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(* *)
(* GALAX *)
(* XQuery Engine *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001-2007. *)
(* Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id: xquery_ast.mli,v 1.73 2007/11/16 21:16:52 mff Exp $ *)
(* Module: Xquery_ast
This *interface* contains type declarations for the XQuery
language abstract syntax tree.
open Namespace_names
open Xquery_common_ast
open Xquery_type_ast
(* Node kinds *)
type element_test =
| SchemaElementTest of ename
| ElementTest of (ename * tname option) option
type attribute_test =
| SchemaAttributeTest of aname
| AttributeTest of (aname * tname option) option
type kind_test =
| DocumentKind of element_test option (* ./document-node() *)
| ElementKind of element_test (* ./element() *)
| AttributeKind of attribute_test (* ./attribute() *)
| PIKind of string option (* ./pi("xxx") *)
| CommentKind (* ./comment () *)
| TextKind (* ./text() *)
| AnyKind (* ./node() *)
(* Sequence types *)
type itemtype =
| ITKindTest of kind_test
| ITTypeRef of tname (* type(QName) *)
| ITItem
| ITNumeric
| ITAnyString
| ITAtomic of tname
| ITEmpty
type sequencetype_desc = itemtype * (Occurrence.occurs * Occurrence.occurs) option
type sequencetype =
{ psequencetype_desc: sequencetype_desc;
psequencetype_loc: Finfo.finfo }
(* XPath 2.0 data structures *)
(* Node tests *)
type node_test =
| PNameTest of uqname (* ./a or ./*:b or ./b:* or ./* *)
| PNodeKindTest of kind_test
(* XQuery expressions *)
(* Patterns used in typeswitch *)
type pattern =
{ ppattern_desc: pattern_desc;
ppattern_loc: Finfo.finfo }
and pattern_desc =
| Case of sequencetype
| Default
type expr =
{ pexpr_desc: expr_desc;
pexpr_loc: Finfo.finfo }
and expr_desc =
| EUnordered of expr list (* unordered { Expr } *)
| EOrdered of expr list (* ordered { Expr } *)
| EBinaryOp of expr * binop * expr (* Binary operators: 3 + 2 *)
| EFLWOR of fl_expr list *
expr option * order_by option * expr (* FLWORs *)
| EIf of expr * expr * expr (* if (e1) then e2 else e3 *)
| ESome of (sequencetype option * vname * expr) list * expr
(* existential *)
| EEvery of (sequencetype option * vname * expr) list * expr
(* universal *)
| ETypeswitch of expr * (* typeswitch e1 case ... *)
(pattern * vname option * expr) list
| EInstanceOf of expr * sequencetype (* e1 instanceof t1 *)
| ERange of expr * expr (* e1 to e2 *)
| EUnaryOp of unaryop * expr (* +2, -$v, ... *)
| ERoot (* / *)
| EPath of path_expr (* e1/e2 ... *)
| ESelf (* Self : . *)
| EParent (* Parent : .. *)
| EVar of vname (* Variables : $v, $a:b *)
| EScalar of literal (* Literals: 2.1 "John" *)
| EApp of fname * (expr list) (* FunctionCall : f($v) *)
| EList of expr list (* (e1,...,en) *)
| EEnclosed of expr (* Enclosed expression *)
| ECast of expr * sequencetype (* cast as *)
| ECastable of expr * sequencetype (* castable as *)
| ETreat of expr * sequencetype (* downcast - no conversion *)
| EValidate of validation_mode option * expr (* XML Schema validation *)
| EElemFixed of ename * expr list * expr list (* <a b1="">...</a> *)
| EElemComputed of expr list * expr list (* element { e1 } { e2 } *)
| EAttrFixed of aname * expr list (* attribute a { Expr } *)
| EAttrComputed of expr list * expr list (* attribute { e1 } { e2 } *)
| EDocument of expr list (* document { ... } *)
| EText of string (* text { "This is text" } *)
| ECharRef of int (* � *)
| ETextComputed of expr list (* text { e1, ..., ek } *)
| EPI of ncname * string (* <? ... ?> *)
| EPIComputed of expr list * expr list (* processing-instruction (NCNAME|{ e }) { e } *)
| EComment of string (* <!-- ... --> *)
| ECommentComputed of expr list (* comment { e1, ..., ek } *)
| EPragma of uqname * string * expr list (* (# S? QName Content #) { Expr } *)
(* DXQ expressions *)
| ELetServerImplement of ncname * ncname * expr * expr (* let server NCName implement NCName at Expr return { e } *)
| EForServerClose of ncname * ncname * expr (* for server NCName implement NCName box { e } *)
| EExecute of bool * ncname * expr (* at server NCName do { e } or from server NCName return { e } *)
| EEvalClosure of expr (* eval box { e } *)
(* Update-related expressions *)
| ECopy of expr
| ESnap of snap_modifier * expr
(* Update expressions *)
| EDelete of snap * expr
| EInsert of snap * expr * insert_location
| ERename of snap * expr * expr
| EReplace of snap * value_of_flag * expr * expr
| ERevalidate of snap * validation_mode option * expr (* XML Schema validation *)
| ETransform of copyvar_expr list *
expr * expr (* transform copy $v1:=e1,... modify ... return ... *)
| EWhile of expr * expr (* while E1 return E2 *)
| ELetvar of sequencetype option * vname * expr * expr (* letvar $v := E1 return E2 *)
| ESet of vname * expr (* set $v := E *)
| EBlock of (block_decl_expr list) * (expr list)
and path_expr =
| PSlash of expr * expr (* e1/e2 *)
| PSlashSlash of expr * expr (* e1//e2 *)
| PAxis of axis * node_test (* axis::nodetest *)
| PStepQualifiers of expr * step_qualifier list (* e1[e2][e3]=>e1... *)
and step_qualifier =
{ pstep_qualifier_desc: step_qualifier_desc;
pstep_qualifier_loc: Finfo.finfo }
and step_qualifier_desc =
| PredicateQualifier of expr
and fl_expr =
{ pfl_desc: fl_expr_desc;
pfl_loc: Finfo.finfo }
and fl_expr_desc =
| ELet of sequencetype option * vname * expr
| EFor of sequencetype option * vname * vname option * expr
(* Second optional vname is for the 'at $i' index variable - Jerome *)
and order_by =
stablekind * order_spec list
and order_spec = expr * sortkind * emptysortkind option
and insert_location =
| EAsLastInto of expr
| EAsFirstInto of expr
| EInto of expr
| EAfter of expr
| EBefore of expr
and snap =
| Snap
| NoSnap
and copyvar_expr_desc = vname * expr
and copyvar_expr =
{ pcopyvar_desc: copyvar_expr_desc;
pcopyvar_loc: Finfo.finfo }
and block_decl_expr =
{ bl_decl_desc: block_decl_desc;
bl_decl_loc: Finfo.finfo }
and block_decl_desc = sequencetype option * vname * expr
(* Statements *)
type statement = expr
(* Query module *)
(* Global functions *)
type function_body =
| EFunctionBltIn
| EFunctionInterface
| EFunctionImported
| EFunctionUser of expr
type function_signature = sequencetype option list * sequencetype option
type function_def =
{ pfunction_def_desc : function_def_desc;
pfunction_loc : Finfo.finfo }
and function_def_desc = fname * (vname list) * function_signature * function_body * updating_modifier
(* if the last flag is true, then it is an updating function *)
(* Global variable declaration *)
type var_body =
| EVarExternal
| EVarInterface
| EVarImported
| EVarUser of expr
type var_decl =
{ pvar_decl_desc : var_decl_desc;
pvar_decl_loc : Finfo.finfo }
and var_decl_desc = vname * sequencetype option * var_body
(* DXQ Server declaration *)
type server_decl =
{ pserver_decl_desc : server_decl_desc;
pserver_decl_loc : Finfo.finfo }
and server_decl_desc = ncname * ncname * expr
(* Index definitions *)
type index_def =
{ pindex_def_desc : index_def_desc;
pindex_def_loc : Finfo.finfo }
and index_def_desc =
| ValueIndex of string * expr * expr
| NameIndex of ename
(* Context declarations *)
type context_decl =
{ pcontext_decl_desc : context_decl_desc;
pcontext_decl_loc : Finfo.finfo }
and context_decl_desc =
| EBaseURIDecl of string
| ENamespaceDecl of namespace_declaration
| EDefaultElementNamespaceDecl of uri
| EDefaultFunctionNamespaceDecl of uri
| ESchemaDecl of (prefix option * string * string option)
| EImportServiceDecl of (ncname * string * string option)
| EImportModuleDecl of (ncname * string * string option)
| EXmlSpaceDecl of strip_or_preserve
| EDefaultCollationDecl of string
| EConstructionDecl of strip_or_preserve
| EOrderingDecl of ordered_or_unordered
| EDefaultEmptyOrderDecl of emptysortkind
| ECopyNamespacesDecl of (preserve_or_no_preserve * inherit_or_no_inherit)
(* DXQ declarations *)
| EImportInterfaceDecl of (ncname * string * string option)
(* XQuery toplevels *)
(* Modules *)
type funcvar_def =
| OptionDecl of ename * string
| FunDef of function_def
| VarDef of var_decl
| ServerDef of server_decl
type prolog =
{ mutable pprolog_xschemas : xschema list;
mutable pprolog_contexts : context_decl list;
mutable pprolog_funcvars : funcvar_def list;
mutable pprolog_indices : index_def list }
type interface_prolog =
{ mutable iprolog_xschemas : xschema list;
mutable iprolog_contexts : context_decl list;
mutable iprolog_funcvars : funcvar_def list }
type interface =
{ pinterface_decl : (ncname * string);
pinterface_prolog : interface_prolog;
type library_module =
(* Prefix, URI, optional Interface URI & Location *)
{ plibrary_module_decl : (ncname * string * (string * string option) option );
plibrary_module_prolog : prolog }
type main_module =
{ pmain_module_prolog : prolog;
pmain_module_statements : statement list }
type xmodule =
| ELibraryModule of library_module
| EMainModule of main_module
(* For use in other AST's *)
(* Handle to the original expression *)
type expr_handle = expr option