/usr/include/BALL/DOCKING/IMGDOCK/IMGDock.h is in libball1.4-dev 1.4.3~beta1-4.
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#include <BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/dockingAlgorithm.h>
#include <BALL/MOLMEC/COMMON/forceField.h>
#include <BALL/MATHS/matrix44.h>
#include <BALL/SCORING/COMMON/scoringFunction.h>
#include <BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/staticLigandFragment.h>
#include <BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/sideChainOptimizer.h>
#include <map>
namespace BALL
/** Iterative Multi-Greedy Docking */
class BALL_EXPORT IMGDock : public DockingAlgorithm
/** @name Constructors&Destructors */
IMGDock(System& receptor, System& ligand, Options& new_options);
IMGDock(System& receptor, System& ligand);
IMGDock(System& receptor, System& ligand, string config_file);
/** @name Constant Definitions
struct Option
static const char* STEP_WIDTH;
static const char* NO_SOLUTIONS;
static const char* GLOBAL_ROTATION;
static const char* POST_OPTIMIZATION_STEPS;
static const char* MIN_INHIBITOR_ATOMS;
static const char* SCORING_TYPE;
static const char* ITERATIONS;
static const char* DECREASE_STEPWIDTH;
static const char* SUPERPOSE_LIGAND;
struct Default
static int STEP_WIDTH;
static int NO_SOLUTIONS;
static bool GLOBAL_ROTATION;
static String SCORING_TYPE;
static int ITERATIONS;
/** @name Accessors */
void setup(System& receptor, System& ligand, Options& new_options);
void setup(System& receptor, System& ligand);
void start();
/** tries to dock a given ligand and return the obtained energy ( = internal conformation energy of the ligand + binding free energy) */
double dockLigand(AtomContainer& ligand, bool verbose = 0);
/** returns the energy of current conformation of the ligand candidate ( = conformation energy+interaction energy), as calculated by the last call of update() */
double getEnergy();
/** returns the IMGDock score for the current conformation of the ligand candidate as calculated by the last call of update(); i.e. the interaction+conformation energy scaled ... \n
-- with respect to the depth of burial of the ligand candidate into the binding pocket \n
-- and with respect to the number/fraction of ligand atoms that are located within the various reference areas (which are defined by the user) */
double getScore();
/** prints information about each fragment of the ligand */
void printFragments(std::ostream& out = std::cout);
void printResults(std::ostream& out = std::cout);
/** rotate a ligand fragment around one of its bonds that connects it to another fragment */
void rotateLigandFragment(Size fragment, Size bond, int degree);
void steps(Size no = 1);
/** updates energy and forces between target and ligand */
void update();
void startDock(bool verbose = 0);
const AtomContainer* getLigand();
//ConformationSet getConformationSet(Index total_conformations);
/** stores the default options of this algorithms in the given Option object */
static void getDefaultOptions(Options& options);
/** @name Attributes */
int rec;
typedef std::multimap<double, std::vector<int> > PoseList;
/** @name Accessors */
void rotateLigandFragment(StaticLigandFragment* lf, TMatrix4x4<float>& M, Vector3& origin, int static_fragment);
/** translates the entire ligand candidate according to the given vector */
void translateLigand(Vector3& v);
/** calculates IMGDock score from the current interaction+conforamtion energy */
void calculateScore(double& interact_energy, double& conf_energy);
void createLigandFragments();
/** stores force vectors of ligand atoms to old_forces_ */
void storeForces();
/** reassigns the ligand atom forces from old_forces_ */
void reassignForces();
/** stores information about each inter-fragment bond in bond_information_ */
void saveBondInformation();
void saveBondInformation(AtomPairList* mapped_atoms);
bool findUnfrozenFragments(int fragment, std::set<int> frozen_fragments, std::set<int>& processed_fragments);
void postDockOptimization(double step_width, int no_steps);
void recursionPrint(string line);
void optimizeRotation(std::vector < int > & conf, PoseList& best_conformations, Size bond, bool ignore_original_angle);
void displayConformation(const std::vector < int > & conf, const double& energy);
void applyConformation(const std::vector < int > & conf, bool verbose = 0);
/** try to find a bond, so that the force vector is orthogonal to the plane spanned by the bond and the fragment center */
//void findBestFragmentRotation(int fragment, Size& bond, int& degree, map<int>* ignore_bonds);
/** find the inter-fragment bond that has the largest angle to the currently largest repulsive force vector (i.e. which is orthogonal in the best case)
@param ignore_bond ID of bond that should be ignored because rotation around it did not decrease energy; \n
if ignore_bond == -1, no bond is ignored
@param fragment if fragment == -1, the fragment to rotate is obtained by this function itself, overwriting the value at the given reference; \n
if fragment != -1, the bond to rotate around is searched within the given fragment
@param degree angle between largest repulsive force vector and plane build out of inter-fragment bond and atom on which this force vector acts on */
//void findBestRotation(int& fragment, Size& bond, int& degree, map* ignore_bonds = NULL, bool use_fragment_force = 0);
/** rotate the entire ligand around the X-, Y-, or Z-axis
@param a the axis to rotate around, 0: = X-axis, 1: = Y-axis, 2: = Z-axis */
void rotateLigand(int a, int degree);
/** sets all rotations back to zero degrees */
void resetRotations();
/** saves positions of current ligand to original_atom_positions_ */
void saveAtomPositions();
/** @name Attributes */
/** the number of times the algorithms tries to successively optimize all inter-fragment bonds */
int iterations_;
/** determines whether each ligand is superposed to the reference ligand before the actual docking is started */
bool superpose_ligand_;
int no_steps_;
std::vector<Vector3> original_atom_positions_;
//AtomContainer* receptor_;
double score_;
/** geometrical center of the reference ligand, i.e. the ligand obtained from the cristal structure */
Vector3 reference_center_;
/** saves force vectors of ligand atoms, so that after undoing a rotation (because it increased overall energy) the forces need not be calculated anew */
std::vector < Vector3 > old_forces_;
/** current rotation angles of all inter-fragment bonds */
std::vector < int > current_conformation_;
/** for each entry of current_conformation_, this matrix saves the id of the fragment and the id of the inter-fragment bond of this fragment that this entry corresponds to in one column */
std::vector < std::vector < int > > bond_information_;
/** the highest index of a inter-fragment bond that has been rotated so far */
int max_rotated_pos_;
/** if set to true (via options), the step-width is reduced by a factor of 2 in each iteration (whereas the number of steps is held constant). */
bool decrease_stepwidth_;
/** the size of the angle (in degrees) by which should be rotated around inter-fragment bonds in each step */
int step_width_;
Size no_solutions_;
/** the number of optimization steps that are to be done after docking by use of the function postDockOptimization() */
int post_optimization_steps_;
/** the width of each step of post docking optimization in units of Angstroem */
double post_optimization_step_width_;
/** determines whether the entire compound should be rotated around the global x-, y-, z-axis before opimizing inter-fragment bonds */
bool global_rotation_;
int min_inhibitor_atoms_;
/** average number of target atoms around each reference ligand atom */
int av_ref_lig_neighbors_;
PoseList best_conformations_;
SideChainOptimizer* sidechain_optimizer_;