/usr/include/BALL/DOCKING/geometricFit.h is in libball1.4-dev 1.4.3~beta1-4.
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// vi: set ts=2:
#include <BALL/DATATYPE/regularData3D.h>
#include <BALL/KERNEL/system.h>
#include <BALL/MATHS/complex.h>
#include <BALL/MATHS/FFT3D.h>
#include <BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/dockingAlgorithm.h>
namespace BALL
/** GeometricFit
This class is derived from class DockingAlgorithm.
Protein docking algorithm via geometric fit invented by Katchalski-Katzir,
et al. (1992) is implemented in this class.
\ingroup Docking
class BALL_EXPORT GeometricFit
: public DockingAlgorithm
/** Symbolic names for option keys.
This struct contains a symbolic name
for each recognized key in FDPB::options. \par
For each symbol the required type is given under parameters.
struct BALL_EXPORT Option
// the parameter r,
// "Any grid point is considered inside the molecule if there is at
// least one atom nucleus within a distance r from it."
// Default value is 1.8 Angstrom
static const String NEAR_RADIUS;
// Default grid spacing.
// Default value is 1.0 Angstrom
static const String GRID_SPACING;
// grid size = (ceil)(molecule size / grid spacing);
static const String GRID_SIZE;
// The thickness of the surface of the protein
// Default value is 1.0 Angstrom
static const String SURFACE_THICKNESS;
// Degree interval is the delta parameter,
// which is the degrees that protein B rotates every time
// Default value is 20 degrees
static const String DEGREE_INTERVAL;
// How many peaks should the program keep for each rotation
static const String TOP_N;
/** Surface definition to use for the inside/outside criterion.
* Possible options are:
* SurfaceType::CONNOLLY and SurfaceType::VAN_DER_WAALS
* @see Default::SURFACE_TYPE
* @param surface_type int
static const String SURFACE_TYPE;
// How many results should be kept in total (also in DockingAlgorithms)
static const String BEST_NUM;
// Verbosity of the Algorithm (also in DockingAlgorithm)
static const String VERBOSITY;
// Euler angels for redocking
static const String PHI_MIN;
static const String PHI_MAX;
static const String DEG_PHI;
static const String THETA_MIN;
static const String THETA_MAX;
static const String DEG_THETA;
static const String PSI_MIN;
static const String PSI_MAX;
static const String DEG_PSI;
// penalty value of the inside points
// Default value for static protein is -15, for mobile protein 1
static const String PENALTY_STATIC;
static const String PENALTY_MOBILE;
// Number of processes in total for a parallel run
static const String NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES;
// Full path to the slave to spawn
static const String SLAVE_PATH;
struct BALL_EXPORT Default
// Default parameter r,
// Default value is 1.8 Angstrom
static const float NEAR_RADIUS;
// Default grid spacing.
// Default value is 1.0 Angstrom
static const float GRID_SPACING;
// grid size = (ceil)(molecule size / grid spacing);
static const int GRID_SIZE;
// Default thickness of the surface of the protein
// Default value is 1.0 Angstrom
static const float SURFACE_THICKNESS;
// Degree interval is the delta parameter,
// which is the degrees that protein B rotates every time
// Default value is 20 degrees
static const double DEGREE_INTERVAL;
/** Default surface type.
* Default is SurfaceType::CONNOLLY
static const int SURFACE_TYPE;
// How many peaks should the program keep for each rotation
static const int TOP_N;
// How many overall top best peaks should the program keep
// after doing all rotations.
static const int BEST_NUM;
// Verbosity of the algorithm
// Default value is 0
// For values > 1, some information is printed on Log
// For values > 5, timing information is included
static const int VERBOSITY;
// Euler angels for redocking
static const float PHI_MIN;
static const float PHI_MAX;
static const float DEG_PHI;
static const float THETA_MIN;
static const float THETA_MAX;
static const float DEG_THETA;
static const float PSI_MIN;
static const float PSI_MAX;
static const float DEG_PSI;
// penalty value of the inside points
// Default value for static protein is -15, for mobile protein 1
static const int PENALTY_STATIC;
static const int PENALTY_MOBILE;
// number of processes for a parallel run
static const int NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES;
// Full path to the slave to spawn
static const String SLAVE_PATH;
/** nested class Peak_
* This class is needed for an efficient handling of all peaks corresponding
* to one orientation in a multiset
class BALL_EXPORT Peak_
// constructor
// destructor
// Operator <
bool operator < (const Peak_& p) const;
double value;
Vector3 orientation;
Vector3 translation;
/** nested class RotationAngles_
class BALL_EXPORT RotationAngles_
// constructor
// constructor
RotationAngles_( int step );
// destructor
~RotationAngles_() {};
// generate all non-degenerate rotation angles.
// This algorithm is based on ???
bool generateSomeAngles( const float deg_phi, const float deg_psi, const float deg_theta,
const float phi_min, const float phi_max,
const float psi_min, const float psi_max,
const float theta_min, const float theta_max );
// generate all non-degenerate rotation angles.
// This algorithm is based on ???
bool generateAllAngles( const int deg );
int getRotationNum()
return ang_num_;
int getXAng( int n ) // get the euler angle rotate around x axis
return phi_[n];
int getYAng( int n ) // get the euler angle rotate around y axis
return theta_[n];
int getZAng( int n ) // get the euler angle rotate around z axis
return psi_[n];
// TODO: This class is a bit strange...
vector<int> phi_;
vector<int> theta_;
vector<int> psi_;
int ang_num_;
int max_rotation_;
// PROTEIN_A is the static protein, i.e., the bigger one;
// PROTEIN_B is the mobile protein, i.e., the smaller one.
enum ProteinIndex{ PROTEIN_A = 1, PROTEIN_B = 2 };
// The surface type to use for construction of the grids.
enum SurfaceType { CONNOLLY = 1, VAN_DER_WAALS = 2, FTDOCK = 3 };
/** Default constructor
* Creates an empty GeometricFit object
/** Constructor.
Creates an instance of Geometric Fit and calls
setup(system1, system2).
The options used are the default options.
GeometricFit(System &system1, System &system2);
/** Constructor.
Creates an instance of Geometric Fit and assigns
the given options to the Geometric Fit object's options.
GeometricFit(Options& new_options);
/** Constructor.
Creates an instance of FDPB and calls
setup(system1, system2, new_options)
GeometricFit(System &system1,System &system2 ,Options& new_options);
* Copy Constructor.
GeometricFit( const GeometricFit& geo_fit );
// Destructor
/** The setup routines.
virtual void setup(System& system1, System& system2, Options& new_options);
virtual void setup(System& system1, System& system2);
/** Start the main loop of the algorithm.
void start();
/** This is the main loop of the geometric fit algorithm for the slaves of a parallel run **/
void MPI_Slave_start(int argc, char**argv);
// return the overall docking progress as a percentage
float getProgress() const;
bool hasFinished() const;
/** Return the translation corresponding to conformation con_num.
Vector3 getTranslation(Index con_num) const;
/** Return the orientation corresponding to conformation con_num.
Vector3 getOrientation(Index con_num) const;
/** Return the ranked conformations.
ConformationSet getConformationSet(Index total_number = 0);
// the member variables
/** The options for the algorithm.
Options options;
// Free all allocated memory and destroys the options and results
void destroy_();
// find the inside points
void findInsidePoints_( System& system, ProteinIndex pro_idx );
// find out the surface points according to the Connolly's surface definition.
void findConnollySurfacePoints_( System& system, ProteinIndex pro_idx );
// find out the surface points according to the van der Waal's surface definition.
void findVanDerWaalsSurfacePoints_( System& system, ProteinIndex pro_idx );
// find the inside points using the same algorithm as FTDock
void findFTDockInsidePoints_( System& system, ProteinIndex pro_idx );
// find out the surface points according to the FTDock surface definition.
void findFTDockSurfacePoints_( System& system, ProteinIndex pro_idx );
/** Compute the center of mass of system
Vector3 getMassCenter_( System& system );
/** Compute the radius of the circumsphere of all atoms in system.
float getRadius_( System& system );
void doPreTranslation_( ProteinIndex pro_idx );
void initGridSizes_();
/** Optimize grid size for the FFTW.
* Certain combinations of certain powers are optimal for the fft algorithm, and
* this function tries to determine the smallest optimal combination large enough
* to accomodate the original data.
int optimizeGridSize_( int raw_size );
/** Initialize the grid.
void initFFTGrid_( ProteinIndex pro_idx );
// make grid from System
void makeFFTGrid_( ProteinIndex pro_idx );
// get the global peaks and put them into a list
void getGlobalPeak_(Peak_* peak_list);
// change the orientation of protein around its center according to euler_ang
void changeProteinOrientation_( System& system, Vector3 euler_ang );
// calculate the conjugate of each point in FFT grid
void calcConjugate_( ProteinIndex pro_idx );
// calculate the product of the two FFT grids
void FFTGridMulti_();
// get the transformation of the peak value according to its position in matrix
Vector3 getTranslation_( const Vector3& mat_pos );
Vector3 getSeparation_( const Vector3& mat_pos );
// here we have two units for the size
// index : in the unit of grid points
// coord : in the unit of Angstrom
// the FFT grid for protein A
FFT3D* FFT_grid_a_;
// the FFT grid for protein B
FFT3D* FFT_grid_b_;
float radius_a_;
float radius_b_;
Vector3 FFT_grid_lower_index_;
Vector3 FFT_grid_upper_index_;
Vector3 FFT_grid_lower_coord_;
Vector3 FFT_grid_upper_coord_;
Vector3 FFT_grid_size_index_;
// the translation we do to the system b before FFT
// it is to reduse the size of the FFT_grid
Vector3 pre_translation_a_;
Vector3 pre_translation_b_;
Vector3 FFT_grid_origin_;
// current execution progress
int current_round_;
// execution round of whole work
int total_round_;
// ordered set of the top_n peaks
std::multiset<Peak_> peak_set_;
// Needed to produce the correct results in getRankedConformations
System system_backup_a_;
System system_backup_b_;
// Vectors to store orientation and translation of the results in the ranked conformations
vector<Vector3> translations_;
vector<Vector3> orientations_;
}; // class GeometricFit
} // namespace BALL