/usr/lib/ocaml/galax/df_analysis.mli is in libgalax-ocaml-dev 1.1-15build5.
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(* *)
(* GALAX *)
(* XQuery Engine *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001-2007. *)
(* Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id: df_analysis.mli,v 1.2 2007/02/01 22:08:54 simeon Exp $ *)
(* Module: Df_analysis
This module provides
1) a concrete instantiation of the generic data flow graph defined in Df_graph
2) algorithms for deriving such an instance from a given XQuery core module.
Since the data flow analysis is a whole-program analysis by nature, the module
does not provide functions operating on individual parts of a query.
- Michael *)
open Xquery_common_ast
open Xquery_core_ast
(* Just storing a reference to the original XQuery core ast node does not
provide enough contextual information to uniquely determine the function
of a dfnode. For some acexpr kinds, additional hints must be stored in
addition to its origin. *)
type ac_hint =
(* flwor *)
| ACHFor of cvname
| ACHLet of cvname
| ACHOrderby
| ACHWhere
(* typeswitch *)
| ACHTsclause of cvname
(* module level *)
| ACHVar of cvname
type ac_handle = acexpr option * ac_hint option
(* XQuery core data flow analysis *)
val df_analysis_of_xmodule :
acxmodule -> (ac_handle, bool) Df_struct.dfgraph
(* XQuery core data flow graph dot output *)
val print_dot_dfgraph :
Format.formatter -> (ac_handle, bool) Df_struct.dfgraph -> unit