/usr/share/perl5/Debian/PkgPerl/Message.pm is in pkg-perl-tools 0.42.
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use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use MIME::Lite;
use Term::ReadLine;
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
use Proc::InvokeEditor;
=head1 NAME
Debian::PkgPerl::Message - Builds messages to be forwarded.
use Debian::PkgPerl::Message;
my $msg = Debian::PkgPerl::Message->new();
my $subject = $msg->get_subject();
my $body = $msg->prepare_body();
Helper class that builds different kind of messages to be forwarded
upstream. They may be delivered by mail or comments on a bug tracker.
my $scissors_line = ( "------8<-----" x 5 ) . "\n";
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %params = @_;
my %obj = (
# defaults
interactive => 1,
# caller params
return bless \%obj, $class;
sub get_subject {
my $self = shift;
my $info = $self->{info};
my $patch = $self->{info}{patch};
my $opt_tracker = $self->{tracker};
# No need to review subject again
return $self->{subject}
if defined $self->{subject}
and length $self->{subject} > 0;
my $default = $info->{Subject} // '';
$default = "[PATCH] $default"
if $patch and $default !~ /\[PATCH\]/ and $opt_tracker ne 'github';
my $subject = $default;
if ( $self->{interactive} ) {
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('forward');
$subject = $term->readline( 'Subject: ', $default );
$self->{subject} = $subject;
return $subject;
sub edit_message {
my $self = shift;
my $body = shift or confess;
my $opt_tracker_url = $self->{url};
= "# Feel free to edit the message contents to your liking.\n"
. "# Fiddling with the patch itself is probably a bad idea.\n"
. "# Heading lines starting with '#' are ignored\n"
. "# Empty message aborts the process\n"
. "#\n"
. "# You may want to check if a similar ticket already exists at\n"
. "# $opt_tracker_url\n\n"
. $body;
$body = Proc::InvokeEditor->edit($body);
$body =~ s/^#[^\n]*\n//mg while $body =~ /^#/;
die "Empty message. Terminating.\n" unless $body;
return $body;
sub prepare_body {
my $self = shift;
my $body;
my $bug = $self->{info}{bug};
my $opt_dist = $self->{dist};
my $info = $self->{info};
my $patch = $self->{info}{patch};
my $opt_tracker = $self->{tracker};
my $name = $self->{name};
$Text::Wrap::columns = 70;
$Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
if ($bug) {
$body = "We have the following bug reported to the Debian package "
. "of $opt_dist ($info->{url}):" . "\n";
$body .= "\nIt doesn't seem to be a bug in the packaging, "
. "so you may want to take a look. Thanks!\n";
$body = wrap( '', '', $body );
$body .= "\n" . $scissors_line;
$body .= "\n\`\`\`" if $opt_tracker eq 'github';
$body .= "\n" . $info->{msg};
$body .= "\n\`\`\`" if $opt_tracker eq 'github';
$body .= "\n" . $scissors_line . "\n";
if ($patch) {
# bug + patch
.= wrap( '', '', "The Debian package of $opt_dist has the following "
. "patch applied to fix the bug.\n" );
elsif ($patch) {
# patch but no bug
my $pre = ( $opt_tracker eq 'github' ) ? ' ' : '';
= "In Debian we are currently applying the following "
. "patch to $opt_dist.\n"
. "We thought you might be interested in it too.";
$body = wrap( '', '', $body );
$body .= "\n\n";
open my $patch_fh, '<', $patch;
while ( my $line = <$patch_fh> ) {
last if $line eq '---';
last if $line =~ /^--- /;
last if $line =~ /^diff\h--git\ha\//;
last if $line =~ /^index\h[0-9a-f]+\.\.[0-9a-f]+\h\d*\h/;
next if $line =~ /^Forwarded:/;
$body .= $pre . $line . "\n";
else {
die "No patch nor bug!? (a.k.a. should not happen)";
if ($patch) {
require Dpkg::Control::Info;
my $c = Dpkg::Control::Info->new();
my $vcs_browser = $c->get_source->{'Vcs-Browser'};
if ( $vcs_browser and $vcs_browser =~ /cgit/ ) {
$body .= wrap( '', '', "\nThe patch is tracked in our Git repository at "
. "$vcs_browser/plain/$patch\n" );
elsif ( $vcs_browser and $vcs_browser =~ /gitweb/ ) {
$body .= wrap( '', '', "\nThe patch is tracked in our Git repository at "
. "$vcs_browser;a=blob;f=$patch;hb=HEAD\n" );
$body .= "\nThanks for considering,\n";
$body .= wrap( ' ', ' ', "$name,\nDebian Perl Group\n" );
$body = $self->edit_message($body)
if $self->{interactive};
return $body;
sub send_by_mail {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->{name};
my $email = $self->{email};
my $opt_dist = $self->{dist};
my $opt_mailto = $self->{mailto};
my $patch = $self->{info}{patch};
my $opt_tracker_url = $self->{url};
if (!$opt_mailto) {
warn "Bug tracker email address not found in META.\n";
$opt_mailto = 'bug-' . lc($opt_dist) . '@rt.cpan.org';
warn "Falling back to $opt_mailto\n";
my $from = "$name <$email>";
my $text = $self->prepare_body();
my $subject = $self->get_subject();
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From => $from,
To => $opt_mailto,
Subject => $subject,
Type => 'multipart/mixed'
) or die "Error creating multipart container: $!\n";
Type => 'TEXT',
Data => $text
) or die "Error adding the text message part: $!\n";
# add the patch as attachment
Type => 'TEXT',
Path => $patch,
Filename => basename($patch),
Disposition => 'attachment'
) or die "Error adding attachment: $!\n"
if $patch;
# the email is not currently sent
MIME::Lite->send( 'sendmail', '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' )
; # change mailer to your needs
if (!$opt_mailto) {
# find bug on https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=$opt_dist
# or via RT::Client::REST and add the URL to the Forwarded header in the patch
print "Find your ticket on\n"
. "$opt_tracker_url\n"
. "and add the ticket URL to $patch\n\n"
. "Trying to open the URL with sensible-browser now.\n";
system( 'sensible-browser', $opt_tracker_url );
sub get_url {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{url};
sub get_patch {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{info}{patch};
=item Copyright 2016 Alex Muntada.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.