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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
* the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
* to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
* Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
* We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
* any work or product based on this material
* Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
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* Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
* warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
* purpose.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: a2fstruc.h
* Author: Karl Sirotkin, Tom Madden, Tatiana Tatusov
* Version Creation Date: 7/15/95
* $Revision: 6.0 $
* File Description:
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Name Description of modification
* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
* ==========================================================================
* Structures for asn2ff and makerpt
* $Log: a2fstruc.h,v $
* Revision 6.0 1997/08/25 18:04:30 madden
* Revision changed to 6.0
* Revision 5.0 1996/05/28 13:23:23 ostell
* Set to revision 5.0
* Revision 4.0 1995/07/26 13:49:01 ostell
* force revision to 4.0
* Revision 1.11 1995/07/17 19:33:20 kans
* parameters combined into Asn2ffJobPtr structure
* Revision 1.10 1995/06/19 21:40:02 kans
* Tatiana's first major reorganization, moving printing, adding HTML
* Revision 1.9 1995/05/15 21:46:05 ostell
* added Log line
#ifndef _A2FSTRUC_
#define _A2FSTRUC_
#include <asn.h>
#include <objall.h>
#include <objpubd.h>
#include <objsub.h>
#include <prtutil.h>
#include <asn2ffg.h>
#define LINKS 20
/*--------------the structure for information on Genes-----*/
typedef struct genestruct {
ValNodePtr gene;
ValNodePtr product;
ValNodePtr standard_name;
CharPtr PNTR map; /* only map[0] is used why we need PNTR? */
ValNodePtr ECNum;
Int2 map_size, map_index; /* map_size is always 1 */
Int2 matchlist_size;
Int2Ptr genes_matched;
Boolean pseudo;
} GeneStruct, PNTR GeneStructPtr;
/*--------------the structure for the composition of notes-----*/
typedef struct notestruct {
CharPtr PNTR note;
Uint1 PNTR note_alloc;
CharPtr PNTR note_annot;
Int2 note_size, note_index;
} NoteStruct, PNTR NoteStructPtr;
/* ---------------The Biotable Structure ------------*/
typedef struct biotable {
SeqEntryPtr sep; /* the SeqEntryPtr passed to asn2ff_setup */
SeqEntryPtr PNTR sepp; /* An array of SeqEntryPtr's, used by makerpt */
BioseqPtr PNTR bsp; /* This array lists the (valid) entries to be
formatted */
BioseqPtr PNTR table; /* This array lists the BioseqPtr's with repr
"seg" in a segmented set. If the entry is not
segmented, this is NULL */
BioseqContextPtr PNTR bcp; /* The BioseqContextPtr for each
BioseqPtr */
BioseqContextPtr PNTR bcp_na; /* BioseqContextPtr of a nucleotide
sequence, used for an amino acid sequence;
set in EstablishProteinLink */
Uint1 PNTR bcp_na_alloc; /* flag that says whether the bcp is
allocated */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR cds; /* Used by genPept to determine which CDS
a protein comes from, set in
EstablishProteinLink */
Int2 FlatLoc_context;
GeneStructPtr PNTR PNTR gspp; /* information on Genes */
NoteStructPtr PNTR PNTR nspp; /* information on Notes. */
NoteStructPtr source_notes; /* Note for source feature */
SeqFeatPtr sfp_out; /* ImpFeat used to hole SeqFeat info while
they're being formatted */
/* The next several variables, all starting with "sfp", are set in
OrganizeSeqFeat */
Int2Ptr sfpListsize; /* Number of "generic" (i.e., not in any
category below) features/entry */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR PNTR sfpList; /* ptr's to "generic" features */
Int2Ptr sfpCommsize; /* Number of comment features */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR PNTR sfpCommlist; /* ptr's to comment features */
Int2Ptr sfpGenesize; /* Number of gene features */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR PNTR sfpGenelist; /* Ptr's to gene features */
Int2Ptr sfpOrgsize; /* Number of Organism features. */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR PNTR sfpOrglist; /* ptr's to Org features. */
Int2Ptr sfpSitesize; /* Number of ImpFeat's with key "Site-ref" */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR PNTR sfpSitelist; /* ptr's to ImpFeat's with key "Site-ref" */
Int2Ptr sfpSourcesize; /* Number of ImpFeat's with key "source" */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR PNTR sfpSourcelist; /* ptr's to ImpFeat's with key "source" */
Int2Ptr sfpXrefsize; /* Number of Seq's that go out as xref's */
SeqFeatPtr PNTR PNTR sfpXreflist;/* ptr's to Seq's that are xref's */
ValNodePtr PNTR Pub; /* Linked list of references */
CharPtr PNTR base_cnt_line;
CharPtr PNTR access;
CharPtr PNTR locus;
CharPtr PNTR division;
CharPtr PNTR date;
CharPtr PNTR create_date;
CharPtr PNTR update_date;
CharPtr PNTR embl_rel;
Int2Ptr embl_ver;
Int4Ptr gi;
Int2 count;
Int2Ptr seg_num;
Int2Ptr seg_total;
Int4 pap_index;
Uint1 pap_last;
Char newline;
Boolean pseudo;
Uint1 gene_binding;
Int2 number_of_cds;
SeqPortPtr spp;
Int4 count_set;
Boolean found_match;
struct biotable PNTR btp_other;
} Biotable, PNTR BiotablePtr;
/*----------- Estimates for the number of lines returned for
each of the following------------------------------------------*/
#define NUM_SEQ_LINES 10
static Int2 line_estimate[NUM_OF_ESTIMATES] = {
1, /* 0; Locus, Segment, Base Count, Origin, Feature Header lines */
1, /* 1; Definition line(s) */
1, /* 2; Accession line(s) */
1, /* 3; Keyword line(s) */
2, /* 4; Source lines */
6, /* 5; Reference (pub) lines */
10, /* 6; GBComAndFH */
11, /* 7; GBComAndXref */
6, /* 8; Features */
NUM_SEQ_LINES, /* 9; Sequence lines */
2, /* 10; EMBL Date lines */
2, /* 11; EMBL Organism lines */
4, /* 12; DBSOURCE field */
typedef void (* FFPapFct) PROTO ((Asn2ffJobPtr ajp, BiotablePtr btp, Int2 count));
typedef struct ffprintarray {
FFPapFct fct;
Asn2ffJobPtr ajp;
BiotablePtr btp;
Int2 count;
Int4 index;
Uint1 last;
Uint1 printxx;
Int2 estimate;
SeqFeatPtr sfp;
ValNodePtr pub;
ValNodePtr descr;
} FFPrintArray, PNTR FFPrintArrayPtr;