/usr/include/Inventor/SoInput.h is in inventor-dev 2.1.5-10-21.
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* Copyright (C) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
* free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
* or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
* otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
* any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
* other software, or any other product whatsoever.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
* Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
* http://www.sgi.com
* For further information regarding this notice, see:
* http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan/
// -*- C++ -*-
* Copyright (C) 1990,91 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
| $Revision: $
| Description:
| This file contains the definition of the SoInput class.
| Classes:
| SoInput, SoInputFile (internal)
| Author(s) : Paul S. Strauss
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
#ifndef _SO_INPUT_
#define _SO_INPUT_
#include <Inventor/misc/SoBasic.h>
#include <Inventor/SbDict.h>
#include <Inventor/SbPList.h>
#include <Inventor/SbString.h>
#include <Inventor/SoDB.h>
class SoNode;
class SoPath;
class SoBase;
class SoDB;
class SbStringList;
// Structure: SoInputFile (internal)
// This structure holds info about an opened file for use in the SoInput
// class.
// One of the items is a dictionary that correlates reference names
// in files to nodes and paths (SoBase instances).
SoINTERNAL struct SoInputFile {
SbString name; // Name of file
SbString fullName; // Name of file with full path
FILE *fp; // File pointer
void *buffer; // Buffer to read from (or NULL)
char *curBuf; // Current location in buffer
size_t bufSize; // Buffer size
int lineNum; // Number of line currently reading
SbBool openedHere; // TRUE if opened by SoInput
SbBool binary; // TRUE if file has binary data
SbBool readHeader; // TRUE if header was checked for A/B
SbBool headerOk; // TRUE if header was read ok
SbDict *refDict; // Node/path reference dictionary
SbBool borrowedDict; // TRUE if dict from another SoInput
float ivVersion; // Version if standard Inventor file;
SbString headerString; // The header string of the input file
SoDBHeaderCB *postReadCB; // CB to be called after reading file
void *CBData; // User data to pass to the postReadCB
SoInputFile(); // Too complex for inlining
// Class: SoInput
// This file contains the definition of the SoInput (input stream)
// class. This class is used for reading Inventor data files; it
// supports both ASCII (default) and binary formats. It skips over
// Inventor comments (from '#' to end of line) and can stack input
// files when file inclusion is encountered; when EOF is reached, the
// stack is popped.
// Another feature is file opening. This will open a named file,
// looking for it in any of several user-specified directories.
// Alternatively, the caller can specify a buffer in memory (and its
// size) to read from.
// SoInput also contains a dictionary that correlates node and path
// pointers to temporary names written to files. This is so
// references to previously defined nodes and paths are written
// correctly.
// C-api: prefix=SoIn
class SoInput {
// Constructor (default SoInput reads from stdin)
// Destructor closes file if SoInput opened it.
// Adds a directory to list of directories to search to find named
// files to open. Directories searched in order. By default, the list
// contains just the current directory.
// C-api: name=addDirFirst
static void addDirectoryFirst(const char *dirName);
// C-api: name=addDirLast
static void addDirectoryLast(const char *dirName);
// Adds directories that are named in the value of the given
// environment variable. Directories may be separated by colons
// or whitespace in the value.
// C-api: name=addEnvDirsFirst
static void addEnvDirectoriesFirst(const char *envVarName);
// C-api: name=addEnvDirsLast
static void addEnvDirectoriesLast(const char *envVarName);
// Removes given directory from list.
// C-api: name=removeDir
static void removeDirectory(const char *dirName);
// Clears list of directories, including the current directory.
// C-api: name=clearDirs
static void clearDirectories();
// Returns the current list of directories.
// C-api: name=getDirs
static const SbStringList &getDirectories();
// Sets initial file pointer to read from. Clears stack if necessary.
// C-api: name=setFilePtr
void setFilePointer(FILE *newFP);
// Opens named file, sets file pointer to result. Clears stack if
// necessary. Returns FALSE on error. If okIfNotFound is FALSE
// (the default), it prints an error message if the file could not
// be found.
SbBool openFile(const char *fileName,
SbBool okIfNotFound = FALSE);
// Opens named file, pushes resulting file pointer onto stack.
// Returns FALSE on error
SbBool pushFile(const char *fileName);
// Closes all files on stack opened with openFile or pushFile
void closeFile();
// Returns TRUE if currently open file is a valid file;
// that is, it begins with a header that has been registered
// with SoDB::registerHeader.
SbBool isValidFile();
// Returns pointer to current file, or NULL if reading from buffer
FILE * getCurFile() const;
// Returns full name of current file, or NULL if reading from buffer
const char * getCurFileName() const;
// Sets up buffer to read from and its size
// C-api: name=setBuf
void setBuffer(void *bufPointer, size_t bufSize);
// Returns number of bytes read from buffer. Returns 0 if not
// reading from a buffer.
size_t getNumBytesRead() const;
// Returns the header of the file being read
SbString getHeader();
// Returns the Inventor version of the file being read.
float getIVVersion()
{ return curFile->ivVersion; }
SoEXTENDER public:
// Returns whether current file/buffer being read is binary
SbBool isBinary();
// Reads next character from current file/buffer. Returns FALSE on
// EOF or error.
SbBool get(char &c);
// Reads next ASCII character from current buffer. Returns FALSE on
// EOF or error.
SbBool getASCIIBuffer(char &c);
// Reads next ASCII character from current file. Returns FALSE on
// EOF or error.
SbBool getASCIIFile(char &c);
// Reads next ASCII format hex value from current file/buffer.
// Returns FALSE on EOF or error.
SbBool readHex(uint32_t &l);
// Reads item of particular type from current file pointer/buffer. All
// skip white space before reading and return FALSE on EOF or if
// item could not be read.
SbBool read(char &c);
// C-api: name=readStr
SbBool read(SbString &s);
// C-api: name=readName
SbBool read(SbName &n, SbBool validIdent = FALSE);
// C-api: name=readInt
SbBool read(int &i);
// C-api: name=readUInt
SbBool read(unsigned int &i);
// C-api: name=readShort
SbBool read(short &s);
// C-api: name=readUShort
SbBool read(unsigned short &s);
// was ... C-api: name=readInt32
// but typedef makes this redundant.
//SbBool read(int32_t &l);
// was ... C-api: name=readUInt32
// but typedef makes this redundant.
//SbBool read(uint32_t &l);
// C-api: name=readFloat
SbBool read(float &f);
// C-api: name=readDbl
SbBool read(double &d);
// C-api: name=readBinCharArray
SbBool readBinaryArray(unsigned char *c, int length);
// C-api: name=readBinInt32Array
SbBool readBinaryArray(int32_t *l, int length);
// C-api: name=readBinFloatArray
SbBool readBinaryArray(float *f, int length);
// C-api: name=readBinDblArray
SbBool readBinaryArray(double *d, int length);
// Returns TRUE if current file/buffer is at EOF
SbBool eof() const;
SoINTERNAL public:
// Init function sets up global directory list
static void init();
// Constructor that gets reference dictionary from another SoInput
SoInput(SoInput *dictIn);
// Fills in passed string to contain description of current
// location in all open input files
void getLocationString(SbString &string) const;
// Puts a just-read character or string back in input stream/buffer
void putBack(char c);
void putBack(const char *string);
// Adds a reference to dictionary in current file. This may also
// add a reference to the global dictionary if addToGlobalDict is
// TRUE (the default).
void addReference(const SbName &name, SoBase *base,
SbBool addToGlobalDict = TRUE);
// Removes a reference to dictionary in current file. This may
// also remove a reference from the global dictionary.
void removeReference(const SbName &name);
// Looks up a reference, returning the base pointer or NULL
SoBase * findReference(const SbName &name) const;
static SbStringList *directories; // Directory search path.
SbPList files; // Stack of SoInputFiles (depth >=1)
struct SoInputFile *curFile; // Top of stack
SbString backBuf; // For strings that are put back
int backBufIndex; // Index into backBuf (-1 if no buf)
void *tmpBuffer; // Buffer for binary read from file
char *curTmpBuf; // Current location in temporary buffer
size_t tmpBufSize; // Size of temporary buffer
char backupBuf[8]; // Buffer for storing data that
// has been read but can't be put back.
SbBool backupBufUsed; // True if backupBuf contains data
// Set the Inventor version number of the current file
void setIVVersion(float version)
{ curFile->ivVersion = version; }
// Looks for named file and opens it. Returns NULL if not found.
FILE * findFile(const char *fileName,
SbString &fullName) const;
// Initializes reading from file
void initFile(FILE *newFP, const char *fileName,
SbString *fullName, SbBool openedHere,
SbDict *refDict = NULL);
// Checks current file for ASCII/binary header comment. Returns
// FALSE if no header was found.
SbBool checkHeader();
// Returns TRUE if reading from memory buffer rather than file
SbBool fromBuffer() const
{ return (curFile->buffer != NULL); }
// Skips over white space in input. Pops file if EOF is hit.
// Returns FALSE on error.
SbBool skipWhiteSpace();
// Pops current file from stack, if possible.
SbBool popFile();
// Returns number of bytes left in current buffer
size_t freeBytesInBuf() const
{ return (curFile->bufSize -
(curFile->curBuf - (char *) curFile->buffer)); }
// Reads integer, unsigned integer, or floating-point number.
// Returns FALSE on EOF or error
SbBool readInteger(int32_t &l);
SbBool readUnsignedInteger(uint32_t &l);
SbBool readReal(double &d);
// Reads unsigned integer string into str. Accepts decimal, octal,
// and hex integers. Returns FALSE on EOF or error
SbBool readUnsignedIntegerString(char *str);
// Reads string of decimal or hexadecimal digits into string.
// Returns number of bytes read.
int readDigits(char *string);
int readHexDigits(char *string);
// Reads given character from buffer into string. Returns 0 or 1
int readChar(char *string, char charToRead);
// Make room in the temporary buffer for reading from a binary file
SbBool makeRoomInBuf(size_t nBytes);
// Convert datatypes to network format during writing
void convertShort(char *from, short *s);
void convertInt32(char *from, int32_t *l);
void convertFloat(char *from, float *f);
void convertDouble(char *from, double *d);
void convertShortArray( char *from, register short *to,
register int len);
void convertInt32Array( char *from, register int32_t *to,
register int len);
void convertFloatArray( char *from, register float *to,
register int len);
void convertDoubleArray( char *from, register double *to,
register int len);
friend class SoBase;
friend class SoDB;
#endif /* _SO_INPUT_ */