/usr/lib/ocaml/galax/procmod_compiler.mli is in libgalax-ocaml-dev 1.1-15build5.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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(* *)
(* GALAX *)
(* XQuery Engine *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001-2007. *)
(* Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id: procmod_compiler.mli,v 1.26 2007/10/16 01:25:35 mff Exp $ *)
(* Module: Procmod_compiler
This module contains top-level operations over the processing
model. This notably supports various levels of compilations for
open Xquery_common_ast
open Xquery_ast
open Xquery_core_ast
open Xquery_algebra_ast
open Logical_algebra_types
open Algebra_type
open Dm_atomic
open Physical_value
open Processing_context
open Namespace_context
open Parse_context
open Norm_context
open Typing_context
open Compile_context
open Code_selection_context
open Execution_context
open Monitoring_context
open Compiled_program_units
(* Type for intermediate compilation steps *)
type ginput =
| IOStatement of Galax_io.input_spec
| IOProlog of Galax_io.input_spec
| IOLibraryModule of Galax_io.input_spec
| IOMainModule of Galax_io.input_spec
type ast =
| ASTStatement of statement
| ASTProlog of prolog
| ASTLibraryModule of library_module
| ASTMainModule of main_module
type core_ast =
| CoreASTStatement of acstatement
| CoreASTProlog of acprolog
| CoreASTLibraryModule of acxmodule
| CoreASTMainModule of acxmodule
type logical_plan =
| LogicalPlanStatement of logical_algop_expr
| LogicalPlanProlog of logical_algop_prolog
| LogicalPlanLibraryModule of logical_algop_xmodule
| LogicalPlanMainModule of logical_algop_xmodule
type logical_plan_statement = logical_algop_expr
type logical_plan_main_module = logical_algop_xmodule
type physical_plan =
| PhysicalPlanStatement of algop_expr
| PhysicalPlanProlog of algop_prolog
| PhysicalPlanLibraryModule of algop_xmodule
| PhysicalPlanMainModule of algop_xmodule
(* External context *)
type external_context =
{ external_context_item : item option;
external_timezone : atomicDayTimeDuration option;
external_variables : (cvname * item list) list }
val create_external_context :
processing_context ->
(item option) ->
(atomicDayTimeDuration option) ->
(string * item list) list ->
val default_external_context : unit -> external_context
(* Statement compilation *)
val logical_compile_statement :
compiled_program -> Galax_io.input_spec -> (compiled_program * logical_compiled_statement)
val compile_statement :
compiled_program -> Galax_io.input_spec -> (compiled_program * compiled_statement)
val compile_statement_from_logical_plan :
compiled_program -> compiled_prolog -> (logical_plan_statement) -> (compiled_program * compiled_statement)
val compile_statement_from_optimized_logical_plan :
compiled_program -> (logical_plan_statement) -> (compiled_program * compiled_statement)
(* Prolog compilation *)
(* A compiled prolog is installed as the prolog of the program's main module *)
val compile_prolog :
bool (* external context item *) -> compiled_program -> Galax_io.input_spec -> compiled_program
(* Module compilation *)
val logical_compile_main_module :
bool (* external context item *) -> compiled_program -> Galax_io.input_spec -> (compiled_program * (logical_compile_context * logical_plan_main_module))
val compile_library_module :
compiled_program -> Galax_io.input_spec -> (Namespace_names.ncname * string * compiled_program)
val compile_main_module :
bool (* external context item *) -> compiled_program -> Galax_io.input_spec -> (compiled_program * compiled_statement list)
val compile_main_module_from_logical_plan :
compiled_program -> (logical_compile_context * logical_plan_main_module) -> (compiled_program * compiled_statement list)
val compile_main_module_from_optimized_logical_plan :
compiled_program -> (logical_compile_context * logical_plan_main_module) -> (compiled_program * compiled_statement list)
(* Standard library module compilation *)
val compile_standard_library_module : processing_context -> compiled_program
(* Prepare a compiled prolog *)
val prepare_compiled_program : external_context option -> compiled_program -> prepared_program
(* Execute a compiled statement *)
val execute_compiled_statement : prepared_program -> compiled_statement -> physical_value