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<p>Janus is an open source project, which means that there's an active
<a target="_blank" href="http://groups.google.com/d/forum/meetecho-janus">Community</a>
you can interact with (e.g., to discuss deployment or runtime issues,
potential new features, ideas and so on). Besides, our
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md">GitHub repo</a>
is the place to go when you find issues you think need to be solved,
or whenever you've implemented something and want to contribute
it back to the project.</p>
<p>That said, as a company we also provide additional services
related to Janus, and that you might be interested in. If you
think we can be of help, just <a href="http://www.meetecho.com/en/#contact">contact us!</a></p>
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<h3>Commercial Support</h3>
<p>We do offer premium support for Janus-based deployments.
Different options are available for different kinds of commercial
grade support. <a href="http://www.meetecho.com/en/#contact">Contact us</a>
to learn more.</p>
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<h3>Commercial Licence</h3>
<p>A commercial license is available in case, for one reason or another,
you're not comfortable with the Janus
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html">GPLv3</a> license.
<a href="http://www.meetecho.com/en/#contact">Contact us</a>
for more details.</p>
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<p>We also offer training courses and tutoring on WebRTC, Janus,
deployments, troubleshooting and so on. If you're interested in
learning more, just <a href="http://www.meetecho.com/en/#contact">get in touch</a>.</p>
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<p>Anything that doesn't fall in the above! We're quite flexible and can
easily adapt to try and meet whatever your needs are. If you feel you
need help, don't hesitate and <a href="http://www.meetecho.com/en/#contact">tell us</a>
what you'd like us to do for you.</p>
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