/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/contrib/SECD/microcode.ml is in hol88-contrib-source 2.02.19940316-35.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 | % SECD verification %
% %
% FILE: microcode.ml %
% %
% DESCRIPTION: This file reads the intermediate form of the %
% secd microcode and defines the ROM device function. %
% %
% USES FILES: cu_types %
% %
% Brian Graham 06.11.90 %
% %
% Modifications: %
% 15.11.90 - BtG - Completed revision so that the constant %
% ROM_fun is introduced using new_specification, %
% and is a partially defined function. As a %
% result, mk_thm is no longer used in this file. %
% 16.04.91 - BtG - updated to HOL12 %
% 27.08.91 - BtG - fixed to run under AKCL-loop replaced recursion. %
% ================================================================= %
new_theory `microcode`;;
% ================================================================= %
% Thanks to jvt: this should compile the files building the large %
% data structures, so they should run much faster. 27.08.91. %
% ================================================================= %
set_flag (`compile_on_the_fly`, true);;
loadt `wordn`;;
new_parent `cu_types`;;
% ================================================================= %
% load some i/o routines ... %
% note that we will only read integers in this theory, so %
% that applying int_of_string to whatever is read will not %
% blow up. %
% ================================================================= %
loadt `io`;;
let ratom = int_of_string o read_atom;;
timer true;;
% ================================================================= %
% Processing routines for the input: %
% ********************************** %
% ================================================================= %
% ================================================================= %
% Convert a num to a boolean list (1's and 0's). %
% %
% Functions: %
% mk_bit_list (num,size) res %
% returns a list of strings of 1's and 0's, %
% of length size. %
% example : #mk_bit_list (3,4)[];; %
% [`0`; `0`; `1`; `1`] : string list %
% %
% mk_bit_list_list pairl %
% returns a list of all the string representations of %
% the number,size pairs, appended into one list. %
% Note that only CONS is used, not append. %
% Also, the list keeps the same order. %
% example : mk_bit_list_list [3,3;2,3];; %
% [`0`; `1`; `1`; `0`; `1`; `0`] : string list %
% ================================================================= %
let rem2 x = x-(2*(x/2));;
letrec mk_bit_list (num, size) res =
(size = 0) => res |
(mk_bit_list ((num/2), (size-1))
(((string_of_int o rem2) num) . res));;
letrec mk_bit_list_list pairl =
(pairl = []) => [] |
mk_bit_list (hd pairl)
(mk_bit_list_list (tl pairl));;
% ================================================================= %
% Two functions for creating constants. %
% These 2 functions return the appropriate wordn object, from %
% a pair or list of pairs. %
% ================================================================= %
let mk_word9_from_num n =
(implode (`#` . (mk_bit_list (n,9) ([]:(string)list))),
let mk_word27_from_list l =
mk_const (implode (`#` . (mk_bit_list_list l)), ":word27");;
% ================================================================= %
% Process one address: read in the microcode intermediate %
% form, and convert it to a pair: (address, code):word9#word27. %
% ================================================================= %
let mk_micro_instr in_file =
let addr = ratom in_file
and status = ratom in_file
and read = ratom in_file
and write = ratom in_file
and alu = ratom in_file
and test = ratom in_file
and A = ratom in_file
let field_list = [A,9; test,4; alu,4; write,5; read,5]
(mk_word9_from_num addr, mk_word27_from_list field_list) ;;
let make_instr_list limit in_file llst =
letref count,accum = limit,[]
if (count = 0)
then rev accum
loop (count := count-1; accum := ((mk_micro_instr in_file).accum));;
% ================================================================= %
% Open up the file and get the raw data... %
% %
% We start with a list of word9#word27 constants, so these %
% should only be created once. %
% ================================================================= %
let in_file = open_file `in` `intermediate`;;
let instr_list = make_instr_list (ratom in_file) in_file [];;
close_file in_file;;
% ================================================================= %
letrec exp n m =
(m=0) => 1
| n * (exp n (m-1));;
% ================================================================= %
% Build the required data structures first %
% %
% micro_f is the microcode property of a function "f" %
% ================================================================= %
let micro_f = list_mk_conj (map (\(a,b). "(f:word9->word27)^a = ^b") instr_list);;
% ================================================================= %
% Build a decision tree for the instructions set, using arbitrary %
% values on unused branches. %
% ================================================================= %
letrec fill_tree n limit l =
((n = 0)
=> (snd(hd l),(tl l))
| let full_half = exp 2 (n-1)
(full_half < limit)
=> (let (rtree,ll) = fill_tree (n-1) full_half l
let (ltree,lll) = fill_tree (n-1) (limit-full_half) ll
("^(mk_v n) => ^ltree | ^rtree",lll))
| let tr,ll = (fill_tree (n-1) limit l)
("^(mk_v n) => (@w27.F)| ^tr", ll))
mk_v n = mk_var(`b`^(string_of_int n),":bool")
let mtree = fst (fill_tree 9 (length instr_list) instr_list);;
% ================================================================= %
% Define a function as the decision tree. %
% %
% This definition is introduced simply to reduce the term size in %
% the theorems which evaluate the decision tree at specific %
% addresses. It is unnecessary otherwise. %
% ================================================================= %
let w9 = "Word9 (Bus b9 (Bus b8 (Bus b7 (Bus b6 (Bus b5
(Bus b4 (Bus b3 (Bus b2 (Wire (b1:bool)
let partial_mfunc = new_recursive_definition
(theorem `cu_types` `Word9`)
"partial_mfunc ^w9 = ^mtree";;
% ================================================================= %
% Prove the result of evaluating "partial_mfunc" applied to all 399 %
% microcode addresses. %
% ================================================================= %
let bools_of_wordn a =
map (\x. (x = `0`) => "F" | "T")
((tl o explode o fst o dest_const) a);;
let micro_proof_fcn (a,v) = TAC_PROOF
(([],mk_eq(mk_comb("partial_mfunc",a), v)),
SUBST1_TAC(wordn_CONV a)
THEN SUBST1_TAC (SPECL (bools_of_wordn a) partial_mfunc)
% for some unknown reason, the following is marginally less efficient...
let micro_proof_fcn'' (a,v) =
o (SUBS [SYM(wordn_CONV a)])
o (SPECL (bools_of_wordn a)))partial_mfunc;;
let partial_mfunc_proof_fcn l =
letref inlist,outlist = l,[]
if (inlist=[])
then rev outlist
( tty_write(`proving partial_mfunc_`^
(implode(tl(explode(fst(dest_const(fst(hd inlist)))))))^`
outlist := (micro_proof_fcn (hd inlist)).outlist ;
inlist := tl inlist
let thmlist = partial_mfunc_proof_fcn instr_list;;
puffin.cl.cam.ac.uk Spark IPC with 16meg:
Run time: 2408.7s
Garbage collection time: 1025.4s
Intermediate theorems generated: 32718
gj.cpsc.ucalgary.ca Spark2 with 48meg 27.08.91:
Run time: 532.4s
Intermediate theorems generated: 24339
% ================================================================= %
% Use the previous theorems to prove the existance of a function %
% as described by micro_f. %
% Use the existence theorem to define a new constant with the %
% property given by micro_f. %
% ================================================================= %
let exists_thm = TAC_PROOF
(([],"?f:word9->word27. ^micro_f"),
EXISTS_TAC "partial_mfunc"
let ROM_fun_thm = new_specification
% ================================================================= %
% Write out each conjunct as a separate theorem. %
% ================================================================= %
letrec write_out n th =
(is_conj (concl th))
=> ( save_thm(`ROM_fun_`^(string_of_int n),(CONJUNCT1 th))
; tty_write(`theorem ROM_fun_`^(string_of_int n)^` written
; write_out (n+1)(CONJUNCT2 th))
| save_thm(`ROM_fun_`^(string_of_int n), th);;
write_out 0 ROM_fun_thm;;
% ================================================================= %
timer false;;
close_theory ();;
print_theory `-`;;