/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/Library/pair/all.ml is in hol88-library-source 2.02.19940316-35.
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% Copyright (c) Jim Grundy 1992 %
% All rights reserved %
% %
% Jim Grundy, hereafter referred to as `the Author', retains the %
% copyright and all other legal rights to the Software contained in %
% this file, hereafter referred to as `the Software'. %
% %
% The Software is made available free of charge on an `as is' basis. %
% No guarantee, either express or implied, of maintenance, reliability %
% or suitability for any purpose is made by the Author. %
% %
% The user is granted the right to make personal or internal use %
% of the Software provided that both: %
% 1. The Software is not used for commercial gain. %
% 2. The user shall not hold the Author liable for any consequences %
% arising from use of the Software. %
% %
% The user is granted the right to further distribute the Software %
% provided that both: %
% 1. The Software and this statement of rights is not modified. %
% 2. The Software does not form part or the whole of a system %
% distributed for commercial gain. %
% %
% The user is granted the right to modify the Software for personal or %
% internal use provided that all of the following conditions are %
% observed: %
% 1. The user does not distribute the modified software. %
% 2. The modified software is not used for commercial gain. %
% 3. The Author retains all rights to the modified software. %
% %
% Anyone seeking a licence to use this software for commercial purposes %
% is invited to contact the Author. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% CONTENTS: functions for dealing with paired universal quantification. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
%$Id: all.ml,v 3.1 1993/12/07 14:42:10 jg Exp $%
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Paired Specialisation: %
% A |- !p.t %
% ------------- PSPEC c [where c is free for p in t] %
% A |- t[c/p] %
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let PSPEC =
let spec_thm =
"!(x:*) f. $!f ==> (f x)"
) in
let gxty = ":*" in
let gfty = ":* -> bool" in
let gx = genvar gxty in
let gf = genvar gfty in
let sth = ISPECL [gx;gf] spec_thm in
\x th.
(let f = rand (concl th) in
let xty = type_of x
and fty = type_of f in
let gxinst = mk_var(fst (dest_var gx), xty)
and gfinst = mk_var(fst (dest_var gf), fty) in
(MP (INST_TY_TERM ([(x,gxinst);(f,gfinst)],[(xty,gxty)]) sth) th)
) ? failwith `PSPEC`;;
let PSPECL xl th = rev_itlist PSPEC xl th;;
let IPSPEC x th =
let (p,tm) = dest_pforall(concl th) ?
failwith `IPSPEC: input theorem not universally quantified` in
let (_,inst) = match p x ?
failwith `IPSPEC: can't type-instantiate input theorem` in
(PSPEC x (INST_TYPE inst th) ?
failwith `IPSPEC: type variable free in assumptions`);;
let tup = end_itlist (curry mk_pair) in
letrec strip l =
if null l then
K []
($.) o (I # strip (tl l)) o dest_pforall
if (null xl) then
let tupxl = tup xl in
let striper = strip xl in
\th.let pl = striper (concl th) ?
failwith `IPSPECL:list of terms too long for theorem` in
let (_,inst) = match (tup pl) tupxl ?
failwith `IPSPECL: can't type-instantiate input theorem`
(PSPECL xl (INST_TYPE inst th) ?
`IPSPECL: type variable free in assumptions`);;
let PSPEC_PAIR th =
let (p,_) = dest_pforall (concl th) in
let p' = pvariant (freesl (hyp th)) p in
(p', PSPEC p' th) ;;
let f p (ps,l) = let p' = pvariant ps p in ((frees p')@ps,p'.l) in
\th. let (hxs,con) = (freesl # I) (dest_thm th) in
let fxs = frees con
and pairs = fst(strip_pforall con) in
PSPECL (snd(itlist f pairs (hxs @ fxs,[]))) th;;
letrec GPSPEC th =
let (_,t) = dest_thm th in
if is_pforall t then
GPSPEC (PSPEC (genlike (fst (dest_pforall t))) th)
letrec PSPEC_TAC (t,x) =
(if (not (is_pair t)) & (is_var x) then
SPEC_TAC (t,x)
else if (is_pair t) & (is_pair x) then
let (t1,t2) = dest_pair t in
let (x1,x2) = dest_pair x in
(PSPEC_TAC (t2,x2)) THEN
(PSPEC_TAC (t1,x1)) THEN
else if (not (is_pair t)) & (is_pair x) then
let x' = genvar (type_of x) in
(SPEC_TAC (t,x')) THEN
else % (is_pair t) & (is_var x) %
let x' = (mk_pair o (genvar # genvar) o (type_of # type_of))
(dest_pair t) in
) ? failwith `PSPEC_TAC`;;
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Paired Gerneralisation: %
% A |- t %
% ----------- PGEN p [where p is not free in A] %
% A |- !p.t %
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
letrec PGEN p th =
(if is_var p then
GEN p th
else % is_pair p %
let (v1, v2) = dest_pair p in
) ? failwith `PGEN` ;;
let PGENL xl th = itlist PGEN xl th;;
letrec P_PGEN_TAC p :tactic (a,t) =
(let (x,b) = (dest_pforall t) ?
failwith `P_PGEN_TAC: Goal not universally quantified` in
if (is_var x) & (is_var p) then
X_GEN_TAC p (a,t)
else if (is_pair x) & (is_pair p) then
let (p1,p2) = dest_pair p in
(P_PGEN_TAC p2)) (a,t)
else if (is_var p) & (is_pair x) then
let x' = genvar (type_of p) in
(X_GEN_TAC p)) (a,t)
else %(is_pair p) & (is_var x)%
let x' = (mk_pair o (genvar # genvar) o (type_of # type_of))
(dest_pair p) in
(P_PGEN_TAC p)) (a,t)
) ? failwith `P_PGEN_TAC` ;;
let PGEN_TAC : tactic (a,t) =
let (x,b) = (dest_pforall t) ?
failwith `PGEN_TAC: Goal not universally quantified` in
P_PGEN_TAC (pvariant (freesl(t.a)) x) (a,t);;
let FILTER_PGEN_TAC tm : tactic (a,t) =
if (is_pforall t) & (not (tm = (fst (dest_pforall t)))) then
PGEN_TAC (a,t)
failwith `FILTER_PGEN_TAC`;;