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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information
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* ===========================================================================
* File Name: objgen.h
* Author: James Ostell
* Version Creation Date: 1/1/91
* $Revision: 6.15 $
* File Description: Object manager interface for module NCBI-General
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Name Description of modification
* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _NCBI_General_
#define _NCBI_General_
#ifndef _ASNTOOL_
#include <asn.h>
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* gather/objmgr fields to be added to bioseq, features, descriptors, etc. */
Uint2 entityID; \
Uint2 itemtype; \
Uint1 subtype; \
Uint1 deleteme; \
Uint2 parenttype; \
Uint4 itemID; \
Pointer parentptr; \
Pointer PNTR prevlink; \
Pointer scratch;
/* structure containing gather/objmgr fields to add as a block to other structures */
typedef struct gatherindex {
} GatherIndex, PNTR GatherIndexPtr;
/* extended valnode for linking seqdesc, perhaps seqid and seqloc */
typedef struct objvalnode {
ValNode vn;
GatherIndex idx;
} ObjValNode, PNTR ObjValNodePtr;
/* ValNode equivalent functions that allocate ObjValNode size */
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL SeqDescrNew (ValNodePtr vnp);
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL SeqDescrAdd (ValNodePtr PNTR head);
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL SeqDescrAddPointer (ValNodePtr PNTR head, Int2 choice, VoidPtr value);
* loader
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GeneralAsnLoad PROTO((void));
* internal structures for NCBI-General objects
* Date, Date-std share the same structure
* any data[2] or data[3] values = 0 means not set or not present
* data [0] - CHOICE of date ,0=str, 1=std
* [1] - year (- 1900)
* [2] - month (1-12) optional
* [3] - day (1-31) optional
* [4] - hour (0-23) optional 255=not set
* [5] - minute (0-59) optional 255=not set
* [6] - second (0-59) optional 255=not set
* [7] - not currently used
#define NOT_SET 255
typedef struct date {
Uint1 data[8]; /* see box above */
CharPtr str; /* str or season or NULL */
} NCBI_Date, PNTR NCBI_DatePtr;
#define DatePtr NCBI_DatePtr
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DateWrite PROTO((NCBI_DatePtr dp, Int2 year, Int2 month, Int2 day, CharPtr season));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DateRead PROTO((NCBI_DatePtr dp, Int2Ptr year, Int2Ptr month, Int2Ptr day, CharPtr season));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DatePrint PROTO((NCBI_DatePtr dp, CharPtr buf));
NLM_EXTERN NCBI_DatePtr LIBCALL DateCurr PROTO((void)); /* time fields not set */
NLM_EXTERN NCBI_DatePtr LIBCALL DateTimeCurr PROTO((void)); /* fills time fields too */
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DateAsnWrite PROTO((NCBI_DatePtr dp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN NCBI_DatePtr LIBCALL DateAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL DateMatch PROTO((DatePtr a, DatePtr b, Boolean all));
NLM_EXTERN DatePtr LIBCALL DateParse (CharPtr str);
* DateCheck (dp)
* Checks the date and month values in a date structure
* returns:
* -4 = NULL pointer passed in
* -3 = string date, can't be checked
* -2 = month not set (but otherwise ok)
* -1 = day not set (but otherwise ok)
* 0 = date ok, month,day,year all set
* 1 = day invalid
* 2 = month invalid
* 3 = year not set (required for date)
NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL DateCheck PROTO((DatePtr dp));
* Object-id stuff
typedef struct objid {
Int4 id;
CharPtr str;
} ObjectId, PNTR ObjectIdPtr;
NLM_EXTERN ObjectIdPtr LIBCALL ObjectIdNew PROTO((void));
NLM_EXTERN ObjectIdPtr LIBCALL ObjectIdFree PROTO(( ObjectIdPtr oid));
NLM_EXTERN ObjectIdPtr LIBCALL ObjectIdAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL ObjectIdAsnWrite PROTO((ObjectIdPtr oid, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL ObjectIdMatch PROTO((ObjectIdPtr a, ObjectIdPtr b));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL ObjectIdMatchEx PROTO((ObjectIdPtr a, ObjectIdPtr b, Boolean case_sensitive));
NLM_EXTERN ObjectIdPtr LIBCALL ObjectIdDup PROTO((ObjectIdPtr oldid));
* DBtag stuff
typedef struct dbtag {
CharPtr db;
ObjectIdPtr tag;
} Dbtag, PNTR DbtagPtr;
NLM_EXTERN DbtagPtr LIBCALL DbtagNew PROTO((void));
NLM_EXTERN DbtagPtr LIBCALL DbtagFree PROTO(( DbtagPtr dbt));
NLM_EXTERN DbtagPtr LIBCALL DbtagAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DbtagAsnWrite PROTO((DbtagPtr dbt, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DbtagMatchEx PROTO((DbtagPtr a, DbtagPtr b, Boolean case_sensitive));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DbtagMatch PROTO((DbtagPtr a, DbtagPtr b));
NLM_EXTERN DbtagPtr LIBCALL DbtagDup PROTO((DbtagPtr oldtag));
NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL DbtagLabel PROTO((DbtagPtr dbt, CharPtr buf, Int2 buflen));
* Name-std
* names[0] = last
* [1] = first
* [2] = middle
* [3] = full
* [4] = initials
* [5] = suffix
* [6] = title
typedef struct namestd {
CharPtr names[7];
} NameStd, PNTR NameStdPtr;
NLM_EXTERN NameStdPtr LIBCALL NameStdNew PROTO((void));
NLM_EXTERN NameStdPtr LIBCALL NameStdFree PROTO(( NameStdPtr nsp));
NLM_EXTERN NameStdPtr LIBCALL NameStdAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL NameStdAsnWrite PROTO((NameStdPtr nsp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL NameStdMatch (NameStdPtr nsp1, NameStdPtr nsp2);
* Person-id
* choice = 0 = not set
* 1 = dbtag
* 2 = name
* 3 = ml
* 4 = str
* 5 = consortium
typedef struct personid {
Uint1 choice; /* which CHOICE, see above */
Pointer data; /* points to appropriate data structure */
} PersonId, PNTR PersonIdPtr;
NLM_EXTERN PersonIdPtr LIBCALL PersonIdNew PROTO((void));
NLM_EXTERN PersonIdPtr LIBCALL PersonIdFree PROTO(( PersonIdPtr pid));
NLM_EXTERN PersonIdPtr LIBCALL PersonIdAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PersonIdAsnWrite PROTO((PersonIdPtr pid, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL PersonIdMatch (PersonIdPtr pip1, PersonIdPtr pip2);
* PersonIdLabel(pid, buf, buflen, format)
* Makes a short label, lastname then initials if it can
* format = PIDLABEL_GENBANK last,initials
* PIDLABEL_EMBL last initials
* Modeled from GBGetAuthNames in asn2ff
* returns number of bytes in buf
* buf MUST be at least (buflen + 1) long
NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL PersonIdLabel PROTO((PersonIdPtr pid, CharPtr buf, Int2 buflen, Int2 format));
* Int-fuzz
typedef struct intfuzz {
Uint1 choice; /* 1=p-m, 2=range, 3=pct, 4=lim 5=alt */
Int4 a, b; /* a=p-m,max,pct,orlim, b=min */
Int4Ptr alt; /* alternate positions, a=num alts, b=array size */
} IntFuzz, PNTR IntFuzzPtr;
NLM_EXTERN IntFuzzPtr LIBCALL IntFuzzNew PROTO((void));
NLM_EXTERN IntFuzzPtr LIBCALL IntFuzzFree PROTO(( IntFuzzPtr ifp));
NLM_EXTERN IntFuzzPtr LIBCALL IntFuzzAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL IntFuzzAsnWrite PROTO((IntFuzzPtr ifp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
* User-field
* data is an DataVal where:
* choice asn1 data. =
1 = str VisibleString , ptrvalue = CharPtr
2 = int INTEGER , intvalue
3 = real REAL , realvalue
4 = bool BOOLEAN , boolvalue
5 = os OCTET STRING , ptrvalue = ByteStorePtr
6 = object User-object , ptrvalue = UserObjectPtr
7 = strs SEQUENCE OF VisibleString , ptrvalue = CharPtr PNTR
8 = ints SEQUENCE OF INTEGER , ptrvalue = Int4Ptr
9 = reals SEQUENCE OF REAL , ptrvalue = FloatHiPtr
10 = oss SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING , ptrvalue = ByteStorePtr PNTR
11 = fields SEQUENCE OF User-field , ptrvalue = UserFieldPtr
12 = objects SEQUENCE OF User-object } } ptrvalue = UserObjectPtr
* User-object
typedef struct userfield {
ObjectIdPtr label;
Int4 num;
Uint1 choice;
DataVal data;
struct userfield PNTR next;
} UserField, PNTR UserFieldPtr;
NLM_EXTERN UserFieldPtr LIBCALL UserFieldNew PROTO((void));
NLM_EXTERN UserFieldPtr LIBCALL UserFieldFree PROTO(( UserFieldPtr ufp));
NLM_EXTERN UserFieldPtr LIBCALL UserFieldAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL UserFieldAsnWrite PROTO((UserFieldPtr ufp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
typedef struct userobj {
CharPtr _class;
ObjectIdPtr type;
UserFieldPtr data;
struct userobj PNTR next; /* for SEQUENCE OF User-object */
} UserObject, PNTR UserObjectPtr;
NLM_EXTERN UserObjectPtr LIBCALL UserObjectNew PROTO((void));
NLM_EXTERN UserObjectPtr LIBCALL UserObjectFree PROTO(( UserObjectPtr uop));
NLM_EXTERN UserObjectPtr LIBCALL UserObjectAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL UserObjectAsnWrite PROTO((UserObjectPtr uop, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN