/usr/share/octave/packages/statistics-1.3.0/violin.m is in octave-statistics 1.3.0-4.
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## This progrm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## Author: Juan Pablo Carbajal <ajuanpi+dev@gmail.com>
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @defun {@var{h} =} violin (@var{x})
## @defunx {@var{h} =} violin (@dots{}, @var{property}, @var{value}, @dots{})
## @defunx {@var{h} =} violin (@var{hax}, @dots{})
## @defunx {@var{h} =} violin (@dots{}, @asis{"horizontal"})
## Produce a Violin plot of the data @var{x}.
## The input data @var{x} can be a N-by-m array containg N observations of m variables.
## It can also be a cell with m elements, for the case in which the varibales
## are not uniformly sampled.
## The following @var{property} can be set using @var{property}/@var{value} pairs
## (default values in parenthesis).
## The value of the property can be a scalar indicating that it applies
## to all the variables in the data.
## It can also be a cell/array, indicating the property for each variable.
## In this case it should have m columns (as many as variables).
## @table @asis
## @item Color
## (@asis{"y"}) Indicates the filling color of the violins.
## @item Nbins
## (50) Internally, the function calls @command{hist} to compute the histogram of the data.
## This property indicates how many bins to use. See @command{help hist}
## for more details.
## @item SmoothFactor
## (4) The fuction performs simple kernel density estimation and automatically
## finds the bandwith of the kernel function that best approximates the histogram
## using optimization (@command{sqp}).
## The result is in general very noisy. To smooth the result the bandwidth is
## multiplied by the value of this property. The higher the value the smoother
## the violings, but values too high might remove features from the data distribution.
## @item Bandwidth
## (NA) If this property is given a value other than NA, it sets the bandwith of the
## kernel function. No optimization is peformed and the property @asis{SmoothFactor}
## is ignored.
## @item Width
## (0.5) Sets the maximum width of the violins. Violins are centered at integer axis
## values. The distance between two violin middle axis is 1. Setting a value
## higher thna 1 in this property will cause the violins to overlap.
## @end table
## If the string @asis{"Horizontal"} is among the input arguments, the violin
## plot is rendered along the x axis with the variables in the y axis.
## The returned structure @var{h} has handles to the plot elements, allowing
## customization of the visualization using set/get functions.
## Example:
## @example
## title ("Grade 3 heights");
## axis ([0,3]);
## set (gca, "xtick", 1:2, "xticklabel", @{"girls"; "boys"@});
## h = violin (@{randn(100,1)*5+140, randn(130,1)*8+135@}, "Nbins", 10);
## set (h.violin, "linewidth", 2)
## @end example
## @seealso{boxplot, hist}
## @end defun
function h = violin (ax, varargin)
## Parse parameters ##
parser = inputParser ();
parser.CaseSensitive = false;
parser.FunctionName = 'violin';
parser.addParamValue ('Nbins', 50);
parser.addParamValue ('SmoothFactor', 4);
parser.addParamValue ('Bandwidth', NA);
parser.addParamValue ('Width', 0.5);
parser.addParamValue ('Color', "y");
parser.addSwitch ('Horizontal');
parser.parse (varargin{:});
res = parser.Results;
c = res.Color; # Color of violins
if (ischar (c)) c = c(:); endif
nb = res.Nbins; # Number of bins in histogram
sf = res.SmoothFactor; # Smoothing factor for kernel estimation
r0 = res.Bandwidth; # User value for KDE bandwth to prevent optimization
is_horiz = res.Horizontal; # Whether the plot must be rotated
width = res.Width; # Width of the violins
clear parser res
old_hold = ishold ();
# First argument is not an axis
if (~ishandle (ax) || ~isscalar (ax))
if (~old_hold)
x = ax;
ax = gca ();
x = varargin{1};
## Make everything a cell for code simplicity
if (~iscell (x))
[N Nc] = size (x);
x = mat2cell (x, N, ones (1, Nc));
Nc = numel (x);
[nb, c, sf, r0, width] = to_cell (nb, c, sf, r0, width, Nc);
catch err
if strcmp (err.identifier, "to_cell:element_idx")
n = str2num (err.message);
txt = {"Nbins", "Color", "SmoothFactor", "Bandwidth", "Width"};
error ("Octave:invaid-input-arg", ...
["options should be scalars or call/array with as many values as" ...
" numbers of variables in the data (wrong size of %s)."], txt{n});
rethrow (lasterror())
## Build violins
[px py mx] = cellfun (@(y,n,s,r)build_polygon(y, n, s, r), ...
x, nb, sf, r0, "unif", 0);
Nc = 1:numel (px);
Ncc = mat2cell (Nc, 1, ones (1, Nc(end)));
# get hold state
old_hold = ishold ();
# Draw plain violins
tmp = cellfun (@(x,y,n,u, w)patch(ax, (w * x + n)(:), y(:) ,u), ...
px, py, Ncc, c, width);
h.violin = tmp;
hold on
# Overlay mean value
tmp = cellfun (@(z,y)plot(ax, z, y,'.k', "markersize", 6), Ncc, mx);
h.mean = tmp;
# Overlay median
Mx = cellfun (@median, x, "unif", 0);
tmp = cellfun (@(z,y)plot(ax, z, y, 'ok'), Ncc, Mx);
h.median = tmp;
# Overlay 1nd and 3th quartiles
LUBU = cellfun (@(x,y)abs(quantile(x,[0.25 0.75])-y), x, Mx, "unif", 0);
tmp = cellfun (@(x,y,z)errorbar(ax, x, y, z(1),z(2)), Ncc, Mx, LUBU)(:);
# Flatten errorbar output handles
tmp2 = allchild (tmp);
if (~iscell (tmp2))
tmp2 = mat2cell (tmp2, ones(length (tmp2), 1), 1);
tmp = mat2cell (tmp, ones (length (tmp), 1), 1);
tmp = cellfun (@vertcat, tmp, tmp2, "unif", 0);
h.quartile = cell2mat (tmp);
hold off
# Rotate the plot if it is horizontal
if (is_horiz)
structfun (@swap_axes, h);
set (ax, "ytick", Nc);
set (ax, "xtick", Nc);
if (nargout < 1);
clear h;
# restore hold state
if (old_hold)
hold on
function k = kde(x,r)
k = mean (stdnormal_pdf (x / r)) / r;
k /= max (k);
function [px py mx] = build_polygon (x, nb, sf, r)
N = size (x, 1);
mx = mean (x);
sx = std (x);
X = (x - mx ) / sx;
[count bin] = hist (X, nb);
count /= max (count);
X = X - bin;
if isna (r)
r0 = 1.06 * N^(1/5);
r = sqp (r0, @(r)sumsq (kde(X,r) - count), [], [], 1e-3, 1e2);
sf = 1;
v = kde (X, sf * r).';
px = [v -flipud(v)];
bin = bin * sx + mx;
py = [bin; fliplr(bin)].';
function tf = swap_axes (h)
tmp = mat2cell (h(:), ones (length (h),1), 1);
% tmp = cellfun (@(x)[x; allchild(x)], tmp, "unif", 0);
tmpy = cellfun(@(x)get(x, "ydata"), tmp, "unif", 0);
tmpx = cellfun(@(x)get(x, "xdata"), tmp, "unif", 0);
cellfun (@(h,x,y)set (h, "xdata", y, "ydata", x), tmp, tmpx, tmpy);
tf = true;
function varargout = to_cell (varargin)
m = varargin{end};
varargin(end) = [];
for i = 1:numel(varargin)
x = varargin{i};
if (isscalar (x)) x = repmat (x, m, 1); endif
if (iscell (x))
if (numel(x) ~= m) # no dimension equals m
error ("to_cell:element_idx", "%d\n",i);
varargout{i} = x;
sz = size (x);
d = find (sz == m)
if (isempty (d)) # no dimension equals m
error ("to_cell:element_idx", "%d\n",i);
elseif (length (d) == 2)
#both dims are m, choose 1st
elseif (d == 1) # 2nd dimension is m --> transpose
x = x.';
sz = fliplr (sz);
varargout{i} = mat2cell (x, sz(1), ones (m,1));
%! clf
%! x = zeros (9e2, 10);
%! for i=1:10
%! x(:,i) = (0.1 * randn (3e2, 3) * (randn (3,1) + 1) + ...
%! 2 * randn (1,3))(:);
%! endfor
%! h = violin (x, "color", "c");
%! axis tight
%! set (h.violin, "linewidth", 2);
%! set (gca, "xgrid", "on");
%! xlabel ("Variables")
%! ylabel ("Values")
%! clf
%! data = {randn(100,1)*5+140, randn(130,1)*8+135};
%! subplot (1,2,1)
%! title ("Grade 3 heights - vertical");
%! set (gca, "xtick", 1:2, "xticklabel", {"girls"; "boys"});
%! violin (data, "Nbins", 10);
%! axis tight
%! subplot(1,2,2)
%! title ("Grade 3 heights - horizontal");
%! set (gca, "ytick", 1:2, "yticklabel", {"girls"; "boys"});
%! violin (data, "horizontal", "Nbins", 10);
%! axis tight
%! clf
%! data = exprnd (0.1, 500,4);
%! violin (data, "nbins", {5,10,50,100});
%! axis ([0 5 0 max(data(:))])
%! clf
%! data = exprnd (0.1, 500,4);
%! violin (data, "color", jet(4));
%! axis ([0 5 0 max(data(:))])
%! clf
%! data = repmat(exprnd (0.1, 500,1), 1, 4);
%! violin (data, "width", linspace (0.1,0.5,4));
%! axis ([0 5 0 max(data(:))])
%! clf
%! data = repmat(exprnd (0.1, 500,1), 1, 4);
%! violin (data, "nbins", [5,10,50,100], "smoothfactor", [4 4 8 10]);
%! axis ([0 5 0 max(data(:))])