/usr/bin/repotrack is in yum-utils 1.1.31-3.
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2005 seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
# helps partially track a repo. Let's you download a package + all of its
# deps from any set of repos.
# use: so you can keep current on any given pkg + its deps from another
# repo w/o enabling that repo in your yum configuration by default
# also for making partial mirrors that traverse dependencies.
import os
import sys
import shutil
from optparse import OptionParser
from urlparse import urljoin
import logging
import yum
import yum.Errors
import rpmUtils
from yum.misc import getCacheDir
from yum.constants import *
from yum.packages import parsePackages
from yum.packageSack import ListPackageSack
# for yum 2.4.X compat
def sortPkgObj(pkg1 ,pkg2):
"""sorts a list of yum package objects by name"""
if pkg1.name > pkg2.name:
return 1
elif pkg1.name == pkg2.name:
return 0
return -1
class RepoTrack(yum.YumBase):
def __init__(self, opts):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.repotrack")
self.opts = opts
def findDeps(self, po):
"""Return the dependencies for a given package, as well
possible solutions for those dependencies.
Returns the deps as a dict of:
dict[reqs] = [list of satisfying pkgs]"""
reqs = po.returnPrco('requires')
pkgresults = {}
for req in reqs:
(r,f,v) = req
if r.startswith('rpmlib('):
pkgresults[req] = list(self.whatProvides(r, f, v))
return pkgresults
def more_to_check(unprocessed_pkgs):
for pkg in unprocessed_pkgs.keys():
if unprocessed_pkgs[pkg] is not None:
return True
return False
def parseArgs():
usage = """
Repotrack: keep current on any given pkg and its deps. It will download the package(s) you
want to track and all of their dependencies
%s [options] package1 [package2] [package..] """ % sys.argv[0]
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-c", "--config", default='/etc/yum.conf',
help='config file to use (defaults to /etc/yum.conf)')
parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", default=None,
help='check as if running the specified arch (default: current arch)')
parser.add_option("-r", "--repoid", default=[], action='append',
help="specify repo ids to query, can be specified multiple times (default is all enabled)")
parser.add_option("-t", "--tempcache", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Use a temp dir for storing/accessing yum-cache")
parser.add_option("-p", "--download_path", dest='destdir',
default=os.getcwd(), help="Path to download packages to")
parser.add_option("-u", "--urls", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Just list urls of what would be downloaded, don't download")
parser.add_option("-n", "--newest", default=True, action="store_false",
help="Toggle downloading only the newest packages(defaults to newest-only)")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Output as little as possible")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
return (opts, args)
def main():
# gpg/sha checksum them
(opts, user_pkg_list) = parseArgs()
if len(user_pkg_list) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: no packages specified to parse"
if not os.path.exists(opts.destdir) and not opts.urls:
except OSError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot create destination dir %s" % opts.destdir
if not os.access(opts.destdir, os.W_OK) and not opts.urls:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot write to destination dir %s" % opts.destdir
my = RepoTrack(opts=opts)
my.doConfigSetup(fn=opts.config,init_plugins=False) # init yum, without plugins
if opts.arch:
archlist = []
archlist = rpmUtils.arch.getArchList()
# do the happy tmpdir thing if we're not root
if os.geteuid() != 0 or opts.tempcache:
cachedir = getCacheDir()
if cachedir is None:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Could not make cachedir, exiting"
if len(opts.repoid) > 0:
myrepos = []
# find the ones we want
for glob in opts.repoid:
# disable them all
for repo in my.repos.repos.values():
# enable the ones we like
for repo in myrepos:
my._getSacks(archlist=archlist, thisrepo=repo.id)
unprocessed_pkgs = {}
final_pkgs = {}
pkg_list = []
avail = my.pkgSack.returnPackages()
for item in user_pkg_list:
exactmatch, matched, unmatched = parsePackages(avail, [item])
if opts.newest:
this_sack = ListPackageSack()
pkg_list = this_sack.returnNewestByNameArch()
del this_sack
if len(pkg_list) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Nothing found to download matching packages specified"
for po in pkg_list:
unprocessed_pkgs[po.pkgtup] = po
while more_to_check(unprocessed_pkgs):
for pkgtup in unprocessed_pkgs.keys():
if unprocessed_pkgs[pkgtup] is None:
po = unprocessed_pkgs[pkgtup]
final_pkgs[po.pkgtup] = po
deps_dict = my.findDeps(po)
unprocessed_pkgs[po.pkgtup] = None
for req in deps_dict.keys():
pkg_list = deps_dict[req]
if opts.newest:
this_sack = ListPackageSack()
pkg_list = this_sack.returnNewestByNameArch()
del this_sack
for res in pkg_list:
if res is not None and res.pkgtup not in unprocessed_pkgs:
unprocessed_pkgs[res.pkgtup] = res
download_list = final_pkgs.values()
if opts.newest:
this_sack = ListPackageSack()
download_list = this_sack.returnNewestByNameArch()
for pkg in download_list:
repo = my.repos.getRepo(pkg.repoid)
remote = pkg.returnSimple('relativepath')
local = os.path.basename(remote)
local = os.path.join(opts.destdir, local)
if (os.path.exists(local) and
os.path.getsize(local) == int(pkg.returnSimple('packagesize'))):
if not opts.quiet:
my.logger.info("%s already exists and appears to be complete" % local)
if opts.urls:
url = urljoin(repo.urls[0],remote)
print '%s' % url
# Disable cache otherwise things won't download
repo.cache = 0
if not opts.quiet:
my.logger.info('Downloading %s' % os.path.basename(remote))
pkg.localpath = local # Hack: to set the localpath to what we want.
path = repo.getPackage(pkg)
if not os.path.exists(local) or not os.path.samefile(path, local):
shutil.copy2(path, local)
if __name__ == "__main__":