This package is 11.5 KB.
It is available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/liba/libatteanx-endpoint-perl/libatteanx-endpoint-perl_0.002-1_amd64.deb
View its full control file here:
SPARQL 1.1 Protocol Endpoint
This package depends on:
libfile-sharedir-perl, libhtml-html5-writer-perl, libhttp-negotiate-perl, libjson-perl, libxml-libxml-perl, liblist-moreutils-perl, libmoo-perl, libmoox-log-any-perl, libplack-perl, libtrycatch-perl, libtype-tiny-perl, libnamespace-clean-perl, libattean-perl (>= 0.013), libjs-codemirror, perl
This package does not recommend any other package.
This package does not suggest any other package.
This package does not conflict with any other package.
libatteanx-endpoint-perl 0.002-1 is in ubuntu - bionic / universe. This package's architecture is: amd64.
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