/usr/share/SuperCollider/HelpSource/Classes/DecodeB2.schelp is in supercollider-common 1:3.8.0~repack-2.
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summary:: 2D Ambisonic B-format decoder.
related:: Classes/BiPanB2, Classes/PanB, Classes/PanB2, Classes/Rotate2
categories:: UGens>Multichannel>Ambisonics
Decode a two dimensional ambisonic B-format signal to a set of speakers
in a regular polygon. The outputs will be in clockwise order. The
position of the first speaker is either center or left of center.
method::ar, kr
Number of output speakers. Typically 4 to 8.
The B-format signal.
The B-format signal.
The B-format signal.
Should be zero if the front is a vertex of the polygon. The first
speaker will be directly in front. Should be 0.5 if the front
bisects a side of the polygon. Then the first speaker will be the
one left of center.
An array of channels, one for each speaker.
var w, x, y, p, a, b, c, d;
p = PinkNoise.ar; // source
// B-format encode
#w, x, y = PanB2.ar(p, MouseX.kr(-1,1), 0.1);
// B-format decode to quad
#a, b, c, d = DecodeB2.ar(4, w, x, y);
[a, b, d, c] // reorder to my speaker arrangement: Lf Rf Lr Rr