/usr/share/javascript/dijit/focus.js is in libjs-dojo-dijit 1.11.0+dfsg-1.
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"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/dom", // domAttr.get dom.isDescendant
"dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.get dom.isDescendant
"dojo/dom-construct", // connect to domConstruct.empty, domConstruct.destroy
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
"dojo/sniff", // has("ie")
"dojo/_base/window", // win.body
"dojo/window", // winUtils.get
"./a11y", // a11y.isTabNavigable
"./registry", // registry.byId
"./main" // to set dijit.focus
], function(aspect, declare, dom, domAttr, domClass, domConstruct, Evented, lang, on, domReady, has, Stateful, win, winUtils,
a11y, registry, dijit){
// module:
// dijit/focus
// Time of the last focusin event
var lastFocusin;
// Time of the last touch/mousedown or focusin event
var lastTouchOrFocusin;
var FocusManager = declare([Stateful, Evented], {
// summary:
// Tracks the currently focused node, and which widgets are currently "active".
// Access via require(["dijit/focus"], function(focus){ ... }).
// A widget is considered active if it or a descendant widget has focus,
// or if a non-focusable node of this widget or a descendant was recently clicked.
// Call focus.watch("curNode", callback) to track the current focused DOMNode,
// or focus.watch("activeStack", callback) to track the currently focused stack of widgets.
// Call focus.on("widget-blur", func) or focus.on("widget-focus", ...) to monitor when
// when widgets become active/inactive
// Finally, focus(node) will focus a node, suppressing errors if the node doesn't exist.
// curNode: DomNode
// Currently focused item on screen
curNode: null,
// activeStack: dijit/_WidgetBase[]
// List of currently active widgets (focused widget and it's ancestors)
activeStack: [],
constructor: function(){
// Don't leave curNode/prevNode pointing to bogus elements
var check = lang.hitch(this, function(node){
if(dom.isDescendant(this.curNode, node)){
this.set("curNode", null);
if(dom.isDescendant(this.prevNode, node)){
this.set("prevNode", null);
aspect.before(domConstruct, "empty", check);
aspect.before(domConstruct, "destroy", check);
registerIframe: function(/*DomNode*/ iframe){
// summary:
// Registers listeners on the specified iframe so that any click
// or focus event on that iframe (or anything in it) is reported
// as a focus/click event on the `<iframe>` itself.
// description:
// Currently only used by editor.
// returns:
// Handle with remove() method to deregister.
return this.registerWin(iframe.contentWindow, iframe);
registerWin: function(/*Window?*/targetWindow, /*DomNode?*/ effectiveNode){
// summary:
// Registers listeners on the specified window (either the main
// window or an iframe's window) to detect when the user has clicked somewhere
// or focused somewhere.
// description:
// Users should call registerIframe() instead of this method.
// targetWindow:
// If specified this is the window associated with the iframe,
// i.e. iframe.contentWindow.
// effectiveNode:
// If specified, report any focus events inside targetWindow as
// an event on effectiveNode, rather than on evt.target.
// returns:
// Handle with remove() method to deregister.
// TODO: make this function private in 2.0; Editor/users should call registerIframe(),
// Listen for blur and focus events on targetWindow's document.
var _this = this,
body = targetWindow.document && targetWindow.document.body;
// Listen for touches or mousedowns... could also use dojo/touch.press here.
var event = has("pointer-events") ? "pointerdown" : has("MSPointer") ? "MSPointerDown" :
has("touch-events") ? "mousedown, touchstart" : "mousedown";
var mdh = on(targetWindow.document, event, function(evt){
// workaround weird IE bug where the click is on an orphaned node
// (first time clicking a Select/DropDownButton inside a TooltipDialog).
// actually, strangely this is happening on latest chrome too.
if(evt && evt.target && evt.target.parentNode == null){
_this._onTouchNode(effectiveNode || evt.target, "mouse");
var fih = on(body, 'focusin', function(evt){
// When you refocus the browser window, IE gives an event with an empty srcElement
if(!evt.target.tagName) { return; }
// IE reports that nodes like <body> have gotten focus, even though they have tabIndex=-1,
// ignore those events
var tag = evt.target.tagName.toLowerCase();
if(tag == "#document" || tag == "body"){ return; }
_this._onFocusNode(effectiveNode || evt.target);
// Previous code called _onTouchNode() for any activate event on a non-focusable node. Can
// probably just ignore such an event as it will be handled by onmousedown handler above, but
// leaving the code for now.
_this._onTouchNode(effectiveNode || evt.target);
var foh = on(body, 'focusout', function(evt){
_this._onBlurNode(effectiveNode || evt.target);
return {
remove: function(){
mdh = fih = foh = null;
body = null; // prevent memory leak (apparent circular reference via closure)
_onBlurNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Called when focus leaves a node.
// Usually ignored, _unless_ it *isn't* followed by touching another node,
// which indicates that we tabbed off the last field on the page,
// in which case every widget is marked inactive
var now = (new Date()).getTime();
// IE9+ and chrome have a problem where focusout events come after the corresponding focusin event.
// For chrome problem see https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17668.
// IE problem happens when moving focus from the Editor's <iframe> to a normal DOMNode.
if(now < lastFocusin + 100){
// If the blur event isn't followed by a focus event, it means the user clicked on something unfocusable,
// so clear focus.
this._clearFocusTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
this.set("prevNode", this.curNode);
this.set("curNode", null);
}), 0);
// Unset timer to zero-out widget stack; we'll reset it below if appropriate.
if(now < lastTouchOrFocusin + 100){
// This blur event is coming late (after the call to _onTouchNode() rather than before.
// So let _onTouchNode() handle setting the widget stack.
// See https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17668
// If the blur event isn't followed (or preceded) by a focus or touch event then mark all widgets as inactive.
this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){
delete this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
}), 0);
_onTouchNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ by){
// summary:
// Callback when node is focused or touched.
// Note that _onFocusNode() calls _onTouchNode().
// node:
// The node that was touched.
// by:
// "mouse" if the focus/touch was caused by a mouse down event
// Keep track of time of last focusin or touch event.
lastTouchOrFocusin = (new Date()).getTime();
// forget the recent blur event
delete this._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
// if the click occurred on the scrollbar of a dropdown, treat it as a click on the dropdown,
// even though the scrollbar is technically on the popup wrapper (see #10631)
if(domClass.contains(node, "dijitPopup")){
node = node.firstChild;
// compute stack of active widgets (ex: ComboButton --> Menu --> MenuItem)
var newStack=[];
var popupParent = domAttr.get(node, "dijitPopupParent");
}else if(node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body"){
// is this the root of the document or just the root of an iframe?
if(node === win.body()){
// node is the root of the main document
// otherwise, find the iframe this node refers to (can't access it via parentNode,
// need to do this trick instead). window.frameElement is supported in IE/FF/Webkit
// if this node is the root node of a widget, then add widget id to stack,
// except ignore clicks on disabled widgets (actually focusing a disabled widget still works,
// to support MenuItem)
var id = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("widgetId"),
widget = id && registry.byId(id);
if(widget && !(by == "mouse" && widget.get("disabled"))){
}catch(e){ /* squelch */ }
this._setStack(newStack, by);
_onFocusNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Callback when node is focused
if(node.nodeType == 9){
// Ignore focus events on the document itself. This is here so that
// (for example) clicking the up/down arrows of a spinner
// (which don't get focus) won't cause that widget to blur. (FF issue)
// Keep track of time of last focusin event.
lastFocusin = (new Date()).getTime();
// There was probably a blur event right before this event, but since we have a new focus,
// forget about the blur
delete this._clearFocusTimer;
if(node == this.curNode){ return; }
this.set("prevNode", this.curNode);
this.set("curNode", node);
_setStack: function(/*String[]*/ newStack, /*String*/ by){
// summary:
// The stack of active widgets has changed. Send out appropriate events and records new stack.
// newStack:
// array of widget id's, starting from the top (outermost) widget
// by:
// "mouse" if the focus/touch was caused by a mouse down event
var oldStack = this.activeStack, lastOldIdx = oldStack.length - 1, lastNewIdx = newStack.length - 1;
if(newStack[lastNewIdx] == oldStack[lastOldIdx]){
// no changes, return now to avoid spurious notifications about changes to activeStack
this.set("activeStack", newStack);
var widget, i;
// for all elements that have gone out of focus, set focused=false
for(i = lastOldIdx; i >= 0 && oldStack[i] != newStack[i]; i--){
widget = registry.byId(oldStack[i]);
widget._hasBeenBlurred = true; // TODO: used by form widgets, should be moved there
widget.set("focused", false);
if(widget._focusManager == this){
this.emit("widget-blur", widget, by);
// for all element that have come into focus, set focused=true
for(i++; i <= lastNewIdx; i++){
widget = registry.byId(newStack[i]);
widget.set("focused", true);
if(widget._focusManager == this){
this.emit("widget-focus", widget, by);
focus: function(node){
// summary:
// Focus the specified node, suppressing errors if they occur
try{ node.focus(); }catch(e){/*quiet*/}
var singleton = new FocusManager();
// register top window and all the iframes it contains
var handle = singleton.registerWin(winUtils.get(document));
on(window, "unload", function(){
if(handle){ // because this gets called twice when doh.robot is running
handle = null;
// Setup dijit.focus as a pointer to the singleton but also (for backwards compatibility)
// as a function to set focus. Remove for 2.0.
dijit.focus = function(node){
singleton.focus(node); // indirection here allows dijit/_base/focus.js to override behavior
for(var attr in singleton){
dijit.focus[attr] = typeof singleton[attr] == "function" ? lang.hitch(singleton, attr) : singleton[attr];
singleton.watch(function(attr, oldVal, newVal){
dijit.focus[attr] = newVal;
return singleton;