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<div class="section" id="developers">
<h1>Developers<a class="headerlink" href="#developers" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>If you are a developer and use pyexiv2 in your project, you will find here
useful information.</p>
<div class="section" id="getting-the-code">
<h2>Getting the code<a class="headerlink" href="#getting-the-code" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>pyexiv2’s source code is versioned with
<a class="reference external" href="http://bazaar.canonical.com/">bazaar</a>, and all the branches, including the
main development focus (sometimes referred to as <em>trunk</em>), are hosted on
<a class="reference external" href="https://code.launchpad.net/pyexiv2">Launchpad</a>.</p>
<p>To get a working copy of the latest revision of the development branch, just
issue the following command in a terminal:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="n">bzr</span> <span class="n">branch</span> <span class="n">lp</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="n">pyexiv2</span>
<p>If you need to get a specific revision identified by a tag (all releases of
pyexiv2 are tagged), use the following command:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="n">bzr</span> <span class="n">branch</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="n">r</span> <span class="n">tag</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="n">tag_name</span> <span class="n">lp</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="n">pyexiv2</span>
<p>A list of all the available tags can be obtained using the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">bzr</span> <span class="pre">tags</span></code>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>osomon@granuja:~/dev/pyexiv2$ bzr tags
release-0.1 60
release-0.1.1 73
release-0.1.2 99
release-0.1.3 99.1.6
release-0.2.0 296
release-0.2.1 306
release-0.2.2 318
release-0.3.0 349
<div class="section" id="dependencies">
<h2>Dependencies<a class="headerlink" href="#dependencies" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>You will need the following dependencies installed on your system to build and
use pyexiv2:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li><a class="reference external" href="http://python.org/download/">Python</a> ≥ 2.6</li>
<li><a class="reference external" href="http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/">boost.python</a> ≥ 1.35</li>
<li><a class="reference external" href="http://exiv2.org/">libexiv2</a> ≥ 0.19</li>
<li><a class="reference external" href="http://scons.org/">SCons</a></li>
<p>For Python, boost.python and libexiv2, the development files are needed
(-dev packages).
A typical list of packages to install on a Debian/Ubuntu system is:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="n">python</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="nb">all</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">dev</span> <span class="n">libboost</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">python</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">dev</span> <span class="n">libexiv2</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">dev</span> <span class="n">scons</span>
<p>Some unit tests have a dependency on
<a class="reference external" href="http://pytz.sourceforge.net/">python-tz</a>.
This dependency is optional: the corresponding tests will be skipped if it is
not present on the system.</p>
<p>Additionally, if you want to cross-compile pyexiv2 for Windows and generate a
Windows installer, you will need the following dependencies:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li><a class="reference external" href="http://www.mingw.org/">MinGW</a></li>
<li><a class="reference external" href="http://7-zip.org/">7-Zip</a></li>
<li><a class="reference external" href="http://nsis.sourceforge.net/">NSIS</a></li>
<p>A typical list of packages to install on a Debian/Ubuntu system is:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="n">mingw32</span> <span class="n">p7zip</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">full</span> <span class="n">nsis</span>
<div class="section" id="building-and-installing">
<h2>Building and installing<a class="headerlink" href="#building-and-installing" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<div class="section" id="linux">
<h3>Linux<a class="headerlink" href="#linux" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h3>
<p>Building pyexiv2 is as simple as invoking <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">scons</span></code> in the top-level directory:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>osomon@granuja:~/dev/pyexiv2$ scons
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
g++ -o build/exiv2wrapper.os -c -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 src/exiv2wrapper.cpp
g++ -o build/exiv2wrapper_python.os -c -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 src/exiv2wrapper_python.cpp
g++ -o build/libexiv2python.so -shared build/exiv2wrapper.os build/exiv2wrapper_python.os -lboost_python -lexiv2
scons: done building targets.
<p>The result of the build process is a shared library, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">libexiv2python.so</span></code>, in
the build directory:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>osomon@granuja:~/dev/pyexiv2$ ls build/
exiv2wrapper.os exiv2wrapper_python.os libexiv2python.so
<p>To install pyexiv2 system-wide, just invoke <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">scons</span> <span class="pre">install</span></code>.
You will most likely need administrative privileges to proceed.
The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">--user</span></code> switch will install pyexiv2 in the current
<a class="reference external" href="http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0370/">user site directory</a>
(Python ≥ 2.6 is required).</p>
<p>Note to packagers:
if <a class="reference external" href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/DESTDIR.html">DESTDIR</a> is
specified on the command line when invoking <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">scons</span> <span class="pre">install</span></code>, its value will be
prepended to each installed target file.</p>
<div class="section" id="windows">
<h3>Windows<a class="headerlink" href="#windows" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h3>
<p>The top-level directory of the development branch contains a shell script named
<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">cross-compile.sh</span></code> that retrieves all the dependencies required and
cross-compiles pyexiv2 for Windows on a Linux host.
Read the comments in the header of the script to know the pre-requisites.</p>
<p>The result of the compilation is a DLL, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">libexiv2python.pyd</span></code>, in the build
directory. This file and the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">pyexiv2</span></code> folder in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">src</span></code> should be copied to
the system-wide site directory of a Python 2.7 setup
(typically <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\</span></code>) or to the user site directory
(<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">%APPDATA%\Python\Python27\site-packages\</span></code>).</p>
<p>The top-level directory of the branch also contains an NSIS installer script
named <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">win32-installer.nsi</span></code>.
From the top-level directory of the branch, run the following command:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="n">makensis</span> <span class="n">win32</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">installer</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">nsi</span>
<p>This will generate a ready-to-distribute installer executable named
<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">pyexiv2-0.3-setup.exe</span></code>.</p>
<div class="section" id="documentation">
<h2>Documentation<a class="headerlink" href="#documentation" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>The present documentation is generated using
<a class="reference external" href="http://sphinx.pocoo.org/">Sphinx</a> from reStructuredText sources found in the
doc/ directory. Invoke <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">scons</span> <span class="pre">doc</span></code> to (re)build the HTML documentation.
Alternatively, you can issue the following command:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="n">sphinx</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="n">build</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="n">b</span> <span class="n">html</span> <span class="n">doc</span><span class="o">/</span> <span class="n">doc</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">_build</span><span class="o">/</span>
<p>The index of the documentation will then be found under doc/_build/index.html.</p>
<div class="section" id="unit-tests">
<h2>Unit tests<a class="headerlink" href="#unit-tests" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>pyexiv2’s source comes with a battery of unit tests, in the test/ directory.
To run them, invoke <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">scons</span> <span class="pre">test</span></code>.
Alternatively, you can execute the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TestsRunner.py</span></code> script.</p>
<div class="section" id="contributing">
<h2>Contributing<a class="headerlink" href="#contributing" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>pyexiv2 is Free Software, meaning that you are encouraged to use it, modify it
to suit your needs, contribute back improvements, and redistribute it.</p>
<p><a class="reference external" href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyexiv2">Bugs</a> are tracked on Launchpad.
There is a team called
<a class="reference external" href="https://launchpad.net/~pyexiv2-developers">pyexiv2-developers</a> open to anyone
interested in following development on pyexiv2. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to
the team (you don’t need to actually contribute!) and to the associated mailing
<p>There are several ways in which you can contribute to improve pyexiv2:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Use it;</li>
<li>Give your feedback and discuss issues and feature requests on the
mailing list;</li>
<li>Report bugs, write patches;</li>
<li>Package it for your favorite distribution/OS.</li>
<p>When reporting a bug, don’t forget to include the following information in the
<ul class="simple">
<li>version of pyexiv2</li>
<li>version of libexiv2 it was compiled against</li>
<li>a minimal script that reliably reproduces the issue</li>
<li>a sample image file with which the bug can reliably be reproduced</li>
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<h3><a href="index.html">Table Of Contents</a></h3>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#">Developers</a><ul>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#getting-the-code">Getting the code</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#dependencies">Dependencies</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#building-and-installing">Building and installing</a><ul>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#linux">Linux</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#windows">Windows</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#documentation">Documentation</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#unit-tests">Unit tests</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li>
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<p class="topless"><a href="api.html"
title="previous chapter">API documentation</a></p>
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