/usr/share/perl5/TM/LTM/Parser.pm is in libtm-perl 1.56-8.
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our $ltm_grammar = q {
my $store;
my $log;
my $implicits;
use Data::Dumper;
use TM;
use TM::Literal;
my %prefixes;
# comment is handled outside
startrule : { $store = $arg[0]; $log = $arg[1]; $implicits = $arg[2] } # set TM store and log once
topic_map : encoding(?) directive(s?) component(s)
component: topic | assoc | occur
encoding : '@' string # not analyzed here, but capture in the calling program
# no good here if we would have to translate the encoding
directive : version_directive |
topicmapid_directive |
mergemap_directive |
prefix_directive |
# INCLUDE is handled outside
prefix_directive : '#PREFIX' /\w+/ '@' uri
my $uri = $item[4];
# $uri =~ s/^\"//; $uri =~ s/\"$//;
$prefixes{$item[2]} = $uri;
#warn "prefixes ".Dumper \%prefixes;
version_directive : '#VERSION' string
my $version = $item[2];
$log->logdie (__PACKAGE__ . ": VERSION not supported '$version'") unless $version =~ /^1\.[23]$/;
topicmapid_directive : '#TOPICMAP' ( name | reify )
$log->logdie (__PACKAGE__ . ": TOPICMAP directive ignored (use proper means)");
mergemap_directive : '#MERGEMAP' uri tm_format(?)
my $uri = $item[2];
#warn "uri is $uri";
my $format = $item[3]->[0] ? $item[3]->[0] : 'ltm';
my $tm;
if ($format =~ /^ltm$/i) {
$tm = new TM::Materialized::LTM (url => $uri);
} elsif ($format =~ /^xtm$/i) {
$tm = new TM::Materialized::XTM (url => $uri);
} elsif ($format =~ /^astma$/i) {
$tm = new TM::Materialized::AsTMa (url => $uri);
} else {
$log->logdie (__PACKAGE__ . ": unsupported TM format '$format'");
$store->add ($tm);
#warn "after merged in".Dumper $store;
$return = $uri;
tm_format : string
baseuri_directive : '#BASEURI' uri
topic : '[' name types(?) topname(?) reify(?) subject(?) indicator(s?) ']'
#warn "topic ".Dumper \@item;
my $id = $store->internalize ($item[2] => $item[6]->[0]); # maybe there is a subject addr, maybe not
# add the subject indicators
map { $store->internalize ($id => $_ ) } @{$item[7]};
if ($item[3] and $item[3]->[0]) {
$store->assert ( map {
[ undef,
[ 'class', 'instance' ],
[ $_, $id ],
] }
@{$item[3]->[0]} );
map { $implicits->{'isa-thing'}->{$_}++ } @{$item[3]->[0]}; # the types and the ID are declared implicitely
#warn "item 4".Dumper $item[4];
if ($item[4] and @{$item[4]}) {
my $topnames = $item[4]->[0];
#warn "topnames ".Dumper $topnames;
my ($a) = $store->assert ( map {[ undef, # LID
$topnames->{scope}->[0], # SCOPE
'name', # TYPE
[ 'thing', 'value' ], # ROLES
[ $id, $_ ], # PLAYERS
undef ] }
@{$topnames->{names}}[0] ); # use the first for a name
$return = $a;
# TODO (2..3) for the variants
#warn "basename reify ".Dumper $item[5];
# reification of the basename
$store->internalize ($item[5]->[0], $a->[TM->LID]) if $item[5]->[0];
map { $implicits->{'isa-scope'}->{ $_ }++ } @{$topnames->{scope}};
$return = $id;
types : ':' name(s) { $return = $item[2]; }
subject : '%' uri { $return = $item[2]; } # for subject addrs the encoding is 'no-reference'
indicator : '@' uri { $return = \ $item[2]; } # for indicators it is 'send as string reference'
topname : '=' basesortdispname scope(?)
#warn "basenames".Dumper \@item;
$return = {
scope => $item[3],
names => $item[2],
basesortdispname: <leftop: basename ';' basename>
basename : string { $return = new TM::Literal ($item[1], 'xsd:string'); }
scope : '/' name { $return = $item[2]; }
assoc : name '(' assocroles ')' scope(?) reify(?)
#warn "assoc item " . Dumper \@item;
{ # memorize that association type subclasses association
$implicits->{'isa-scope'}->{ $item[5]->[0] }++ if $item[5]->[0];
my ($a) = $store->assert ([ undef, # LID
$item[5] && $item[5]->[0], # SCOPE
$item[1], # TYPE
[ map { $_->[1] } @{$item[3]} ], # ROLES
[ map { $_->[0] } @{$item[3]} ], # PLAYERS
undef ]);
#warn "reify ".Dumper $item[6];
$store->internalize ($item[6]->[0], $a->[TM->LID]) if $item[6]->[0];
$return = $a;
assocroles : assocrole(s /,/)
assocrole : ( topic | name ) role(?)
$return = [ $item[1], $item[2]->[0] || 'thing' ];
role : ':' name
occur : '{' occ_topic ',' occ_type ',' resource '}' scope(?) reify(?)
my $id = $store->internalize ($item[2]);
my ($a) = $store->assert ([ undef, # LID
$item[8]->[0], # SCOPE
$item[4], # TYPE (MUST BE DEFINED!)
[ 'thing', 'value' ], # ROLES
[ $id, $item[6] ], # PLAYERS
undef ]);
{ # memorize basename types and scopes as implicitely defined
$implicits->{'isa-scope'}-> { $item[8]->[0] }++ if $item[8]->[0]; # get the bloody scopes and tuck them away
$implicits->{'subclasses'}->{ 'occurrence' }->{ $item[4] }++;
#warn "reify ".Dumper $item[9];
$store->internalize ($item[9]->[0], $a->[TM->LID]) if $item[9]->[0];
$return = $a;
occ_topic: name
occ_type : name
reify : '~' name
resource : uri { $return = new TM::Literal ($item[1], 'xsd:uri') }
DATA { $return = new TM::Literal ($item[1], 'xsd:string') }
DATA : '[[' /.*(?=\]\])/sx ']]' { $return = $item[2]; }
uri : string
comment : '/*' /.+?/s '*/'
string : '"' /[^\"]*/ '"' { $return = $item[2]; }
name : /^\w[:\-\w]*/
my $name = $item[1];
if ($name =~ /^(\w+):/) {
my $prefix = $1;
if ($prefixes{$prefix}) {
$name =~ s/^$prefix:/$prefixes{$prefix}/;
$return = $name;
} else {
$return = undef;
} else {
$return = $name;
<reject: ! $return>
| /^\w[-\w]*/
$return = $item[1];
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %options = @_;
my $self = bless \%options, $class;
$::RD_HINT = 1;
eval {
require TM::LTM::CParser;
$self->{parser} = TM::LTM::CParser->new();
}; if ($@) {
warn "could not find CParser ($@)";
use Parse::RecDescent;
$self->{parser} = new Parse::RecDescent ($ltm_grammar) or $TM::log->logdie (scalar __PACKAGE__ .": problem in grammar ($@)");
return $self;
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
# we not only capture what is said EXPLICITELY in the map, we also collect implicit knowledge
# we could add this immediately into the map at parsing, but it would slow the process down and
# it would probably duplicate/complicate things
my $implicits = {
'isa-thing' => undef, # just let them spring into existence
'isa-scope' => undef, # just let them spring into existence
'subclasses' => undef
while ($text =~ /\#INCLUDE\s+\"(.+)\"/s) { # find first
my $src = $1;
my $include; # we are trying to figure that one out
if ($src =~ /^inline:(.*)/s) {
$include = $1;
} else { # we try our luck with LWP
use LWP::Simple;
$include = get($1) || die "unable to load '$1'\n";
# use TM::Utils;
# my $include = TM::Utils::get_content ($1);
$text =~ s/\#INCLUDE\s+\"(.+)\"/\n$include\n/s; # replace first to find
# encoding
# NOTE: currently ignored
# remove comment
# NOTE: LTM comments are extremely complex as they may appear anywhere
# I ignored this and get rid of them on a syntactic level, even risking to throw away /* */ within string. So what.
$text =~ s|/\*.*?\*/||sg; # global multiline
$self->{parser}->startrule (\$text, 1, $self->{store}, $TM::log, $implicits);
$TM::log->logdie ( scalar __PACKAGE__ . ": Found unparseable '".substr($text,0,40)."....'" ) unless $text =~ /^\s*$/s;
{ # resolving implicit stuff
my $store = $self->{store};
{ # all super/subclasses
foreach my $superclass (keys %{$implicits->{'subclasses'}}) {
$store->assert ( map {
[ undef, undef, 'is-subclass-of', TM->ASSOC, [ 'superclass', 'subclass' ], [ $superclass, $_ ] ]
} keys %{$implicits->{'subclasses'}->{$superclass}});
#warn "done with subclasses";
{ # all things in isa-things are THINGS, simply add them
##warn "isa things ".Dumper [keys %{$implicits->{'isa-thing'}}];
$store->internalize (map { $_ => undef } keys %{$implicits->{'isa-thing'}});
{ # establishing the scoping topics
$store->assert (map {
[ undef, undef, 'isa', TM->ASSOC, [ 'class', 'instance' ], [ 'scope', $_ ] ]
} keys %{$implicits->{'isa-scope'}});
=head1 NAME
TM::LTM::Parser - Topic Maps, trait for parsing maps in LTM format
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 200[1-6], Robert Barta <rho@bigpond.net.au>, All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
our $VERSION = '0.4';
our $REVISION = '$Id: Parser.pm,v 1.8 2006/11/23 10:02:55 rho Exp $';