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<h3><a name="toc">Contents</a></h3>
<li class="level1"><a href="#quotation">\quotation</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#footnote">\footnote</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#note">\note</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#tableofcontents">\tableofcontents</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#brief">\brief</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#legalese">\legalese</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#warning">\warning</a></li>
<div class="sidebar-content" id="sidebar-content"></div></div>
<h1 class="title">Special Content</h1>
<span class="subtitle"></span>
<!-- $$$11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html-description -->
<div class="descr"> <a name="details"></a>
<p>The document contents commands identify parts of the documentation, parts with a special rendering, conceptual meaning or function.</p>
<a name="quotation-command"></a><a name="quotation"></a>
<h2 id="quotation">\quotation</h2>
<p>The \quotation and \endquotation commands delimit a long quotation.</p>
<p>The text in the delimited block is surrounded by <b><blockquote></b> and <b></blockquote></b> in the html output, e.g.:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
Although the prospect of a significantly broader market is
good news <span class="keyword">for</span> Firstlogic<span class="operator">,</span> the notion also posed some
challenges<span class="operator">.</span> Dave Dobson<span class="operator">,</span> director of technology <span class="keyword">for</span> the La
Crosse<span class="operator">,</span> Wisconsin<span class="operator">-</span>based company<span class="operator">,</span> said:
As our solutions were being adopted into <span class="keyword">new</span>
environments<span class="operator">,</span> we saw an escalating need <span class="keyword">for</span> easier
integration with a wider range of enterprise
applications<span class="operator">.</span>
<span class="operator">*</span> <span class="operator">/</span>
<p>The text in the <b>\quotation</b> block will appear in the generated HTML as:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator"><</span>blockquote<span class="operator">></span>
<span class="operator"><</span>p<span class="operator">></span>As our solutions were being adopted into <span class="keyword">new</span> environments<span class="operator">,</span>
we saw an escalating need <span class="keyword">for</span> easier integration with a wider
range of enterprise applications<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator"><</span><span class="operator">/</span>p<span class="operator">></span>
<span class="operator"><</span><span class="operator">/</span>blockquote<span class="operator">></span>
<p>The built-in style sheet for most browsers will render the contents of the <blockquote> tag with left and right indentations. The example above would be rendered as:</p>
<blockquote><p>As our solutions were being adopted into new environments, we saw an escalating need for easier integration with a wider range of enterprise applications.</p>
<p>But you can redefine the <b><blockquote></b> tag in your style.css file.</p>
<a name="footnote-command"></a><a name="footnote"></a>
<h2 id="footnote">\footnote</h2>
<p>The \footnote and \endfootnote commands delimit a footnote.</p>
<p>The footnote is rendered at the bottom of the page.</p>
<p><b>Warning:</b> The <b>\footnote</b> and <b>\endfootnote</b> commands have not been implemented. The footnote is rendered as a regular HTML paragraph.</p>
<a name="note-command"></a><a name="note"></a>
<h2 id="note">\note</h2>
<p>The \note command defines a new paragraph preceded by "Note:" in bold.</p>
<a name="tableofcontents-command"></a><a name="tableofcontents"></a>
<h2 id="tableofcontents">\tableofcontents</h2>
<p>The \tableofcontents command has been disabled because QDoc now generates a table of contents automatically.</p>
<p>The automatically generated table of contents appears in the upper righthand corner of the page.</p>
<a name="brief-command"></a><a name="brief"></a>
<h2 id="brief">\brief</h2>
<p>The \brief command introduces a one-sentence description of a class, namespace, header file, property, or variable.</p>
<p>The brief text is used to introduce the documentation of the associated object, and in lists generated using the <a href="12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#generatelist-command">\generatelist</a> command and the <a href="12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#annotatedlist-command">\annotatedlist</a> command.</p>
<p>The \brief command can be used in two significant different ways: <a href="11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#brief-class">One for classes, namespaces and header files</a>, and <a href="11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#brief-property">one for properties and variables</a>.</p>
<a name="brief-property"></a><p>When the \brief command is used to describe a property or a variable, the brief text must be a sentence fragment starting with "whether" (for a boolean property or variable) or starting with "the" (for any other property or variable).</p>
<p>For example the boolean <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html#isWindow">QWidget::isWindow</a> property:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
\property <span class="type"><a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></span><span class="operator">::</span>isActiveWindow
\brief Whether <span class="keyword">this</span> widget<span class="char">'s window is the active window
The active window is the window that contains the widget that
has keyboard focus.
When popup windows are visible, this property is \c true
for both the active window \e and the popup.
\sa activateWindow(), QApplication::activeWindow()
* /
<p>and the <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html#geometry-prop">QWidget::geometry</a> property</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
\property <span class="type"><a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></span><span class="operator">::</span>geometry
\brief The geometry of the widget relative to its parent and
excluding the window frame
When changing the geometry<span class="operator">,</span> the widget<span class="operator">,</span> <span class="keyword">if</span> visible<span class="operator">,</span>
receives a move event (moveEvent()) and<span class="operator">/</span><span class="keyword">or</span> a resize
event (resizeEvent()) immediately<span class="operator">.</span>
<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span>
\sa frameGeometry()<span class="operator">,</span> rect()<span class="operator">,</span> <span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span>
<span class="operator">*</span> <span class="operator">/</span>
<p>QDoc renders this as:</p>
<blockquote> <h3>geometry :
<a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qrect.html">QRect</a>
<p>This property holds the geometry of the widget relative to its parent and excluding the window frame.</p>
<p>Access functions:</p>
<li><b>const <a href="../qtcore/qrect.html">QRect</a> & geometry () const</b></li>
<li><b>void setGeometry ( int x, int y, int w, int h )</b></li>
<li><b>void setGeometry ( const <a href="../qtcore/qrect.html">QRect</a> & )</b></li>
<p>See also <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html#frameGeometry-prop">frameGeometry()</a>, <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html#rect-prop">rect()</a>, ...</p>
<a name="brief-class"></a><p>When the \brief command is used to describe a class, we recommend using a complete sentence like this:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
The <span class="operator"><</span>classname<span class="operator">></span> <span class="keyword">class</span> is<span class="operator">|</span>provides<span class="operator">|</span>contains<span class="operator">|</span>specifies<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span>
<p><b>Warning:</b> Do not repeat your detailed description with the same sentence as the brief statement will be the first paragraph of the detailed description.</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
\<span class="keyword">class</span> PreviewWindow
\brief The PreviewWindow <span class="keyword">class</span> is a custom widget
displaying the names of its currently set
window flags in a read<span class="operator">-</span>only text editor<span class="operator">.</span>
The PreviewWindow <span class="keyword">class</span> inherits <span class="type"><a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></span><span class="operator">.</span> The widget
displays the names of its window flags set with the
setWindowFlags() function<span class="operator">.</span> It is also provided with a
<span class="type"><a href="../qtwidgets/qpushbutton.html">QPushButton</a></span> that closes the window<span class="operator">.</span>
<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator">.</span>
\sa <span class="type"><a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></span>
<span class="operator">*</span> <span class="operator">/</span>
<p>QDoc renders this as:</p>
<blockquote> <h1>PreviewWindow Class Reference</h1>
<p>The PreviewWindow class is a custom widget displaying the names of its currently set window flags in a read-only text editor. <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#preview-window">More...</a></p>
<li>52 properties inherited from <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></li>
<li>1 property inherited from <a href="../qtcore/qobject.html">QObject</a></li>
<h3>Public Functions</h3>
<li><a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#constructor">PreviewWindow</a>(<a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a> *parent = 0)</li>
<li>void <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#function">setWindowFlags</a>(<a href="../qtcore/qt.html#WindowType-enum">Qt::WindowFlags</a> flags)</li>
<li>183 public functions inherited from <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></li>
<li>28 public functions inherited from <a href="../qtcore/qobject.html">QObject</a></li>
<h3>Public Slots</h3>
<li>17 public slots inherited from <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></li>
<li>1 public slot inherited from <a href="../qtcore/qobject.html">QObject</a></li>
<h3>Additional Inherited Members</h3>
<li>1 signal inherited from <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></li>
<li>1 signal inherited from <a href="../qtcore/qobject.html">QObject</a></li>
<li>4 static public members inherited from <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></li>
<li>4 static public members inherited from <a href="../qtcore/qobject.html">QObject</a></li>
<li>39 protected functions inherited from <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a></li>
<li>7 protected functions inherited from <a href="../qtcore/qobject.html">QObject</a></li>
<a name="preview-window"></a> <hr />
<h2>Detailed Description</h2>
<p>The PreviewWindow class is a custom widget displaying the names of its currently set window flags in a read-only text editor.</p>
<p>The PreviewWindow class inherits <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a>. The widget displays the names of its window flags set with the <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#function">setWindowFlags()</a> function. It is also provided with a <a href="../qtwidgets/qpushbutton.html">QPushButton</a> that closes the window.</p>
<p>See also <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html">QWidget</a>.</p>
<hr />
<h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
<a name="constructor"></a> <h3>PreviewWindow(QWidget *parent = 0)</h3>
<p>Constructs a preview window widget with <i>parent</i>.</p>
<a name="function"></a> <h3>setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags flags)</h3>
<p>Sets the widgets flags using the <a href="../qtwidgets/qwidget.html#windowFlags-prop">QWidget::setWindowFlags</a>() function.</p>
<p>Then runs through the available window flags, creating a text that contains the names of the flags that matches the flags parameter, displaying the text in the widgets text editor.</p>
<p>Using \brief in a <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#namespace-command">\namespace</a>:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
\<span class="keyword">namespace</span> <span class="type"><a href="../qtcore/qt.html">Qt</a></span>
\brief The <span class="type"><a href="../qtcore/qt.html">Qt</a></span> <span class="keyword">namespace</span> contains miscellaneous identifiers
used throughout the <span class="type"><a href="../qtcore/qt.html">Qt</a></span> library<span class="operator">.</span>
<span class="operator">*</span> <span class="operator">/</span>
<p>Using \brief in a <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#headerfile-command">\headerfile</a>:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
\headerfile <span class="operator"><</span><span class="type">QtGlobal</span><span class="operator">></span>
\title Global <span class="type"><a href="../qtcore/qt.html">Qt</a></span> Declarations
\brief The <span class="operator"><</span><span class="type">QtGlobal</span><span class="operator">></span> header file provides basic
declarations and is included by all other <span class="type"><a href="../qtcore/qt.html">Qt</a></span> headers<span class="operator">.</span>
\sa <span class="operator"><</span><span class="type">QtAlgorithms</span><span class="operator">></span>
<span class="operator">*</span> <span class="operator">/</span>
<p>See also <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#property-command">\property</a>, <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#class-command">\class</a>, <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#namespace-command">\namespace</a> and <a href="13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#headerfile-command">\headerfile</a>.</p>
<a name="legalese-command"></a><a name="legalese"></a>
<h2 id="legalese">\legalese</h2>
<p>The \legalese and \endlegalese commands delimit a license agreement.</p>
<p>In the generated HTML, the delimited text is surrounded by a <b><div class="LegaleseLeft"></b> and <b></div></b> tags.</p>
<p>An example of a license agreement enclosed in \legalese and \endlegalese:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
Copyright <span class="number">1996</span> Daniel Dardailler<span class="operator">.</span>
Permission to use<span class="operator">,</span> copy<span class="operator">,</span> modify<span class="operator">,</span> distribute<span class="operator">,</span> and sell <span class="keyword">this</span>
software <span class="keyword">for</span> any purpose is hereby granted without fee<span class="operator">,</span>
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
copies and that both that copyright notice and <span class="keyword">this</span>
permission notice appear in supporting documentation<span class="operator">,</span> and
that the name of Daniel Dardailler <span class="keyword">not</span> be used in
advertising <span class="keyword">or</span> publicity pertaining to distribution of the
software without specific<span class="operator">,</span> written prior permission<span class="operator">.</span> Daniel
Dardailler makes no representations about the suitability of
<span class="keyword">this</span> software <span class="keyword">for</span> any purpose<span class="operator">.</span> It is provided <span class="string">"as is"</span>
without express <span class="keyword">or</span> implied warranty<span class="operator">.</span>
Modifications Copyright <span class="number">1999</span> Matt Koss<span class="operator">,</span> under the same
license as above<span class="operator">.</span>
<span class="operator">*</span> <span class="operator">/</span>
<p>It will appear in the generated HTML as:</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator"><</span>div <span class="keyword">class</span><span class="operator">=</span><span class="string">"LegaleseLeft"</span><span class="operator">></span>
<span class="operator"><</span>p<span class="operator">></span>Copyright <span class="number">1996</span> Daniel Dardailler<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator"><</span><span class="operator">/</span>p<span class="operator">></span>
<span class="operator"><</span>p<span class="operator">></span>Permission to use<span class="operator">,</span> copy<span class="operator">,</span> modify<span class="operator">,</span> distribute<span class="operator">,</span> and sell
<span class="keyword">this</span> software <span class="keyword">for</span> any purpose is hereby granted without fee<span class="operator">,</span>
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
copies and that both that copyright notice and <span class="keyword">this</span>
permission notice appear in supporting documentation<span class="operator">,</span> and
that the name of Daniel Dardailler <span class="keyword">not</span> be used in
advertising <span class="keyword">or</span> publicity pertaining to distribution of the
software without specific<span class="operator">,</span> written prior permission<span class="operator">.</span> Daniel
Dardailler makes no representations about the suitability of
<span class="keyword">this</span> software <span class="keyword">for</span> any purpose<span class="operator">.</span> It is provided <span class="string">"as is"</span>
without express <span class="keyword">or</span> implied warranty<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator"><</span><span class="operator">/</span>p<span class="operator">></span>
<span class="operator"><</span>p<span class="operator">></span>Modifications Copyright <span class="number">1999</span> Matt Koss<span class="operator">,</span> under the same
license as above<span class="operator">.</span><span class="operator"><</span><span class="operator">/</span>p<span class="operator">></span>
<span class="operator"><</span><span class="operator">/</span>div<span class="operator">></span>
<p>If the \endlegalese command is omitted, QDoc will process the \legalese command but considers the rest of the documentation page as the license agreement.</p>
<p>Ideally, the license text is located with the licensed code.</p>
<p>Elsewhere, the documentation identified as <i>\legalese</i> command can be accumulated using <a href="12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#generatelist-command">\generatelist</a> with <code>legalese</code> as the argument. This is useful for generating an overview of the license agreements associated with the source code.</p>
<p><b>Note: </b>The output of the <code>\generatelist legalese</code> command includes the \legalese texts in the current documentation project only. If the current documentation project depends on other modules, their license texts will not be listed.</p><a name="warning-command"></a><a name="warning"></a>
<h2 id="warning">\warning</h2>
<p>The \warning command prepends "Warning:" to the command's argument, in bold font.</p>
<pre class="cpp">
<span class="operator">/</span> <span class="operator">*</span><span class="operator">!</span>
<span class="type"><a href="../qtcore/qt.html">Qt</a></span><span class="operator">::</span>HANDLE is a platform<span class="operator">-</span>specific handle type
<span class="keyword">for</span> system objects<span class="operator">.</span> This is equivalent to
\c{<span class="type">void</span> <span class="operator">*</span>} on Windows and macOS<span class="operator">,</span> and to
\c{<span class="type">unsigned</span> <span class="type">long</span>} on X11<span class="operator">.</span>
\warning Using <span class="keyword">this</span> type is <span class="keyword">not</span> portable<span class="operator">.</span>
<span class="operator">*</span> <span class="operator">/</span>
<p>QDoc renders this as:</p>
<blockquote><p><a href="../qtcore/qt.html#HANDLE-typedef">Qt::HANDLE</a> is a platform-specific handle type for system objects. This is equivalent to <code>void *</code> on Windows and macOS, and to <code>unsigned long</code> on X11.</p>
<p><b>Warning:</b> Using this type is not portable.</p>
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