/usr/include/ncbi/salstruc.h is in libncbi6-dev 6.1.20170106-2.
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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
* the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
* to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
* Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
* We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
* any work or product based on this material
* Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
* and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
* Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
* may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
* Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
* warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
* purpose.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: salstruc.h
* Author: Colombe Chappey
* Version Creation Date: 1/27/96
* $Revision: 6.6 $
* File Description:
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $Log: salstruc.h,v $
* Revision 6.6 2006/07/13 17:06:39 bollin
* use Uint4 instead of Uint2 for itemID values
* removed unused variables
* resolved compiler warnings
* Revision 6.5 2005/11/22 21:56:23 bollin
* made function for deleting locations from alignments extern
* Revision 6.4 1999/11/24 21:24:29 vakatov
* Fixed for the C++ and/or MSVC DLL compilation
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _SALSTRUC_
#define _SALSTRUC_
#include <salsa.h>
#include <txalign.h>
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
NLM_EXTERN SelStructPtr BufferFree (SelStructPtr ssp);
NLM_EXTERN EditAlignDataPtr SetupDataBuffer (EditAlignDataPtr adp);
NLM_EXTERN EditAlignDataPtr SetupDataPanel (EditAlignDataPtr adp);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr next_notemptyline (ValNodePtr anp_list, ValNodePtr linebuff, Int2 numberalignline, Int2 *index, Int4 start, Int4 *drw_width, TextAlignBufPtr *tdp, AlignNodePtr *anp);
NLM_EXTERN SelEdStructPtr is_feature_to_buffer (ValNodePtr vnphead, Uint4 bspitemID, Uint2 entityID, Int4 from, Int4 drw_width, SeqAlignPtr salp, Uint2 seqedit, ValNodePtr sqloc_list);
NLM_EXTERN ByteStorePtr cds_to_pept (SeqLocPtr slp, Uint1 frame, Int2 gencode, Boolean include_stop);
NLM_EXTERN void data_collect_arrange (EditAlignDataPtr adp, Boolean recollect);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr get_master (ValNodePtr linebuff, Uint2 entityID, Uint4 itemID, Uint2 itemtype);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean read_buffer_fromalignnode (EditAlignDataPtr adp, ValNodePtr *linebuff, Int4 bufferstart, Int4 minbufferlength, Int2 *numberalignline);
*** BioseqTrimN
*** truncates the nnn's at the extremities of a bioseq bsp
*** providing TopSeqEntry sep allows to modify the SeqAlign if any
NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqTrimN (BioseqPtr bsp, SeqEntryPtr sep);
/* Function removes location from alignment */
NLM_EXTERN void SeqAlignDeleteByLocCallback (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer mydata,
Int4 index, Int2 indent);
*** AddFeatFunc
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr AddFeatFunc (SelEdStructPtr feat, ValNodePtr *featlist, Uint2 itemsubtype);
*** CollectFeatureForEditor
*** slp: the target Seq-loc
*** anp: the AlignNode belong to the target Seq-loc
*** csop: the option for gathering the features
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr CollectFeatureForEditor (SeqLocPtr slp, ValNodePtr seqfeat, Uint2 seq_entityID, Uint4 bsp_itemID, Uint1 *featOrder, Boolean all_feat);
*** Display alignment in several formats
NLM_EXTERN void ShowAlignmentText (FILE *fout, EditAlignDataPtr adp, SelStructPtr ssp, Int2 leftmargin, Int4 printfrom, Int4 printto, Boolean html_option);
NLM_EXTERN void showfastagap_fromalign (SeqAlignPtr salp, Int4 line, FILE *f);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN