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* ===========================================================================
* File Name: dotseq.h
* Author: Fasika Aklilu
* Version Creation Date: 8/9/01
* $Revision: 6.4 $
* File Description: computes local alignments for dot matrix
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Name Description of modification
* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
$Revision: 6.4 $
$Log: dotseq.h,v $
Revision 6.4 2001/08/09 16:33:18 aklilu
added revision
Revision 6.3 2000/07/26 18:23:10 sicotte
added DOT_SPI_FindBestAlnByDotPlotEx, to return rejected alignments
#ifndef _DOTSEQ_
#define _DOTSEQ_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <tofasta.h>
#include <seqport.h>
#include <sequtil.h>
#include <sqnutils.h>
#include <blastpri.h>
#include <explore.h>
#include <seqmgr.h>
#include <lookup.h>
#include <jsavlt.h>
#define UNDEFINED 25 /* amino acids undefined in BLOSUM62 */
#define MAX_TRIM 200
typedef struct hs_diag {
Int4 q_start; /* left most value on the graph */
Int4 s_start; /* left most value on the graph */
Int4 length;
Int4 score;
Int4 rdmKey;
} DOTDiag, PNTR DOTDiagPtr;
/* coordinates of old diags -used in history binary tree */
typedef struct hist {
Int4 diag_constant;
Int4 q_stop;
} DOTHist, PNTR DOTHistPtr;
/* main struct */
typedef struct mainseqinfo {
Int4Ptr PNTR matrix; /* dna matrix */
Int2 maxscore; /* highest matrix score */
Int2 minscore;/* lowest matrix score */
Boolean is_na;
Int4 qlen; /* length of query sequence */
Int4 slen; /* length of subject sequence */
Uint1 qstrand; /* strand of query */
Uint1 sstrand; /* strand of subject */
BioseqPtr qbsp; /* query bioseq */
BioseqPtr sbsp; /* subject bioseq */
SeqLocPtr qslp; /* query seqloc pointer */
SeqLocPtr sslp; /* subject seqloc pointer */
Int4 q_start; /* left position on query bioseq */
Int4 q_stop; /* right position on query bioseq */
Int4 s_start; /* left position on subject bioseq */
Int4 s_stop;/* right position on subject bioseq */
Uint1Ptr qseq; /* query sequence buffer */
Uint1Ptr sseq; /* subject sequence buffer */
CharPtr qname; /* query accession */
CharPtr sname;/* subject accession */
/* hash value */
Int4 word_size; /* size of hash table index */
/* binary tree data */
Int4 cutoff_score; /* cutoff to store hits */
Avl_TreePtr tree; /* binary tree for collecting hits */
Boolean first_pass;
Int4Ptr score_array;/* array by score for threshold ramp */
Int4 unique; /* binary tree variable */
Int4 tree_limit; /* upper limit for size of binary tree */
/* sorted diag data */
DOTDiagPtr PNTR hitlist; /* dotseq output data -- array of hits */
Int4 index; /* total number of stored hits in array */
} DOTMainData, PNTR DOTMainDataPtr;
typedef struct dotdata {
Uint1 xstrand;
Uint1 ystrand;
Int4 xstart;
Int4 xstop;
Int4 ystart;
Int4 ystop;
Int4 index;
DOTDiagPtr PNTR hitlist;
} DOTData, PNTR DOTDataPtr;
/* information for history binary tree */
typedef struct info{
DOTMainDataPtr mip;
Uint1Ptr qseq;
Uint1Ptr sseq;
Int4 q_pos;
Int4 s_pos;
Int4 wordsize;
Avl_TreePtr tree;
Boolean first_pass;
} DOTInfo, PNTR DOTInfoPtr;
/* Function: Compute all matches between two sequences. Input: 2 bioseqptrs.
Returns: DOTMainDataPtr with hitlist structure with start/stops in bioseq coordinates
DOTMainDataPtr DOT_CreateAndStore (DOTMainDataPtr mip, BioseqPtr qbsp, BioseqPtr sbsp, Int4 q_start, Int4 q_stop, Int4 s_start, Int4 s_stop, Int4 word_size, Int4 tree_limit, Boolean initialize);
/* Function: Compute all matches between two sequences. Input: 2 seqlocptrs (can specify plus or minus strand in slp).
Returns: Filled DOTMainDataPtr with hitlist structure with start/stops in bioseq coordinates
DOTMainDataPtr DOT_CreateAndStorebyLoc (SeqLocPtr slp1, SeqLocPtr slp2, Int4 word_size, Int4 tree_limit);
Int2 DOT_BuildHitList(DOTMainDataPtr mip, Boolean do_sort, Boolean do_countscore);
Boolean DOT_GetSeqs (DOTMainDataPtr mip, Boolean is_zoom);
Int2 DOT_FreeMainInfo(DOTMainDataPtr mip);
Int2 DOT_FreeMainInfoPtrEx (DOTMainDataPtr mip);
Int2 DOT_FreeHitsArray (DOTDiagPtr PNTR hitlist, Int4 index);
Boolean DOT_GetSeqs (DOTMainDataPtr mip, Boolean is_zoom);
extern DOTMainDataPtr DOT_InitMainInfo (DOTMainDataPtr mip, BioseqPtr qbsp, BioseqPtr sbsp, Int4 word_size, Int4 tree_limit, Int4 qstart, Int4 qstop, Int4 sstart, Int4 sstop);
SeqAlignPtr DOT_SPI_FindBestAlnByDotPlot(SeqLocPtr slp1, SeqLocPtr slp2, Int4 wordsize, Int4 num_hits);
extern Uint2 DOT_AttachSeqAnnotToSeqEntry (Uint2 entityID, SeqAnnotPtr sap, BioseqPtr bsp);
extern Int4Ptr PNTR DOT_DNAScoringMatrix(Int4 mismatch, Int4 reward,Int4 alsize);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ndef _DOTSEQ_ */