/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws/soap-wsdl-parser.ads is in libaws3.3.2.2-dev 17.2.2017-2.
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-- Ada Web Server --
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-- Copyright (C) 2003-2015, AdaCore --
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-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be --
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
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-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
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with SOAP.Name_Space;
with SOAP.Types;
with SOAP.WSDL.Parameters;
with SOAP.WSDL.Schema;
private with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
private with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets;
private with SOAP.WSDL.Types;
package SOAP.WSDL.Parser is
WSDL_Error : exception renames WSDL.WSDL_Error;
type Parameter_Mode is (Input, Output, Fault);
-- Kind of parameters in the WSDL
-- Parser --
type Object is tagged limited private;
procedure Start_Service
(O : in out Object;
Name : String;
Root_Documentation : String;
Documentation : String;
Location : String) is null;
-- Called for every service in the WSDL document
procedure End_Service
(O : in out Object;
Name : String) is null;
-- Called at the end of the service
procedure New_Procedure
(O : in out Object;
Proc : String;
Documentation : String;
SOAPAction : String;
Namespace : Name_Space.Object;
Input : Parameters.P_Set;
Output : Parameters.P_Set;
Fault : Parameters.P_Set) is null;
-- Called for each SOAP procedure found in the WSDL document for the
-- current service.
procedure Parse
(O : in out Object'Class;
Document : WSDL.Object);
-- Parse document, call routines above
-- Configuration --
type Verbose_Level is new Natural range 0 .. 2;
procedure Verbose (Level : Verbose_Level := 1);
-- Activate verbose mode
procedure Accept_Document (O : in out Object'Class);
-- Accept Document binding as RPC style binding
procedure Continue_On_Error;
-- Set continue on error. This means that the parser will not stop at the
-- first error encountered, it will skip the SOAP routines having problems
-- and it will try to parse the next one. This option is useful to
-- generate stub/skeleton for the part of the WSDL document using
-- supported types for example.
procedure Exclude (O : in out Object; Operation : String);
-- Register operation to be excluded from the code generation
function Style (O : Object'Class) return WSDL.Schema.Binding_Style;
-- Returns the binding style for the parsed WSDL
function Encoding
(O : Object'Class; Kind : Parameter_Mode) return Types.Encoding_Style;
-- Returns the encoding style for the proc
function xsd (O : Object'Class) return SOAP.Name_Space.Object;
-- Returns the xsd name-space
function xsi (O : Object'Class) return SOAP.Name_Space.Object;
-- Returns the xsi name-space
function env (O : Object'Class) return SOAP.Name_Space.Object;
-- Returns the env name-space
function enc (O : Object'Class) return SOAP.Name_Space.Object;
-- Returns the enc name-space
use Ada;
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package Name_Set is new Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets (String);
type All_Parameters is array (Parameter_Mode) of Parameters.P_Set;
type Object_Access is access all Object'Class;
type Object is tagged limited record
Self : Object_Access := Object'Unchecked_Access;
Proc : Unbounded_String; -- SOAP procedure name
Documentation : Unbounded_String; -- Associated documentation
SOAPAction : Unbounded_String; -- SOAPAction string
Namespace : Name_Space.Object;
Mode : Parameter_Mode; -- Current parameter parsing mode
Params : All_Parameters; -- All parameters
Current_Name : Unbounded_String; -- Current parameter name
Elmt_Name : Unbounded_String; -- Current element name
Enclosing_Types : Name_Set.Set; -- The enclosing entity type
Array_Elements : Types.Object; -- Type of the array's elements
Array_Length : Natural; -- Number of items (0 = unbounded)
Accept_Document : Boolean := False;
Exclude : Name_Set.Set; -- Operation to exclude from gen
No_Param : Boolean := False; -- Disable param generation
Style : WSDL.Schema.Binding_Style := SOAP.WSDL.Schema.RPC;
-- Input/Output encoding
I_Encoding : WSDL.Schema.Encoding_Style := WSDL.Schema.Encoded;
O_Encoding : WSDL.Schema.Encoding_Style := WSDL.Schema.Encoded;
-- Name-spaces as defined in WSDL definition node
xsd : Name_Space.Object := Name_Space.XSD;
xsi : Name_Space.Object := Name_Space.XSI;
env : Name_Space.Object := Name_Space.SOAPENV;
enc : Name_Space.Object := Name_Space.SOAPENC;
end record;
end SOAP.WSDL.Parser;