/usr/lib/clisp-2.49.60+/postgresql/sql.lisp is in clisp-module-postgresql 1:2.49.20170913-4build1.
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;;; Copyright (C) 1999-2008 by Sam Steingold
;;; Distributed under the GNU GPL2 <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>:
;;; No warranty; you may copy/modify/redistribute under the same
;;; conditions with the source code.
(require "postgresql")
(in-package "SQL")
;;; Helper Functions
(defvar *sql-log* nil "The PostgreSQL log stream or NIL.")
(defvar *sql-login* "postgres" "The default PostgreSQL login.")
(defvar *sql-password* "postgres" "The default PostgreSQL passowrd.")
(define-condition sql-error (error)
((type :type symbol :reader sql-type :initarg :type)
(mesg :type simple-string :reader sql-mesg :initarg :mesg))
(:report (lambda (cc stream)
(format stream "[~a] ~a" (sql-type cc) (sql-mesg cc)))))
(defun pq-finish (conn)
"if you do `PQfinish' twice on the same object, you will get segfault!"
(when (and conn (validp conn))
(PQfinish conn)
(setf (validp conn) nil)))
(defun pq-clear (res)
"if you do `PQclear' twice on the same object, you will get segfault!"
(when (and res (validp res))
(PQclear res)
(setf (validp res) nil)))
(defun sql-error (conn res format-string &rest args)
(pq-clear res) (pq-finish conn)
(error 'sql-error :mesg (apply #'format nil format-string args)
:type (if res :request :connection)))
(defun sql-connect (&key host port options tty name
(login *sql-login*) (password *sql-password*))
(let ((conn (PQsetdbLogin host port options tty name login password)))
(when conn (set-foreign-pointer conn :copy))
(unless (and conn (= (PQstatus conn) CONNECTION_OK))
(sql-error conn nil "~S(~S,~S,~S,~S,~S,~S,~S): ~S"
'sql-connect host port options tty name login password
(PQerrorMessage conn)))
(when *sql-log*
(format *sql-log* "~&Connection(~S) OK:~% db name: ~S
host:port[tty]: ~S:~S[~S]~% options: ~S~%"
conn (PQdb conn) (PQhost conn) (PQport conn)
(PQtty conn) (PQoptions conn)))
(defmacro with-sql-connection ((conn &rest options &key (log '*sql-log*)
&allow-other-keys) &body body)
`(let* ((*sql-log* ,log)
(,conn (sql-connect ,@(ext:remove-plist options :log))))
(unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
;; close the connection to the database and cleanup
(pq-finish ,conn))))
(defun sql-transaction (conn command status &optional (clear-p t))
(let ((res (PQexec conn command)))
(when res (set-foreign-pointer res :copy))
(unless (and res (= status (PQresultStatus res)))
(sql-error conn res command "~S(~S,~S): ~S" 'sql-transaction
conn command (PQresultErrorMessage res)))
(when *sql-log*
(format *sql-log* " * OK: ~a~%" command))
(when clear-p (pq-clear res))
(defmacro with-sql-transaction ((res conn command status) &body body)
`(let ((,res (sql-transaction ,conn ,command ,status nil)))
(unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
;; avoid memory leaks
(pq-clear ,res))))
(pushnew "SQL" custom:*system-package-list* :test #'string=)
;;; file sql.lisp ends here