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# HU.pm
# Version 0.3 - Fixed BAMOSZ website scraping and download stocks
# directly from www.BET.hu
# This version based on ZA.pm module
# Zoltan Levardy <zoltan at levardy dot org> 2008, 2009
# Kristof Marussy <kris7topher at gmail dot com> 2014
package Finance::Quote::HU;
require 5.005;
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use HTML::TableExtract;
use Encode;
our $VERSION = '1.47'; # VERSION
my $BAMOSZ_MAINURL = "http://www.bamosz.hu/";
my $BAMOSZ_URL = $BAMOSZ_MAINURL . "alapoldal?isin=";
my $BSE_MAINURL = "http://www.bet.hu/";
my $BSE_URL = $BSE_MAINURL . "topmenu/kereskedesi_adatok/product_search?isinquery=";
sub methods {
return ( hufund => \&bamosz,
bamosz => \&bamosz,
hustock => \&bse,
bse => \&bse,
bet => \&bse,
hu => \&hu,
hungary => \&hu
sub labels {
my @fundlabels =
qw/symbol method source name currency isin date isodate price last/;
my @stocklabels =
qw/symbol method source currency isin date isodate price open close
high low p_change last/;
my @alllabels = ( @stocklabels, "name" );
return ( hufund => \@fundlabels,
bamosz => \@fundlabels,
hustock => \@stocklabels,
bse => \@stocklabels,
bet => \@stocklabels,
hu => \@alllabels,
hungary => \@alllabels
sub hu {
my $quoter = shift;
my @symbols = @_;
my %info;
for my $symbol (@symbols) {
my %bse_info = bse( $quoter, $symbol );
if ( $bse_info{ $symbol, "success" } ) {
%info = ( %info, %bse_info );
my %bamosz_info = bamosz( $quoter, $symbol );
if ( $bamosz_info{ $symbol, "success" } ) {
%info = ( %info, %bamosz_info );
$info{ $symbol, "success" } = 0;
$info{ $symbol, "errormsg" } = "Fetch from bse or bamosz failed";
return wantarray() ? %info : \%info;
sub bse {
my $quoter = shift;
my @symbols = @_;
my %info;
my $ua = $quoter->user_agent;
for my $symbol (@symbols) {
$info{ $symbol, "method" } = "bse";
$info{ $symbol, "source" } = $BSE_MAINURL;
$info{ $symbol, "success" } = 0;
my $url = $BSE_URL . $symbol;
my $response = $ua->request( GET $url);
unless ( $response->is_success ) {
$info{ $symbol, "errormsg" } = "Request error";
my $te =
HTML::TableExtract->new( attribs => { class => "InsAdat_table" } );
$te->parse( decode_utf8( $response->content ) );
unless ( $te->first_table_found ) {
$info{ $symbol, "errormsg" } = "No InsAdat_table found";
my @found;
TABLE_LOOP: for my $ts ( $te->tables ) {
for my $row ( $ts->rows ) {
my @trimmed_row = map { trim($_) } @$row;
if ( $symbol eq $trimmed_row[1] || $symbol eq $trimmed_row[2] )
@found = @trimmed_row;
unless (@found) {
$info{ $symbol, "errormsg" } = "No ticker or ISIN found";
# I don't trade stocks, so I am unsure whether the data
# extracted here is sensible. Please do improve this if
# needed!
$info{ $symbol, "symbol" } = $found[1];
$info{ $symbol, "isin" } = $found[2];
$info{ $symbol, "price" } = hu_decimal( $found[3] );
$info{ $symbol, "open" } = hu_decimal( $found[8] );
$info{ $symbol, "close" } = hu_decimal( $found[9] );
$info{ $symbol, "currency" } = $found[10];
$info{ $symbol, "low" } = hu_decimal( $found[13] );
$info{ $symbol, "high" } = hu_decimal( $found[14] );
$info{ $symbol, "p_change" } = hu_decimal( $found[16] );
$info{ $symbol, "last" } = hu_decimal( $found[17] );
$quoter->store_date( \%info, $symbol, { isodate => $found[18] } );
$info{ $symbol, "success" } = 1;
return wantarray() ? %info : \%info;
sub bamosz {
my $quoter = shift;
my @symbols = @_;
my %info;
my $ua = $quoter->user_agent;
for my $symbol (@symbols) {
$info{ $symbol, "method" } = "bamosz";
$info{ $symbol, "source" } = $BAMOSZ_MAINURL;
$info{ $symbol, "success" } = 0;
my $url = $BAMOSZ_URL . $symbol;
my $response = $ua->request( GET $url);
unless ( $response->is_success ) {
$info{ $symbol, "errormsg" } = "Request error";
my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new( attribs => { class => "dataTable" } );
$te->parse( decode_utf8( $response->content ) );
unless ( $te->first_table_found ) {
$info{ $symbol, "errormsg" } = "No dataTable found";
my $ts = $te->table( 0, 0 );
$info{ $symbol, "name" } = $ts->cell( 0, 1 );
my $isin = $ts->cell( 2, 1 );
$info{ $symbol, "symbol" } = $isin;
$info{ $symbol, "isin" } = $isin;
$info{ $symbol, "currency" } = $ts->cell( 3, 1 );
my $price = hu_decimal( $ts->cell( 5, 1 ) );
$info{ $symbol, "price" } = $price;
$info{ $symbol, "last" } = $price;
my $date = $ts->cell( 6, 1 );
$quoter->store_date( \%info, $symbol, { isodate => $date } );
$info{ $symbol, "success" } = 1;
return wantarray() ? %info : \%info;
sub trim {
my $s = shift;
if ($s) {
$s =~ s/^\s+//;
$s =~ s/\s+$//;
return $s;
else {
return '';
sub hu_decimal {
my $s = shift;
if ($s) {
$s =~ s/[^\d,-]//g;
$s =~ s/,/./;
return $s;
else {
return '';
=head1 NAME
Finance::Quote::HU - Obtain Hungarian Securities from www.bet.hu
and www.bamosz.hu
use Finance::Quote;
$q = Finance::Quote->new;
# Don't know anything about failover yet...
This module obtains information about Hungarian Securities. Share
fetched from www.bet.hu, while mutual funds retrieved from
www.bamosz.hu. Stocks may be searched by either ticker or ISIN, while
mutual funds may only be search be ISIN.
Information available may include the following labels:
method source name symbol currency date last price low high open close
=head1 SEE ALSO
Budapest Stock Exchange (BET) website - http://www.bet.hu
BAMOSZ website - http://www.bamosz.hu/