/usr/share/perl5/Finance/Quote/USFedBonds.pm is in libfinance-quote-perl 1.47-1.
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# USFedBonds.pm
# 0.02 - Fix problem with looking up the correct file to select any redemption
# date back to 1992/05 (furthest back that is currently offered by treasury)
# Version 0.01 - First version of download for US treasury bond prices
# Doesn't download prices with redemption dates before June 2005 !!!!
# Stephen Langenhoven
# langenhoven@users.sourcesforge.net
# 2005.07.21
package Finance::Quote::USFedBonds;
require 5.004;
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use HTML::TableExtract;
use HTML::Parser;
our $VERSION = '1.47'; # VERSION
my $TREASURY_MAINURL = ("http://www.treasurydirect.gov/");
my $TREASURY_URL = ($TREASURY_MAINURL."indiv/tools/");
sub methods {
return (usfedbonds => \&treasury);
sub labels {
my @labels = qw/method source name symbol currency last date isodate nav price/;
return (usfedbonds => \@labels);
sub treasury {
my $quoter = shift;
my @symbols = @_;
my %info;
# print "[debug]: ", @symbols, "\n";
return unless @symbols;
my $ua = $quoter->user_agent;
foreach my $symbol (@symbols) {
#print STDERR "[debug]: Parsing:", $symbol, "\n";
my ($series, $issueyear, $issuemonth) = ( $symbol =~ m!^(\w{1,2})(\d{4})(\d{2})! );
if (!defined($series) || !defined($issueyear) || !defined($issuemonth)) {
$info{$symbol, "success"} = 0;
$info{$symbol, "errormsg"} = "Parse error";
#printf STDERR "[debug]: Setting %s to 'Parse error'\n", $symbol;
my ($redemptionyear, $redemptionmonth) = ( $symbol =~ m!^.{8}(\d{4})(\d{2})! );
if (!defined($redemptionyear) || !defined($redemptionmonth)) {
my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g);
($a,$b,$c,$d,$redemptionmonth,$redemptionyear,$e,$f,$g) = localtime;
$redemptionmonth = $redemptionmonth + 1;
$redemptionmonth = sprintf("%02d", $redemptionmonth);
$redemptionyear = $redemptionyear + 1900;
#print "[debug]: (Setting redemption date)\n";
if ($series eq "EE") {
$series = "N"
#print "[debug]: (Series):", $series, "\n";
#print "[debug]: (Issue Year):", $issueyear, "\n";
#print "[debug]: (Issue Month):", $issuemonth, "\n";
#print "[debug]: (Redemption Year):", $redemptionyear, "\n";
#print "[debug]: (Redemption Month):", $redemptionmonth , "\n";
my $response;
# not so easy...need to guess what the relavant date is...
# file date will be <= the redemption date
#start at the redemption year/month and move backwards at most 12 months...
my $fileyear = $redemptionyear;
my $filemonth = $redemptionmonth;
for (my $looper=1; $looper <= 12; $looper++) {
my $url = $TREASURY_URL . "sb" . $fileyear . $filemonth . ".asc";
#print "[debug]: ", $url, " ", $looper, "\n";
$response = $ua->request(GET $url);
if ($response->is_success) {
# Get list of monthly redemption values
(my $redemptionvalues) = ( $response->content =~ m!${series}${redemptionyear}${redemptionmonth}${issueyear}(.+)! );
if (!defined($redemptionvalues))
$info{$symbol, "success"} = 0;
$info{$symbol, "errormsg"} = "Date not found";
#printf STDERR "[debug]: Setting %s to 'date not found'\n", $symbol;
#print "[debug]: (Redemption Values) ", $redemptionvalues, "\n";
# Extract into a usable array format
(my @redemptionvalues) = ( $redemptionvalues =~ m!(.{6})!g );
#foreach my $redemptionvalue (@redemptionvalues) {
# print "[debug]: (Redemption Value) ", $redemptionvalue, "\n";
# Hopefully pop out the one I really wanted!!! Note that $issuemonth
# is 1-based while the array of values is 0-based.
if ($redemptionvalues[$issuemonth - 1] eq " ")
#print "[debug]: NO PAY";
$info{$symbol, "success"} = 0;
$info{$symbol, "errormsg"} = "No value found";
#printf STDERR "[debug]: Setting %s to 'no value found'\n", $symbol;
$info{$symbol, "method"} = "treasury";
#print "[debug]: (Month): ", $issuemonth, " Redemption Value ", $redemptionvalues[$issuemonth - 1];
$info{$symbol, "price"} = $redemptionvalues[$issuemonth - 1]/100;
$info{$symbol, "last"} = $info{$symbol, "price"};
$info{$symbol, "symbol"} = $symbol;
$info{$symbol, "currency"} = "USD";
$info{$symbol, "source"} = $TREASURY_MAINURL;
$info{$symbol, "date"} = $redemptionmonth . "/01/" . $redemptionyear;
$info{$symbol, "isodate"} = $redemptionyear . "-" . $redemptionmonth . "-01";
$info{$symbol, "version"} = "0.02";
$info{$symbol, "success"} = 1;
} else {
#Decrement the month, and pad if necessary...
$filemonth = $filemonth - 1;
if ( length($filemonth) < 2 ) {
$filemonth = "0" . $filemonth;
if ($filemonth < 1) {
$filemonth = "12";
#Setting himself up for the year 100000 problem (short-sighted sod)
$fileyear = $fileyear - 1;
if (!defined($info{$symbol, "success"})) {
$info{$symbol, "success"} = 0;
$info{$symbol, "errormsg"} = "Error contacting URL";
return wantarray() ? %info : \%info;
=head1 NAME
Finance::Quote::USFedBonds - Get US Federal Bond redemption values directly from the treasury at www.publicdebt.treas.gov/sav/savvalue.htm
use Finance::Quote;
$q = Finance::Quote->new;
# Don't know anything about failover yet...
Access redemption values for US Federal Bonds from the treasury.
Bonds should be identified in the following manner (as per www.piblicdebt.treas.gov/sav/savfrmat.htm):
SEPERATOR(1) : "."
e.g. E200101.200501
Would have liked to get data from this source (http://wwws.publicdebt.treas.gov/BC/SBCPrice), but I couldn't work out how to get the POST to pass the IssueDate, for some reason the <input> tags are messed on that page???
=head1 SEE ALSO
Treasury website - http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/
=head1 AUTHOR
Stephen Langenhoven (langenhoven@users.sourceforge.net), see module ZA for further acknowledgements.