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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
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* Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: netblap3.h
* Author: Tom Madden
* Version Creation Date: 05/12/97
* File Description:
* Application Programming Interface (API) for BLAST network server
* RCS Modification History:
* $Log: netblap3.h,v $
* Revision 1.32 2004/06/30 12:34:14 madden
* Add include for blfmtutl.h
* Revision 1.31 2003/01/10 21:45:06 bealer
* - Modify to return errors from BLASTGetUidsFromQuery instead of logging them.
* Revision 1.30 2002/05/23 22:57:03 dondosha
* Made GetResponsePtr external
* Revision 1.29 2002/05/15 16:32:51 madden
* Make QueryIsProteinFromType extern
* Revision 1.28 2002/05/10 12:56:27 madden
* Allow network version of matrix as input
* Revision 1.27 2001/05/02 19:42:48 egorov
* Make the NetBlastGetMatrix() external
* Revision 1.26 2000/11/16 22:25:39 dondosha
* Added other_returns argument to BlastBioseq
* Revision 1.25 2000/09/28 16:44:31 dondosha
* Changed prototype for MegaBlastSeqLocNetCore to return SeqAlignPtr
* Revision 1.24 2000/08/28 16:29:19 dondosha
* Added definitions related to megablast
* Revision 1.23 2000/06/15 16:22:44 egorov
* Make SubmitRequest() external
* Revision 1.22 2000/05/04 18:09:26 shavirin
* Added new function BLASTGetUidsFromQuery().
* Revision 1.21 1999/11/24 21:42:31 vakatov
* Fixed for the C++ and/or MSVC DLL compilation
* Revision 1.20 1999/10/27 13:00:02 madden
* Changes to return-parts
* Revision 1.19 1999/08/19 19:40:01 shavirin
* Returned to previous version.
* Revision 1.16 1999/08/17 18:59:47 shavirin
* Added definition of the function SeedBioseqNetCore.
* Revision 1.15 1999/04/21 20:54:47 madden
* Make BlastBioseq non-private
* Revision 1.14 1999/04/20 14:51:36 madden
* BlastBioseqNetCore and BlastSeqLocNetCore have return status
* Revision 1.13 1999/04/16 15:53:26 madden
* Add TraditionalBlastReportExtra function
* Revision 1.12 1999/03/19 21:47:38 madden
* Add Blast3GetDbinfo function
* Revision 1.11 1999/01/12 21:05:58 victorov
* server will now report an error if the ni-queue if full
* Revision 1.10 1998/12/14 19:38:31 egorov
* add file #defines
* Revision 1.9 1998/09/22 16:14:07 egorov
* Add prototype for parametersToOptions()
* Revision 1.8 1998/09/01 20:17:04 madden
* Fixed uninitialzed problem in BlastNetBioseqFetchDisable, changed prototype
* Revision 1.7 1998/05/08 21:41:47 vakatov
* use NetProgressCallback in the function prototypes
* Revision 1.6 1998/05/08 20:56:23 madden
* Fix PC compile warnings, rename callback
* Revision 1.5 1998/04/23 14:18:42 egorov
* Add number_of_hits parameter to TraditionalBlastReportLoc
* Revision 1.4 1998/04/22 18:10:07 egorov
* Add support for SeqLoc to blastcl3
* Revision 1.3 1998/04/16 19:35:32 madden
* Added Int4Ptr arg to TraditionalBlastReport specifying the numbers of hits
* Revision 1.2 1997/11/25 14:43:36 madden
* Changes to allow iterative searches
* Revision 1.1 1997/10/08 19:27:22 madden
* Network support for gapped blast
#ifndef _NETBLAP3_
#define _NETBLAP3_ 1
#include <ncbi.h>
#include <sequtil.h>
#include <blstspc.h>
#include <objblst3.h>
#include <ni_types.h>
#include <blastdef.h>
#include <blastpri.h>
#include <blfmtutl.h>
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* BLAST Overview options, more appropriate somewhere else? */
#define BLAST_OVERVIEW_1 1
typedef Boolean (LIBCALLBACK *NetProgressCallback)(BlastResponsePtr response, Boolean PNTR cancel);
typedef struct _blastnet3h {
NI_HandPtr svcp;
} BlastNet3H, PNTR BlastNet3Hptr;
typedef struct _blastnet3_block {
BioseqPtr bsp; /* The query. */
Uint2 prog_type; /* blast[npx], tblast[nx] */
CharPtr dbname; /* Name of database. */
BlastParametersPtr parameters;
BlastResponsePtr response; /* Response from server. */
SeqLocPtr mask; /* Sequence to be masked */
BlastNet3Hptr bl3hptr; /* BlastNet 3 handler returned from BlastInit. */
NetProgressCallback callback;
BLAST_MatrixPtr blast_matrix; /* Matrix to be sent to server. */
BlastMatrixPtr net_matrix; /* Network version of Matrix to be sent to server. */
BioseqSetPtr bsp_set; /* All queries if more than one */
} BlastNet3Block, PNTR BlastNet3BlockPtr;
BlastNet3Hptr PNTR bl3hpp must not be NULL when this is called,
it must be saved and used to call BlastBioseq, as well as BlastFini.
BlastResponsePtr PNTR resp contains a response pointer of type BlastResponse_init.
This function is MT-safe.
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BlastInit(CharPtr program_name, BlastNet3Hptr PNTR bl3hpp, BlastResponsePtr PNTR resp);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr LIBCALL BlastBioseq(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet3blkptr, ValNodePtr *error_returns, Boolean PNTR status, ValNodePtr *other_returns);
The BlastNet3Hptr returned by BlastInitMt must be passed in.
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BlastFini(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hptr);
Function to get a Bioseq for a give SeqIdPtr. Should be used
for BioseqFetch function.
NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BlastGetBioseq(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet3blkptr, SeqIdPtr sip);
NLM_EXTERN BlastNet3BlockPtr LIBCALL BlastNet3BlockNew(CharPtr program, CharPtr dbname);
NLM_EXTERN BlastNet3BlockPtr LIBCALL BlastNet3BlockDestruct(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL Blast3GetMotd(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hptr);
NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL BlastGetMaskedLoc(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet3blkptr);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BlastNetBioseqFetchEnable(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, CharPtr dbname, Boolean is_na, Boolean now);
NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL BlastNetBioseqFetchDisable(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, CharPtr dbname, Boolean is_na);
NLM_EXTERN BlastParametersPtr LIBCALL BlastOptionsToParameters(BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL BlastGetParameterBuffer(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet3blkptr);
NLM_EXTERN BlastKABlkPtr LIBCALL BlastGetKaParams(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet3blkptr, Boolean gapped);
NLM_EXTERN BlastDbinfoPtr LIBCALL BlastRequestDbInfo(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, CharPtr database, Boolean is_prot);
NLM_EXTERN BlastDbinfoPtr LIBCALL BlastGetDbInfo(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet3blkptr);
NLM_EXTERN TxDfDbInfoPtr LIBCALL NetDbinfo2TxDbinfo(BlastDbinfoPtr net_dbinfo);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL TraditionalBlastReport(BioseqPtr bsp, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, Boolean html, FILE *outfp, Boolean verbose, Uint4 print_options, Uint4 align_options, Int4 number_of_descriptions, Int4 number_of_alignments, Int4Ptr number_of_hits);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL TraditionalBlastReportLoc(SeqLocPtr slp, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, Boolean html, FILE *outfp, Boolean verbose, Uint4 print_options, Uint4 align_options, Int4 number_of_descriptions, Int4 number_of_alignments, Int4Ptr number_of_hits);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL TraditionalBlastReportExtra(BioseqPtr bsp, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, Boolean html, FILE *outfp, Boolean verbose, Uint4 print_options, Uint4 align_options, Int4 number_of_descriptions, Int4 number_of_alignments, Int4Ptr number_of_hits, Uint4 overview);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL TraditionalBlastReportLocExtra(SeqLocPtr slp, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, Boolean html, FILE *outfp, Boolean verbose, Uint4 print_options, Uint4 align_options, Int4 number_of_descriptions, Int4 number_of_alignments, Int4Ptr number_of_hits, Uint4 overview);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr LIBCALL BlastBioseqNet(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, ValNodePtr *other_returns, ValNodePtr *error_returns, NetProgressCallback callback);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr LIBCALL BlastSeqLocNet(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, SeqLocPtr slp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, ValNodePtr *other_returns, ValNodePtr *error_returns, NetProgressCallback callback);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr LIBCALL BlastBioseqNetCore(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, ValNodePtr *other_returns, ValNodePtr *error_returns, NetProgressCallback callback, BLAST_MatrixPtr blast_matrix, Boolean PNTR status);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr LIBCALL BlastSeqLocNetCore(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, SeqLocPtr slp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, ValNodePtr *other_returns, ValNodePtr *error_returns, NetProgressCallback callback, BLAST_MatrixPtr blast_matrix, Boolean PNTR status);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr LIBCALL MegaBlastSeqLocNetCore(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, SeqLocPtr slp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, ValNodePtr *other_returns, ValNodePtr *error_returns, NetProgressCallback callback, Boolean PNTR status);
NLM_EXTERN BlastPhialignPtr LIBCALL SeedBioseqNetCore(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, ValNodePtr *other_returns, ValNodePtr *error_returns, NetProgressCallback callback, BLAST_MatrixPtr blast_matrix, Boolean PNTR ret_status, ValNodePtr PNTR vnp);
NLM_EXTERN BlastPartsPtr LIBCALL BlastBioseqNetReturnParts(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hp, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr program, CharPtr database, BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, ValNodePtr *other_returns, ValNodePtr *error_returns, NetProgressCallback callback, BLAST_MatrixPtr blast_matrix, Boolean PNTR ret_status);
NLM_EXTERN BLAST_MatrixPtr LIBCALL BlastNetMatrixToBlastMatrix(BlastMatrixPtr net_matrix);
NLM_EXTERN BlastMatrixPtr LIBCALL BlastMatrixToBlastNetMatrix(BLAST_MatrixPtr matrix);
NLM_EXTERN BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr parametersToOptions (BlastParametersPtr parameters, CharPtr program,
ValNodePtr PNTR error_returns);
NLM_EXTERN BlastDbinfoPtr LIBCALL Blast3GetDbinfo(BlastNet3Hptr bl3hptr);
NLM_EXTERN Int4 BLASTGetUidsFromQuery(CharPtr query,
Int4Ptr PNTR uids,
Boolean is_na,
Boolean count_only,
BlastError ** err_ret);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean SubmitRequest PROTO((BlastNet3Hptr bl3hptr, BlastRequestPtr blreqp, BlastResponsePtr PNTR response, NetProgressCallback callback, Boolean reestablish));
NLM_EXTERN BlastMatrixPtr LIBCALL NetBlastGetMatrix(BlastNet3BlockPtr blnet3blkptr);
BlastResponsePtr GetResponsePtr(BlastResponsePtr response, Nlm_Uint1 choice);
/* Return TRUE if the query for this program is protein (e.g., blastp). */
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL QueryIsProteinFromType(Uint2 type);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN
#endif /* NETBLAP3 */