/usr/share/javascript/dijit/DialogUnderlay.js is in libjs-dojo-dijit 1.11.0+dfsg-1.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 | define("dijit/DialogUnderlay", [
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
"dojo/aspect", // aspect.after
"dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
"dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
"dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox, winUtils.get
"./main" // for back-compat, exporting dijit._underlay (remove in 2.0)
], function(declare, lang, aspect, domAttr, domStyle, on,
winUtils, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, BackgroundIframe, Viewport, dijit){
// module:
// dijit/DialogUnderlay
var DialogUnderlay = declare("dijit.DialogUnderlay", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
// summary:
// A component used to block input behind a `dijit/Dialog`.
// Normally this class should not be instantiated directly, but rather shown and hidden via
// DialogUnderlay.show() and DialogUnderlay.hide(). And usually the module is not accessed directly
// at all, since the underlay is shown and hidden by Dialog.DialogLevelManager.
// The underlay itself can be styled based on and id:
// | #myDialog_underlay { background-color:red; }
// In the case of `dijit.Dialog`, this id is based on the id of the Dialog,
// suffixed with _underlay.
// Template has two divs; outer div is used for fade-in/fade-out, and also to hold background iframe.
// Inner div has opacity specified in CSS file.
templateString: "<div class='dijitDialogUnderlayWrapper'><div class='dijitDialogUnderlay' tabIndex='-1' data-dojo-attach-point='node'></div></div>",
// Parameters on creation or updatable later
// dialogId: String
// Id of the dialog.... DialogUnderlay's id is based on this id
dialogId: "",
// class: String
// This class name is used on the DialogUnderlay node, in addition to dijitDialogUnderlay
"class": "",
// This will get overwritten as soon as show() is call, but leave an empty array in case hide() or destroy()
// is called first. The array is shared between instances but that's OK because we never write into it.
_modalConnects: [],
_setDialogIdAttr: function(id){
domAttr.set(this.node, "id", id + "_underlay");
this._set("dialogId", id);
_setClassAttr: function(clazz){
this.node.className = "dijitDialogUnderlay " + clazz;
this._set("class", clazz);
postCreate: function(){
// Append the underlay to the body
this.own(on(this.domNode, "keydown", lang.hitch(this, "_onKeyDown")));
layout: function(){
// summary:
// Sets the background to the size of the viewport
// description:
// Sets the background to the size of the viewport (rather than the size
// of the document) since we need to cover the whole browser window, even
// if the document is only a few lines long.
// tags:
// private
var is = this.node.style,
os = this.domNode.style;
// hide the background temporarily, so that the background itself isn't
// causing scrollbars to appear (might happen when user shrinks browser
// window and then we are called to resize)
os.display = "none";
// then resize and show
var viewport = winUtils.getBox(this.ownerDocument);
os.top = viewport.t + "px";
os.left = viewport.l + "px";
is.width = viewport.w + "px";
is.height = viewport.h + "px";
os.display = "block";
show: function(){
// summary:
// Show the dialog underlay
this.domNode.style.display = "block";
this.open = true;
this.bgIframe = new BackgroundIframe(this.domNode);
var win = winUtils.get(this.ownerDocument);
this._modalConnects = [
Viewport.on("resize", lang.hitch(this, "layout")),
on(win, "scroll", lang.hitch(this, "layout"))
hide: function(){
// summary:
// Hides the dialog underlay
delete this.bgIframe;
this.domNode.style.display = "none";
while(this._modalConnects.length){ (this._modalConnects.pop()).remove(); }
this.open = false;
destroy: function(){
while(this._modalConnects.length){ (this._modalConnects.pop()).remove(); }
_onKeyDown: function(){
// summary:
// Extension point so Dialog can monitor keyboard events on the underlay.
DialogUnderlay.show = function(/*Object*/ attrs, /*Number*/ zIndex){
// summary:
// Display the underlay with the given attributes set. If the underlay is already displayed,
// then adjust it's attributes as specified.
// attrs:
// The parameters to create DialogUnderlay with.
// zIndex:
// zIndex of the underlay
var underlay = DialogUnderlay._singleton;
if(!underlay || underlay._destroyed){
underlay = dijit._underlay = DialogUnderlay._singleton = new DialogUnderlay(attrs);
if(attrs){ underlay.set(attrs); }
domStyle.set(underlay.domNode, 'zIndex', zIndex);
DialogUnderlay.hide = function(){
// summary:
// Hide the underlay.
// Guard code in case the underlay widget has already been destroyed
// because we are being called during page unload (when all widgets are destroyed)
var underlay = DialogUnderlay._singleton;
if(underlay && !underlay._destroyed){
return DialogUnderlay;