/usr/include/BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/flexibleMolecule.h is in libball1.4-dev 1.4.3~beta1-4.
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// $Maintainer: Marc Röttig $
// $Authors: Marc Röttig, Marcel Schumann $
// ----------------------------------------------------
#include <BALL/KERNEL/molecule.h>
#include <BALL/KERNEL/forEach.h>
#include <BALL/DATATYPE/hashMap.h>
#include <BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/conformation.h>
#include <BALL/COMMON/exception.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace BALL
/** FlexibleMolecule class.
This class represents any molecule having
multiple conformers.
class BALL_EXPORT FlexibleMolecule
/* Constructor.
FlexibleMolecule(Molecule* mol);
/** Copy constructor. */
FlexibleMolecule(const FlexibleMolecule& flexmol);
/** Destructor.
virtual ~FlexibleMolecule();
/** Add a conformation
@param conformation pointer
virtual void addConformation(Conformation* conf);
/** Removes and destroyes all conformations of this FlexibleMolecule */
void clearConformations();
/** Generate a hashkey for the topology of the given molecule. \n
This hashkey uses information about all atoms, bonds and bond-orders and generates a cryptographic hashkey from this data. \n
Note that the atom positions are not taken into account by this function; if you need a hashkey for a conformation, please you Conformation::generateHash() instead.
@param ignore_hydrogen if set to true, hydrogen atom are ignore during creation of the hashkey. This is useful for searching molecules regardless of the exact protonation state. */
static void generateTopologyHash(const AtomContainer* mol, String& hash, bool ignore_hydrogen = false);
/** Get the number of stored conformations.
@return number of conformations
Size getNumberOfConformations();
/** Get a vector of all stored conformations.
@return vector of conformation pointers
const vector < Conformation* > & getConformations() const;
/** Get the ID of the i-th conformation.
@return ID of i-th conformation
String getConformationId(Position i);
/** Get a pointer to the i-th conformation.
@return pointer to i-th conformation
Conformation* getConformation(Position i);
/** Get a pointer to the i-th conformer ( = conformation applied to parent molecule).
@return pointer to i-th conformer
Molecule* getConformer(Position i);
/** Get a pointer to the conformer by ID ( = conformation applied to parent molecule).
@return pointer to conformer having the specified ID
Molecule* getConformerById(String id);
/** Get a pointer to a conformation by specifying its ID.
@return pointer to Conformation having the specified ID
Conformation* getConformationById(String id);
/** Has the Flexible Molecule an associated conformation with given ID.
@return bool
bool hasConformation(String id);
/** Get a pointer to the parent molecule supplied in the constructor
@return pointer to parent molecule
Molecule* getParent();
/** Get the ID of the Flexible Molecule
@return ID of Flexible Molecule
String getId() const;
/** Set the ID of the Flexible Molecule
@param id of Flexible Molecule
void setId(String id);
void removeMoleculeOwnership();
String id;
bool checkCompatibility(Conformation* conf);
Molecule* molecule;
vector < Conformation* > conformations;
HashMap < String, Conformation* > conf_ids_;
bool molecule_ownership_;
static void calculatePseudoSmile(const Atom* atom, String& smile, HashSet<const Atom*>& visited_atoms, bool ignore_hydrogen);
typedef FlexibleMolecule Ligand;