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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
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* ===========================================================================
* File Name: asn2gnbp.h
* Author: Karl Sirotkin, Tom Madden, Tatiana Tatusov, Jonathan Kans
* Version Creation Date: 10/21/98
* $Revision: 6.47 $
* File Description: New GenBank flatfile generator, private header
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _ASN2NGNBP_
#define _ASN2NGNBP_
#include <asn2gnbk.h>
#include <objgbseq.h>
#include <objinsdseq.h>
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* internal block type identifiers */
typedef enum {
} BlockType;
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr asn2gnbk_block_label (
BlockType blocktype
typedef enum {
HEAD_MASK = 0x00000001,
LOCUS_MASK = 0x00000002,
DEFLINE_MASK = 0x00000004,
ACCESSION_MASK = 0x00000008,
VERSION_MASK = 0x00000010,
PROJECT_MASK = 0x00000020,
PID_MASK = 0x00000040,
DBSOURCE_MASK = 0x00000080,
DATE_MASK = 0x00000100,
KEYWORDS_MASK = 0x00000200,
SEGMENT_MASK = 0x00000400,
SOURCE_MASK = 0x00000800,
ORGANISM_MASK = 0x00001000,
REF_STATS_MASK = 0x00002000,
REFERENCE_MASK = 0x00004000,
PRIMARY_MASK = 0x00008000,
COMMENT_MASK = 0x00010000,
FEAT_STATS_MASK = 0x00020000,
FEATHEADER_MASK = 0x00040000,
SOURCEFEAT_MASK = 0x00080000,
FEATURE_MASK = 0x00100000,
BASECOUNT_MASK = 0x00200000,
ORIGIN_MASK = 0x00400000,
SEQUENCE_MASK = 0x00800000,
CONTIG_MASK = 0x01000000,
WGS_MASK = 0x02000000,
GENOME_MASK = 0x04000000,
SLASH_MASK = 0x08000000,
TAIL_MASK = 0x10000000
} BlockMask;
Uint2 entityID; \
Uint2 itemtype; \
Uint4 itemID; \
Int4 section; \
Int4 paragraph; \
BlockType blocktype; \
CharPtr string; \
/* base block structure for most paragraph types */
typedef struct base_block {
} BaseBlock, PNTR BaseBlockPtr;
/* version block includes VERSION and NID sections */
/* organism block includes SOURCE and ORGANISM sections */
/* source (feat) block should be the same as the organism block */
/* references are grouped by published, unpublished, and cit-subs */
typedef enum {
} RefType;
typedef struct ref_block {
Int4 pmid;
Int4 muid;
CharPtr uniquestr;
Int2 serial;
RefType category;
Int2 sites;
} RefBlock, PNTR RefBlockPtr;
/* featdeftype allows specific feature classes to be identified */
typedef struct feat_block {
Uint1 featdeftype;
} FeatBlock, PNTR FeatBlockPtr;
/* sequences are broken up into paragraphs and use the section's internal SeqPort */
typedef struct seq_block {
Int4 start;
Int4 stop;
Int4 extend;
CharPtr bases;
} SeqBlock, PNTR SeqBlockPtr;
typedef struct IndxData {
CharPtr locus;
CharPtr accession;
CharPtr version;
CharPtr gi;
CharPtr div;
CharPtr base_cnt;
ValNodePtr authors;
ValNodePtr genes;
ValNodePtr journals;
ValNodePtr keywords;
ValNodePtr secondaries;
} IndxBlock, PNTR IndxPtr;
/* structure for single segment or pop/phy/mut set component */
typedef struct asn2gb_sect {
/* data identifiers for individual accession report */
BioseqPtr target;
BioseqPtr bsp;
SeqLocPtr slp;
Uint2 seg;
Int2 numsegs;
Int4 from;
Int4 to;
/* local array pointing to all blocks in this section */
BaseBlockPtr PNTR blockArray;
Int4 numBlocks;
/* references for feature citation matching, serial number assignment */
RefBlockPtr PNTR referenceArray;
Int2 numReferences;
/* index is needed per section -- EY --- */
IndxBlock index;
/* gbseq block is needed per section for GenBank-style XML */
GBSeq gbseq;
} Asn2gbSect, PNTR Asn2gbSectPtr;
/* master pointer returned to application */
typedef struct asn2gb_job {
/* data identifiers for sequence or sequences to report */
Uint2 entityID;
BioseqPtr bsp;
BioseqSetPtr bssp;
SeqLocPtr slp;
/* each accession report from LOCUS to // is a single section */
Asn2gbSectPtr PNTR sectionArray;
Int4 numSections;
/* master array pointing to all blocks in all sections */
BaseBlockPtr PNTR paragraphArray;
Int4 numParagraphs;
/* sorted array to get paragraphs for entityID/itemtype/itemID */
BaseBlockPtr PNTR paragraphByIDs;
} Asn2gbJob, PNTR Asn2gbJobPtr;
/* callback types and structure for special extensions */
typedef void (*Asn2gbWriteFunc) (
CharPtr str,
Pointer userdata,
BlockType blocktype,
Uint2 entityID,
Uint2 itemtype,
Uint4 itemID,
Int4 left,
Int4 right
typedef ValNodePtr (*Asn2gbLockFunc) (SeqIdPtr sip, Pointer remotedata);
typedef void (*Asn2gbFreeFunc) (ValNodePtr vnp, Pointer remotedata);
typedef struct XtraData {
Asn2gbWriteFunc ffwrite;
CharPtr ffhead;
CharPtr fftail;
IndxPtr index;
GBSeqPtr gbseq;
AsnIoPtr aip;
AsnTypePtr atp;
Pointer userdata;
Asn2gbLockFunc remotelock;
Asn2gbFreeFunc remotefree;
Pointer remotedata;
Int4 prevGi;
Int4 nextGi;
BlockMask bkmask;
Boolean reindex;
Boolean seqspans;
Int2 sat;
Int4 sat_key;
} XtraBlock;
asn2gnbk_setup creates a structure laying out the flatfile structure.
Of the first three parameters (bsp, bssp, slp), only one should not be NULL.
If bsp is passed in, that is the target bioseq. If bssp is passed in, it is
expected to be a population/phylogenetic/mutation study, and all records are
shown, but with no segment numbers.
asn2gnbk_format creates a string for a given paragraph.
asn2gnbk_cleanup frees the structure and all components.
SeqEntryToGnbk calls asn2gnbk_setup, _format, and _cleanup internally.
NLM_EXTERN Asn2gbJobPtr asn2gnbk_setup (
BioseqPtr bsp,
BioseqSetPtr bssp,
SeqLocPtr slp,
FmtType format,
ModType mode,
StlType style,
FlgType flags,
LckType locks,
CstType custom,
XtraPtr extra
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr asn2gnbk_format (
Asn2gbJobPtr ajp,
Int4 paragrap
NLM_EXTERN Asn2gbJobPtr asn2gnbk_cleanup (
Asn2gbJobPtr ajp
/* public function to get URLs for collaboration-approved db_xrefs */
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr asn2gnbk_dbxref (
DbtagPtr dbt
/* public function to get string of genbank-style feature qualifiers */
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr FormatFeatureQuals (
SeqFeatPtr sfp
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN
#endif /* ndef _ASN2NGNBP_ */