/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws/aws-net-std.ads is in libaws3.3.2.2-dev 17.2.2017-2.
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-- Ada Web Server --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2002-2014, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be --
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- --
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-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
-- --
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-- --
-- --
pragma Ada_2012;
-- This is the standard (non-SSL) socket support. Only the implementation of
-- this package depends on a specific socket binding. To port AWS to another
-- socket implementation you need only to rewrite the body.
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
package AWS.Net.Std is
Socket_Error : exception renames Net.Socket_Error;
type Socket_Type is new Net.Socket_Type with private;
-- Initialize --
overriding procedure Bind
(Socket : in out Socket_Type;
Port : Natural;
Host : String := "";
Reuse_Address : Boolean := False;
Family : Family_Type := Family_Unspec);
-- Bind a socket on a given port
overriding procedure Listen
(Socket : Socket_Type;
Queue_Size : Positive := 5);
-- Set the queue size of the socket
overriding procedure Accept_Socket
(Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class;
New_Socket : in out Socket_Type);
-- Accept a connection on a socket
overriding procedure Connect
(Socket : in out Socket_Type;
Host : String;
Port : Positive;
Wait : Boolean := True;
Family : Family_Type := Family_Unspec);
-- Connect a socket on a given host/port. If Wait is True Connect will wait
-- for the connection to be established for timeout seconds, specified by
-- Set_Timeout routine. If Wait is False Connect will return immediately,
-- not waiting for the connection to be establised. It is possible to wait
-- for the Connection completion by calling Wait routine with Output set to
-- True in Events parameter.
overriding procedure Shutdown
(Socket : Socket_Type; How : Shutmode_Type := Shut_Read_Write);
-- Shutdown the read, write or both side of the socket.
-- If How is Both, close it. Does not raise Socket_Error if the socket is
-- not connected or already shutdown.
-- IO --
overriding procedure Send
(Socket : Socket_Type;
Data : Stream_Element_Array;
Last : out Stream_Element_Offset);
overriding procedure Receive
(Socket : Socket_Type;
Data : out Stream_Element_Array;
Last : out Stream_Element_Offset)
with Inline;
overriding function Pending
(Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Count;
-- Returns the number of bytes which are available inside socket
-- for immediate read.
-- Others --
overriding function Get_FD (Socket : Socket_Type) return Integer;
-- Returns the file descriptor associated with the socket
overriding function Peer_Addr (Socket : Socket_Type) return String;
-- Returns the peer name/address
overriding function Peer_Port (Socket : Socket_Type) return Positive;
-- Returns the port of the peer socket
overriding function Get_Addr (Socket : Socket_Type) return String;
-- Returns the name/address of the socket
overriding function Get_Port (Socket : Socket_Type) return Positive;
-- Returns the port of the socket
overriding function Is_Any_Address (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean;
-- Return true if the socket accepts connections on any of the hosts's
-- network addresses.
overriding function Is_IPv6 (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean;
function IPv6_Available return Boolean;
function Host_Name return String;
overriding function Is_Timeout
(Socket : Socket_Type;
E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the message associated with the Exception_Occurence for
-- a Socket_Error is a timeout.
overriding function Is_Peer_Closed
(Socket : Socket_Type;
E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the message associated with the Exception_Occurence for
-- a Socket_Error is a "socket closed by peer".
overriding procedure Set_No_Delay
(Socket : Socket_Type; Value : Boolean := True);
-- Set/clear TCP_NODELAY option on socket
overriding procedure Set_Send_Buffer_Size
(Socket : Socket_Type;
Size : Natural);
-- Set the internal socket send buffer size.
-- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations.
overriding procedure Set_Receive_Buffer_Size
(Socket : Socket_Type;
Size : Natural);
-- Set the internal socket receive buffer size.
-- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations.
overriding function Get_Send_Buffer_Size
(Socket : Socket_Type) return Natural;
-- Returns the internal socket send buffer size.
-- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations.
overriding function Get_Receive_Buffer_Size
(Socket : Socket_Type) return Natural;
-- Returns the internal socket receive buffer size.
-- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations.
overriding function Errno (Socket : Socket_Type) return Integer;
-- Returns and clears error state in socket
type Socket_Hidden;
type Socket_Hidden_Access is access Socket_Hidden;
type Socket_Type is new Net.Socket_Type with record
S : Socket_Hidden_Access;
end record;
overriding procedure Free (Socket : in out Socket_Type);
-- Release memory associated with the socket object
function Error_On_Connect (Text : String) return String is
((if Text'Length > 0 and then Text (Text'Last) = '.'
then Text (Text'First .. Text'Last - 1) else Text)
& (if Strings.Fixed.Index
(Text, "connect",
Mapping => Strings.Maps.Constants.Lower_Case_Map) = 0
then " on connect" else "") & " to ");
-- Function to concatenate error message with connection address in human
-- readable manner. Declare in specification because it is common code for
-- GNAT and IPv6 implementations.
end AWS.Net.Std;