/usr/lib/ocaml/galax/schema_builtin.mli is in libgalax-ocaml-dev 1.1-15build5.
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(* *)
(* GALAX *)
(* XQuery Engine *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001-2007. *)
(* Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id: schema_builtin.mli,v 1.18 2007/02/01 22:08:53 simeon Exp $ *)
(* Module: Schema_builtin
This module implements all the built-in XML Schema types.
open Xquery_common_ast
open Xquery_type_core_ast
(* Built-in content models *)
(* Atomic content *)
val cxtype_int : cxtype
val cxtype_integer : cxtype
val cxtype_string : cxtype
val cxtype_boolean : cxtype
val cxtype_decimal : cxtype
val cxtype_float : cxtype
val cxtype_double : cxtype
val cxtype_duration : cxtype
val cxtype_dateTime : cxtype
val cxtype_time : cxtype
val cxtype_date : cxtype
val cxtype_gYearMonth : cxtype
val cxtype_gYear : cxtype
val cxtype_gMonthDay : cxtype
val cxtype_gDay : cxtype
val cxtype_gMonth : cxtype
val cxtype_hexBinary : cxtype
val cxtype_base64Binary : cxtype
val cxtype_anyURI : cxtype
val cxtype_QName : cxtype
val cxtype_NCName : cxtype
val cxtype_NOTATION : cxtype
val cxtype_yearMonthDuration : cxtype (* xs:yearMonthDuration *)
val cxtype_dayTimeDuration : cxtype (* xs:dayTimeDuration *)
val cxtype_untypedAtomic : cxtype (* xs:untypedAtomic *)
val cxtype_untypedAtomic_optional : cxtype (* xs:untypedAtomic? *)
val cxtype_anyAtomic : cxtype (* xs:anyAtomicType *)
val cxtype_anyAtomic_optional : cxtype (* xs:anyAtomicType? *)
val cxtype_anyAtomic_star : cxtype (* xs:anyAtomicType* *)
val cxtype_anyAtomic_plus : cxtype (* xs:anyAtomicType+ *)
(* Simple content *)
val cxtype_atomic : cxtype (* atomic() *)
val cxtype_atomic_optional : cxtype (* atomic()? *)
val cxtype_atomic_star : cxtype (* atomic()* *)
val cxtype_atomic_plus : cxtype (* atomic()+ *)
val cxtype_numeric : cxtype (* numeric() *)
val cxtype_anystring : cxtype (* anystring() *)
val cxtype_numeric_optional: cxtype (* numeric()? *)
val cxtype_numeric_star : cxtype (* numeric()* *)
val cxtype_numeric_plus : cxtype (* numeric()+ *)
val cxtype_greater_than_types : cxtype
(* Types that support greater than: numeric, boolean, string,
yearMonthDuration, dayTimeDuration, dateTime, date, time *)
(* Complex content *)
val cxtype_text : cxtype (* text() *)
val cxtype_text_optional : cxtype (* text()? *)
val cxtype_pi : cxtype (* processing-instruction() *)
val cxtype_pi_name : string -> cxtype (* processing-instruction(name) *)
val cxtype_comment : cxtype (* comment() *)
val cxtype_element : cxtype (* element() *)
val cxtype_element_optional : cxtype (* element()? *)
val cxtype_attribute : cxtype (* attribute() *)
val cxtype_attribute_optional : cxtype (* attribute()? *)
val cxtype_documentnode : cxtype (* document-node() *)
val cxtype_documentnode_optional : cxtype (* document-node()? *)
val cxtype_documentcontent : cxtype (* (element|text|comment|processing-instruction)* *)
val cxtype_computed_qname : cxtype (* (xs:string | xs:QName | xs:untypedAtomic) *)
val cxtype_untyped_element : cxtype (* element of type xs:untyped *)
val cxtype_untyped_attribute : cxtype (* attribute of type xs:untypedAtomic *)
val cxtype_element_node_content : cxtype (* (element|text|comment|processing-instruction)* *)
val cxtype_element_content : cxtype (* attribute *, (element|text|comment|processing-instruction)* *)
val cxtype_element_or_documentnode_optional : cxtype (* (element() | documentnode()) ? *)
val cxtype_node : cxtype (* node() *)
val cxtype_node_optional : cxtype (* node()? *)
val cxtype_node_star : cxtype (* node()* *)
val cxtype_node_plus : cxtype (* node()+ *)
val cxtype_item : cxtype (* item() *)
val cxtype_item_optional : cxtype (* item()? *)
val cxtype_item_star : cxtype (* item()* *)
val cxtype_item_plus : cxtype (* item()+ *)
val cxtype_expanded_anytype : cxtype (* expands_to xs:anyType *)
(* All built-in declarations and attributes *)
val built_in_xml_schema_elem_decls : celem_declaration list
val built_in_xml_schema_attr_decls : cattr_declaration list
val built_in_xml_schema_type_decls : ctype_declaration list
val built_in_cxschema : cxschema
val built_in_attributes : cxtype
(* val lookup_builtin_cxtype_expression : cxtype -> Occurrence.occurrence_indicator option -> cxtype *)