/usr/include/BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/constraints.h is in libball1.4-dev 1.4.3~beta1-4.
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#include <BALL/MATHS/vector3.h>
#include <BALL/MATHS/matrix44.h>
#include <BALL/MATHS/plane3.h>
#include <BALL/KERNEL/system.h>
#include <BALL/DATATYPE/hashGrid.h>
namespace BALL
class DockingAlgorithm;
namespace VIEW
class DockRLDialog;
class ScoringFunction;
class BALL_EXPORT Constraint
virtual ~Constraint();
virtual double calculateScore(AtomContainer* mol) = 0;
/** Set a name for this ReferenceArea. This way, the score summary printed by the ScoringFunction can be analyzed more easily */
virtual void setName(String name);
String getName();
String getType();
virtual void setScoringFunction(ScoringFunction* sf);
String name_;
/** Stores the type - 'ReferenceArea' or 'PharmacophoreConstraint' - of this Constraint for text output purposes. */
String type_;
/** penalty value that is to be added to the calculated energy if the desired constraints are not fullfilled. */
double penalty_;
ScoringFunction* scoring_function_;
/** ReferenceAreas are cuboids specified by the user for the examined target structure. A given number of ligand atoms or a given fraction of the ligand atoms should be located within these areas, so that docking is optimized in this way. */
class BALL_EXPORT ReferenceArea
: public Constraint
/** Constructor. Creates a ReferenceArea from 4 given points, that describe a cuboid.\n
Of those four given points, p1 should be located on the same edge as p2, p3 on the same egde as p2 and p4 on the same edge as p3. */
ReferenceArea(Vector3& p1, Vector3& p2, Vector3& p3, Vector3& p4, bool atom_fraction, double atoms, double penalty);
/** Constructor. Creates a ReferenceArea from 2 points that describe one side of the cuboid and the the desired expansion of the cubiod along the x- and y-axes of a right handed coordinate system (after transformation) */
ReferenceArea(Vector3& p1, Vector3& p2, int y_expansion, int z_expansion, bool atom_fraction, double atoms, double penalty);
/** Constructor that creates a ReferenceArea describing the area occupied by a given AtomContainer */
ReferenceArea(const AtomContainer* sys, bool atom_fraction, double atoms, double penalty);
ReferenceArea(list<const AtomContainer*>& container_list, const list<String>& interaction_types, double desired_interaction_score, double penalt);
/** calculates a penalty for the given AtomContainer */
double calculateScore(AtomContainer* mol);
/** returns the number of atoms located within this ReferenceAreas as calculated by the last call of getScore() (respectively ScoringFunction::updateScore() ) */
double getContainedAtoms();
/** Creates a molecule with four atoms located on the bonders of the cube that this ReferenceArea describes.\n
This can be used for visualization purposes.\n
@return the created System if this ReferenceArea contains a valid ref-area description; else NULL is returned. */
System* createBoundaryMolecule();
/** Enlarge this ReferenceArea by the given amount in all directions */
void enlarge(double angstroem);
/** Sets the number resp. fraction of atoms of a ligand that should be contained in this ReferenceArea */
void setNumberDesiredAtoms(double d);
void setName(String name);
void setScoringFunction(ScoringFunction* sf);
double countContainedAtoms(AtomContainer* sys);
/** transformation matrix. It is used to rotate the specified cuboid in such a way that it is aligned with the global coordinate system */
Matrix4x4 T_;
double min_x_, max_x_, min_y_, max_y_, min_z_, max_z_;
/** the number of atoms of a reference ligand within this ReferenceArea respectively the fractions of atoms of a reference ligand within this ReferenceArea */
double ref_atoms_;
/** if == 1, ReferenceArea.atoms indicates the desired fraction of ligand atoms that should be located within this area */
bool atom_fraction_;
/** the number of atoms located within this ReferenceAreas as calculated by the last call of getScore() (respectively ScoringFunction::updateScore() ) */
double contained_atoms_;
vector<Vector3> input_points_;
/** the number of atoms of the reference ligand */
Size number_reflig_atoms_;
/** If set to true, the fraction of ligand-atoms contained within this ReferenceArea is calculated with respect to the number of atoms of the reference-ligand, if the current ligand has more atoms than the reference ligand.
This is useful, because a much larger ligand obviously needs more space and might therefore not fit completely into the binding pocket (as the reference ligand did). */
bool scale_by_size_;
friend class BALL::DockingAlgorithm;
friend class BALL::VIEW::DockRLDialog;
/** PharmacophoreConstraint allow to define specific intermolecular interactions that should exist between receptor and ligand.\n
If those interactions do not exist or are too weak (i.e. have a score that is not good enough), a penalty score is calculated and used by ScoringFunction::updateScore() if this PharmacophoreConstraint has been added to ScoringFunction::constraints.\n
In order to be able to evaluate the ligand's interactions with the specified atoms, the pairwise interactions have to be stored. Use ScoringFunction::enableStoreInteractions() to allow this. */
class BALL_EXPORT PharmacophoreConstraint
: public Constraint
PharmacophoreConstraint(list<const AtomContainer*>& container_list, const list<String>& interaction_types, double desired_interaction_score, double penalty);
PharmacophoreConstraint(const AtomContainer* container, const list<String>& interaction_types, double desired_interaction_score, double penalty);
PharmacophoreConstraint(const PharmacophoreConstraint& phC);
/** Constructor for initializing a PharmacophoreConstraint with a list of residue-IDs. \n
If using this constructor, the ScoringFunction for this object must be set by setScoringFunction() _before_ calling calculateScore() for the first time. If the receptor that is used by this ScoringFunction is not a Protein or does not have residues for all the specified IDs, setScoringFunction() will throw an exception. */
PharmacophoreConstraint(vector<String>& residue_IDs, const list<String>& interaction_types, double desired_interaction_score, double penalty);
void setScoringFunction(ScoringFunction* sf);
/** calculates a penalty for the given AtomContainer */
double calculateScore(AtomContainer* mol);
/** returns the interaction-score between the ligand and the desired receptor-atoms as calculated during the last call of calculateScore() */
double getInteractionScore();
bool usesReceptorResidues();
AtomContainer* getGridContainer();
const list<String>* getInteractionTypes();
const list<const AtomContainer*>* getInteractionPartners();
/** only used in case of creation of an object of this class by constructor PharmacophoreConstraint(vector<String>& residue_IDs ...) */
vector<String> residue_IDs_;
vector<String> chain_IDs_;
list<const AtomContainer*> interaction_partners_;
list<String> interaction_types_;
double desired_interaction_score_;
double interaction_score_;
bool uses_receptor_residues_;
/** Contains copies of all relevant receptor-atoms in case of grid-based ScoringFunctions */
AtomContainer grid_container_;
/** Saves the ID of the relevant ScoreGridSet in case of grid-based ScoringFunctions */
unsigned int gridSetID_;
friend class BALL::DockingAlgorithm;
friend class BALL::VIEW::DockRLDialog;