/usr/include/BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/dockResult.h is in libball1.4-dev 1.4.3~beta1-4.
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// $Id: dockResult.h,v 2007/08/07 16:16:15 bertsch Exp $
# include <BALL/DATATYPE/options.h>
# include <BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/conformationSet.h>
namespace BALL
/** Result of a (re)docking calculation.
the used algorithm and its options,
the conformation set which was produced by the algorithm
and the scores, names and options of all scoring functions that were used for the ranking / reranking.
On the one hand it allows to recieve the scores of a certain scoring,
on the other hand it can return scores sorted by another scoring.
This offers a simple way to compare the different scores with each other
\ingroup Docking
class BALL_EXPORT DockResult
/** @name Constructors and Destructors
/** Default Constructor
/** Constructor
DockResult(const String& docking_algorithm, ConformationSet* conformation_set,
const Options& docking_options)
/** Copy constructor
DockResult(const DockResult& dock_res)
/** Destructor
virtual ~DockResult()
/** @name Assignment
/** Assignment operator
const DockResult& operator = (const DockResult& dock_res)
/** @name Accessors: inspectors and mutators
/** Sets the conformation set.
void setConformationSet(ConformationSet* conformation_set)
/** Get the docking algorithm.
const String& getDockingAlgorithm() const
/** Get the options of the docking algorithm.
const Options& getDockingOptions() const
/** Get the conformation set.
const ConformationSet* getConformationSet() const
/** Get the conformation set.
ConformationSet* getConformationSet()
/* Sets scoring flag by which all scores are sorted displayed
a negative index corresponds to sorting by snapshot index
void sortBy(Index scoring_index)
/* Get the number of the scoring by which all scores are sorted displayed
Index isSortedBy() const
/** Returns score i of the scoring j in respect of the current sorting
* indicated by the flag \link DockResult::sorted_by_ sorted_by_ \endlink.
float operator()(Position i, Position j)
/** Returns the scores of \link DockResult::Scoring_ scoring \endlink i.
const vector < ConformationSet::Conformation > getScores(Position i) const
/** Returns the name of scoring function of \link DockResult::Scoring_ scoring \endlink i.
const String& getScoringName(Position i) const
/** Returns the scoring function options of \link DockResult::Scoring_ scoring \endlink i.
const Options& getScoringOptions(Position i) const
/** Returns the number of scorings.
Size numberOfScorings() const
/** Add a new Scoring_ to vector \link DockResult::scorings_ scorings_ \endlink.
* @param name name of the scoring function
* @param options options of the scoring function
* @param scores scores calculated by the scoring function
void addScoring(const String& name, const Options& options, vector < ConformationSet::Conformation > scores)
/** Deletes Scoring_ i of vector \link DockResult::scorings_ scorings_ \endlink.
void deleteScoring(Position i)
/** @name Reading and writing
/** Stores dock result in a file.
* Calls \link DockResult::writeDockResult writeDockResult(std::ostream& file) \endlink.
* @param filename name of the file
* @return true if writing was successful.
* @return false otherwise
bool writeDockResult(const String& filename)
/** Stores dock result in an ostream.
* @param file ostream
* @return true if writing was successful.
* @return false otherwise
bool writeDockResult(std::ostream& file) const
/** Reads dock result from a file.
* Calls \link DockResult::readDockResult readDockResult(std::istream& file) \endlink.
* @param filename name of the file
* @return true if reading was successful.
* @return false otherwise
bool readDockResult(const String& filename)
/** Read dock result from an istream.
* @param file istream
* @return true if reading was successful.
* @return false otherwise
bool readDockResult(std::istream& file)
/** Operator to write dock result into an ostream.
* Calls \link DockResult::writeDockResult writeDockResult(std::ostream& file)\endlink.
friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const DockResult& dock_res)
/** Operator to read dock result into an istream.
* Calls \link DockResult::readDockResult readDockResult(std::istream& file) \endlink.
friend std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& in, DockResult& dock_res)
/** Nested class in DockResult.
* This class contains information about the scoring:
* name of the scoring function,
* options of the function and
* scores
class Scoring_
/** Default Constructor
Scoring_() throw();
/** Copy constructor
Scoring_(const Scoring_& scoring)
/** Constructor
Scoring_(const String& name, const Options& options, const vector<float>& scores, const vector<Index>& snapshot_order) throw();
/** Destructor
~Scoring_() throw();
/** Assignment operator
const Scoring_& operator = (const Scoring_& scoring)
/** Name of scoring function
String name_;
/** options of scoring function
Options options_;
/** Vector of scores
* The score at position i belongs to the snapshot i
vector<float> scores_;
/** Vector of snapshot indices
* The indices are sorted by their scores
vector<Index> snapshot_order_;
* Nested class in DockResult.
* This class is needed for the sorting of the vector of Conformations
* in \link DockResult::addScoring addScoring(const String& name, const Options& options, const vector < ConformationSet::Conformation > & scores)\endlink.
* The vector should be sorted by the score values.
class Compare_
/** Default constructor
Compare_() throw();
/** Destructor
~Compare_() throw();
/** Operator ()
//bool operator() (const std::pair<Index, float>& a, const std::pair<Index, float>& b) const
bool operator() (const ConformationSet::Conformation& a, const ConformationSet::Conformation& b) const
/** Name of docking algorithm
String docking_algorithm_;
/** Options of the docking algorithm
Options docking_options_;
/** Conformation set which was produced by the docking algorithm.
ConformationSet* conformation_set_;
/** Vector contains name, options and scores of each scoring function.
* The scores of each scoring are sorted.
vector<Scoring_> scorings_;
/** Flag that indicated by which scoring all scorings are sorted
-1 corresponds to a sorting by snapshot index
It is needed for the operator(i, j)
Index sorted_by_;
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const DockResult& dock_res)
std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& in, DockResult& dock_res)