/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bumps/curve.py is in python3-bumps 0.7.6-3.
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Build a bumps model from a function and data.
Given a function *sin_model* which computes a sine wave at times *t*::
from numpy import sin
def sin_model(t, freq, phase):
return sin(2*pi*(freq*t + phase))
and given data *(y,dy)* measured at times *t*, we can define the fit
problem as follows::
from bumps.names import *
M = Curve(sin_model, t, y, dy, freq=20)
The *freq* and *phase* keywords are optional initial values for the model
parameters which otherwise default to zero. The model parameters can be
accessed as attributes on the model to set fit range::
M.freq.range(2, 100)
M.phase.range(0, 1)
As usual, you can initialize or assign parameter expressions to the the
parameters if you want to tie parameters together within or between models.
Note: there is sometimes difficulty getting bumps to recognize the function
during fits, which can be addressed by putting the definition in a separate
file on the python path. With the windows binary distribution of bumps,
this can be done in the problem definition file with the following code::
import os
from bumps.names import *
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
The model function can then be imported from the external module as usual::
from sin_model import sin_model
__all__ = ["Curve", "PoissonCurve", "plot_err"]
import inspect
import numpy as np
from numpy import log, pi, sqrt
from .parameter import Parameter
class Curve(object):
Model a measurement with a user defined function.
The function *fn(x,p1,p2,...)* should return the expected value *y* for
each point *x* given the parameters *p1*, *p2*, etc. *dy* is the uncertainty
for each measured value *y*. If not specified, it defaults to 1.
Initial values for the parameters can be set as *p=value* arguments to *Curve*.
If no value is set, then the initial value will be taken from the default
value given in the definition of *fn*, or set to 0 if the parameter is not
defined with an initial value. Arbitrary non-fittable data can be passed
to the function as parameters, but only if the parameter is given a default
value of *None* in the function definition, and has the initial value set
as an argument to *Curve*. Defining *state=dict(key=value, ...)* before
*Curve*, and calling *Curve* as *Curve(..., \*\*state)* works pretty well.
*Curve* takes two special keyword arguments: *name* and *plot*.
*name* is added to each parameter name when the parameter is defined.
The filename for the data is a good choice, since this allows you to keep
the parameters straight when fitting multiple datasets simultaneously.
Plotting defaults to a 1-D plot with error bars for the data, and a line
for the function value. You can assign your own plot function with
the *plot* keyword. The function should be defined as *plot(x,y,dy,fy,\*\*kw)*.
The keyword arguments will be filled with the values of the parameters
used to compute *fy*. It will be easiest to list the parameters you
need to make your plot as positional arguments after *x,y,dy,fy* in the
plot function declaration. For example, *plot(x,y,dy,fy,p3,\*\*kw)*
will make the value of parameter *p3* available as a variable in your
function. The special keyword *view* will be a string containing
*linear*, *log*, *logx* or *loglog*.
The data uncertainty is assumed to follow a gaussian distribution.
If measurements draw from some other uncertainty distribution, then
subclass Curve and replace nllf with the correct probability given the
residuals. See the implementation of :class:`PoissonCurve` for an example.
def __init__(self, fn, x, y, dy=None, name="", plot=None, **fnkw):
self.x, self.y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
if dy is None:
self.dy = 1
self.dy = np.asarray(dy)
if (self.dy <= 0).any():
raise ValueError("measurement uncertainty must be positive")
self.fn = fn
self.name = name # if name else fn.__name__ + " "
# Make every name a parameter; initialize the parameters
# with the default value if function is defined with keyword
# initializers; override the initializers with any keyword
# arguments specified in the fit function constructor.
pnames, vararg, varkw, pvalues = inspect.getargspec(fn)
if vararg or varkw:
raise TypeError(
"Function cannot have *args or **kwargs in declaration")
# TODO: need "self" handling for passed methods
# assume the first argument is x
pnames = pnames[1:]
# Parameters default to zero
init = dict((p, 0) for p in pnames)
# If the function provides default values, use those
if pvalues:
# ignore default value for "x" parameter
if len(pvalues) > len(pnames):
pvalues = pvalues[1:]
init.update(zip(pnames[-len(pvalues):], pvalues))
# Non-fittable parameters need to be sent in as None
state_vars = set(p for p,v in init.items() if v is None)
# Regardless, use any values specified in the constructor, but first
# check that they exist as function parameters.
invalid = set(fnkw.keys()) - set(pnames)
if invalid:
raise TypeError("Invalid initializers: %s" %
", ".join(sorted(invalid)))
# Build parameters out of ranges and initial values
# maybe: name=(p+name if name.startswith('_') else name+p)
pars = dict((p, Parameter.default(init[p], name=name + p))
for p in pnames if p not in state_vars)
# Make parameters accessible as model attributes
for k, v in pars.items():
if hasattr(self, k):
raise TypeError("Parameter cannot be named %s" % k)
setattr(self, k, v)
# Remember the function, parameters, and number of parameters
self._function = fn
self._pnames = [p for p in pnames if not (p in state_vars)]
self._cached_theory = None
self._plot = plot if plot is not None else plot_err
self._state = dict((p,v) for p,v in init.items() if p in state_vars)
def update(self):
self._cached_theory = None
def parameters(self):
return dict((p, getattr(self, p)) for p in self._pnames)
def numpoints(self):
return np.prod(self.y.shape)
def theory(self, x=None):
if self._cached_theory is None:
if x is None:
x = self.x
kw = dict((p, getattr(self, p).value) for p in self._pnames)
self._cached_theory = self._function(x, **kw)
return self._cached_theory
def simulate_data(self, noise=None):
theory = self.theory()
if noise is not None:
if noise == 'data':
elif noise < 0:
self.dy = -theory*noise*0.01
self.dy = noise
self.y = theory + np.random.randn(*theory.shape)*self.dy
def residuals(self):
return (self.theory() - self.y) / self.dy
def nllf(self):
r = self.residuals()
return 0.5 * np.sum(r ** 2)
def save(self, basename):
# TODO: need header line with state vars as json
# TODO: need to support nD x,y,dy
data = np.vstack((self.x, self.y, self.dy, self.theory()))
np.savetxt(basename + '.dat', data.T)
def plot(self, view=None):
import pylab
kw = dict((p, getattr(self, p).value) for p in self._pnames)
#print "kw_plot",kw
if view == 'residual':
plot_resid(self.x, self.residuals())
plot_ratio = 4
h = pylab.subplot2grid((plot_ratio,1), (0,0), rowspan=plot_ratio-1)
self._plot(self.x, self.y, self.dy, self.theory(), view=view, **kw)
for tick_label in pylab.gca().get_xticklabels():
pylab.subplot2grid((plot_ratio,1), (plot_ratio-1,0), sharex=h)
plot_resid(self.x, self.residuals())
def plot_resid(x, resid):
import pylab
pylab.plot(x, resid, '.')
pylab.gca().locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=4)
pylab.axhline(y=1, hold=True, ls='dotted')
pylab.axhline(y=-1, hold=True, ls='dotted')
def plot_err(x, y, dy, fy, view=None, **kw):
Plot data *y* and error *dy* against *x*.
*view* is one of linear, log, logx or loglog.
import pylab
pylab.errorbar(x, y, yerr=dy, fmt='.')
pylab.plot(x, fy, '-', hold=True)
if view == 'log':
elif view == 'logx':
elif view == 'loglog':
else: # view == 'linear'
_LOGFACTORIAL = np.array([log(np.prod(np.arange(1., k + 1)))
for k in range(21)])
def logfactorial(n):
"""Compute the log factorial for each element of an array"""
result = np.empty(n.shape, dtype='double')
idx = (n <= 20)
result[idx] = _LOGFACTORIAL[np.asarray(n[idx], 'int32')]
n = n[~idx]
result[~idx] = n * \
log(n) - n + log(n * (1 + 4 * n * (1 + 2 * n))) / 6 + log(pi) / 2
return result
class PoissonCurve(Curve):
Model a measurement with Poisson uncertainty.
The nllf is calculated using Poisson probabilities, but the curve itself
is displayed using the approximation that $\sigma_y \approx \sqrt(y)$.
See :class:`Curve` for details.
def __init__(self, fn, x, y, name="", **fnkw):
dy = sqrt(y) + (y==0) if y is not None else None
Curve.__init__(self, fn, x, y, dy, name=name, **fnkw)
self._logfacty = logfactorial(y) if y is not None else None
self._logfactysum = np.sum(self._logfacty)
## Assume gaussian residuals for now
#def residuals(self):
# # TODO: provide individual probabilities as residuals
# # or perhaps the square roots --- whatever gives a better feel for
# # which points are driving the fit
# theory = self.theory()
# return np.sqrt(self.y * log(theory) - theory - self._logfacty)
def nllf(self):
theory = self.theory()
if (theory <= 0).any():
return 1e308
return -sum(self.y * log(theory) - theory) + self._logfactysum
def simulate_data(self, noise=None):
theory = self.theory()
self.y = np.random.poisson(theory)
self.dy = sqrt(self.y) + (self.y==0)
self._logfacty = logfactorial(self.y)
self._logfactysum = np.sum(self._logfacty)
def save(self, basename):
# TODO: need header line with state vars as json
# TODO: need to support nD x,y,dy
data = np.vstack((self.x, self.y, self.theory()))
np.savetxt(basename + '.dat', data.T)