical_only", "primary", "prior", "pintable", "plan",
"print", "privileges", "proc", "proccache", "procedure", "profile",
"query_governor_cost_limit", "quoted_identifier", "raw", "read", "read_only",
"readcommited", "readpast", "readtext", "readuncommited", "recompile",
"reconfigure", "recovery", "references", "relative", "remote_proc_transactions",
"repair_allow_data_loss", "repair_fast", "repair_rebuild", "repeatable",
"repeatableread", "replace", "replication", "reseed", "reset", "restart",
"restore", "restricted_user", "return", "returns", "revoke", "rewind", "right",
"robust", "rollback", "rollup", "rowcount", "rowguidcol", "rowlock", "rows",
"rule", "sample", "save", "schema", "schemabinding", "scroll", "scroll_locks",
"select", "serializable", "set", "setuser", "showcontig", "show_statistics",
"showplan_all", "showplan_text", "shrinkdatabase", "shrinkfile", "shutdown",
"size", "some", "sqlperf", "standby", "startlog", "static", "statistics",
"statistics_norecompute", "stats", "statusonly", "stopat", "stopatmark",
"stopbefore", "stoplog", "some", "sort_in_tempdb", "table", "tableresults",
"tablock", "tablockx", "tape", "textimage_on", "textsize", "then", "time", "to",
"top", "traceoff", "traceon", "tracestatus", "tran", "transaction", "trigger",
"truncate", "truncateonly", "type_warning", "uncommitted", "union", "unique",
"unlimited", "unload", "unpintable", "update", "updatetext", "updateusage",
"updlock", "use", "useoptions", "values", "varying", "verifyonly", "view",
"view_metadata", "waitfor", "when", "where", "while", "with", "work",
"xact_abort", "xml", "xmldata"},
{ Id=2,
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"tinyint", "uniqueidetifier", "varbinary", "varchar", "varying"},
{ Id=3,
List={"@@connections", "@@cpu_busy", "@@cursor_rows", "@@datefirst",
"@@dbts", "@@error", "@@fetch_status", "@@identity", "@@idle", "@@io_busy",
"@@langid", "@@language", "@@lock_timeout", "@@max_connections",
"@@max_precision", "@@nestlevel", "@@options", "@@pack_received", "@@pack_sent",
"@@packet_errors", "@@procid", "@@remserver", "@@rowcount", "@@servername",
"@@servicename", "@@spid", "@@textsize", "@@timeticks", "@@total_errors",
"@@total_read", "@@total_write", "@@trancount", "@@version", "abs", "acos",
"app_name", "ascii", "asin", "atan", "atn2", "avg", "binary_checksum", "cast",
"convert", "ceiling", "charindex", "checksum", "checksum_agg", "coalesce",
"collationproperty", "col_length", "col_name", "columnproperty",
"columns_updated", "cos", "cot", "count", "count_big", "current_timestamp",
"current_user", "cursor_status", "databaseproperty", "databasepropertyex",
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"db_name", "degrees", "difference", "exp", "file_id", "file_name",
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"has_dbaccess", "host_id", "host_name", "ident_current", "ident_incr",
"ident_seed", "indexkey_property", "indexproperty", "index_col", "is_member",
"is_srvrolemember", "isdate", "isnull", "isnumeric", "left", "len", "log",
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"tan", "textptr", "textvalid", "trigger_nestlevel", "typeproperty", "unicode",
"upper", "user", "user_id", "user_name", "var", "varp", "year"},
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