/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/Library/sets/gspec.ml is in hol88-library-source 2.02.19940316-35.
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% FILE : gspec.ml %
% DESCRIPTION : Generalized set specification : {tm[xi...xn] | P} %
% %
% REWRITTEN : T Melham %
% DATE : 90.07.30 %
% ===================================================================== %
begin_section SET_SPEC_CONV;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Local function: dest_tuple "t1,t2,...,tn" = [t1;t2;...;tnm] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
letrec dest_tuple tm =
(let (x,y) = dest_pair tm in x.dest_tuple y) ? [tm];;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Local function: MK_PAIR %
% %
% A call to: %
% %
% MK_PAIR "[x1;x2;...;xn]" "v:(ty1 # ty2 # ... # tyn)" %
% %
% returns: %
% %
% |- v = FST v, FST(SND v), ..., SND(SND...(SND v)) %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
letrec MK_PAIR vs v =
if (null (tl vs)) then (REFL v) else
let vty = type_of v in
let _,[ty1;ty2] = dest_type vty in
let inst = SYM(SPEC v (INST_TYPE [ty1,":*";ty2,":**"] PAIR)) in
let FST,SND = dest_pair(rhs(concl inst)) in
let thm = MK_PAIR (tl vs) SND and gv = genvar ty2 in
SUBST [thm,gv] (mk_eq(v,mk_pair(FST,gv))) inst;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Local function: EXISTS_TUPLE_CONV %
% %
% A call to: %
% %
% EXISTS_TUPLE_CONV ["x1";...;"xn"] "?v. tm' = (\(x1,...,xn). tm) v %
% %
% returns: %
% %
% |- (?v. tm' = (\(x1,...,xn). tm) v ) = ?x1...xn. tm' = tm %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let EX (v,tm) th = EXISTS (mk_exists(v,subst [v,tm] (concl th)),tm) th and
CH tm th = CHOOSE (tm,ASSUME (mk_exists(tm,hd(hyp th)))) th in
\vs tm. let tup = end_itlist (curry mk_pair) vs in
let v,body = dest_exists tm in
let tupeq = MK_PAIR vs v in
let asm1 = SUBST [tupeq,v] body (ASSUME body) in
let comp = dest_tuple (rand(concl tupeq)) in
let thm1 = itlist2 EX (vs,comp) asm1 in
let imp1 = DISCH tm (CHOOSE (v,ASSUME tm) thm1) in
let asm2 = ASSUME (subst [tup,v] body) in
let thm2 = itlist CH vs (EXISTS (tm,tup) asm2) in
let imp2 = DISCH (hd(hyp thm2)) thm2 in
let eq = IMP_ANTISYM_RULE imp1 imp2 in
let beta = conv (snd(strip_exists(rhs(concl eq)))) in
TRANS eq (itlist EXISTS_EQ vs beta);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Local function: PAIR_EQ_CONV. %
% %
% A call to PAIR_EQ_CONV "?x1...xn. a,b = c,T" returns: %
% %
% |- (?x1...xn. a,T = b,c) = (?x1...xn. (a = b) /\ c) %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let EQT = el 1 (CONJUNCTS (SPEC "c:bool" EQ_CLAUSES)) in
let PEQ = let inst = INST_TYPE [":bool",":**"] PAIR_EQ in
let spec = SPECL ["a:*";"T";"b:*";"c:bool"] inst in
GENL ["a:*";"b:*";"c:bool"] (SUBS [EQT] spec) in
\tm. let vs,body = strip_exists tm in
let (a,T),(b,c) = (dest_pair # dest_pair) (dest_eq body) in
let th = SPEC c (SPEC b (SPEC a (INST_TYPE [type_of a,":*"] PEQ))) in
itlist EXISTS_EQ vs th;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Local function: ELIM_EXISTS_CONV. %
% %
% ELIM_EXISTS_CONV "?x. (x = tm) /\ P[x]" returns: %
% %
% |- (?x. x = tm /\ P[x]) = P[tm/x] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let x,eq,body = (I # dest_conj)(dest_exists tm) in
let asm1,asm2 = (SYM # I) (CONJ_PAIR (ASSUME (mk_conj(eq,body)))) in
let imp1 = DISCH tm (CHOOSE(x,ASSUME tm) (SUBST [asm1,x] body asm2)) in
let r = lhs eq in
let asm = subst [r,x] body in
let imp2 = DISCH asm (EXISTS (tm,r) (CONJ (REFL r) (ASSUME asm))) in
IMP_ANTISYM_RULE imp1 imp2;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Local function: PROVE_EXISTS. %
% %
% PROVE_EXISTS "?x. tm" (x not free in tm) returns: %
% %
% |- ?x.tm = tm %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let x,body = dest_exists tm in
let v = genvar (type_of x) in
let imp1 = DISCH tm (CHOOSE (v,ASSUME tm) (ASSUME body)) in
let imp2 = DISCH body (EXISTS (tm,v) (ASSUME body)) in
IMP_ANTISYM_RULE imp1 imp2;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Internal function: list_variant %
% %
% makes variants of the variables in l2 such that they are all not in %
% l1 and are all different. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
letrec list_variant l1 l2 =
if (null l2) then [] else
(let v = variant l1 (hd l2) in
(v.list_variant (v.l1) (tl l2)));;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% SET_SPEC_CONV: implements the axiom of specification for generalized %
% set specifications. %
% %
% There are two cases: %
% %
% 1) SET_SPEC_CONV "t IN {v | p[v]}" (v a variable, t a term) %
% %
% returns: %
% %
% |- t IN {v | p[v]} = p[t/v] %
% %
% %
% 2) SET_SPEC_CONV "t IN {tm[x1;...;xn] | p[x1;...xn]}" %
% %
% returns: %
% %
% |- t IN {tm[x1;...;xn] | p[x1;...xn]} %
% = %
% ?x1...xn. t = tm[x1;...;xn] /\ p[x1;...xn] %
% %
% Note that {t[x1,...,xm] | p[x1,...,xn]} means: %
% %
% GGSPEC (\(x1,...,xn). (t[x1,...,xn], p[x1,...,xn])) %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let check name = assert \tm.fst(dest_const tm) = name in
let GSPEC = let th = theorem `sets` `GSPECIFICATION` in
let vs = fst(strip_forall(concl th)) in
GENL (rev vs) (SPECL vs th) in
let RAconv = RAND_CONV o ABS_CONV in
let conv = RAND_CONV(RAconv(RAND_CONV BETA_CONV)) in
letrec mktup tm =
(let x,(xs,res) = (I # mktup) (dest_abs(rand tm)) in ((x.xs),res)) ?
(let x,res = (I # (fst o dest_pair)) (dest_abs tm) in [x],res) in
\tm. (let _,[v;set] = (check `IN` # I) (strip_comb tm) in
let _,f = (check `GSPEC` # I ) (dest_comb set) in
let vty = type_of v and _,[uty;_] = dest_type(type_of f) in
let inst = SPEC v (INST_TYPE [vty,":*";uty,":**"] GSPEC) in
let vs,res = mktup f in
if (forall ($not o (C free_in res)) vs) then
let spec = CONV_RULE conv (SPEC f inst) in
let thm1 = CONV_RULE conv2 spec in thm1 else
if (is_var res) then
let spec = CONV_RULE conv (SPEC f inst) in
let thm1 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV PAIR_EQ_CONV) spec in
TRANS thm1 (ELIM_EXISTS_CONV (rhs(concl thm1))) else
let spec = SPEC f inst in
let nvs = list_variant (frees v) vs in
let thm = EXISTS_TUPLE_CONV nvs (rhs(concl spec)) in
failwith `SET_SPEC_CONV`;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Bind SET_SPEC_CONV to "it". %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
end_section SET_SPEC_CONV;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Save exported value of SET_SPEC_CONV. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let SET_SPEC_CONV = it;;