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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
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* Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: valid.h
* Author: James Ostell
* Version Creation Date: 1/1/94
* $Revision: 6.100 $
* File Description: Sequence editing utilities
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Name Description of modification
* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _NCBI_Valid_
#define _NCBI_Valid_
* valid.h
* values for cutoff are
* 0 INFO
* 1 WARN
#ifndef _NCBI_Seqport_
#include <seqport.h>
#ifndef _GATHER_
#include <gather.h>
#ifndef _SQNUTILS_
#include <sqnutils.h>
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef void (*SpellCallBackFunc) (char * str);
typedef int (* SpellCheckFunc) (char *String, SpellCallBackFunc);
/* callback type for finer error reporting */
typedef void (LIBCALLBACK *ValidErrorFunc) (
ErrSev severity,
int errcode,
int subcode,
Uint2 entityID,
Uint2 itemtype,
Uint4 itemID,
CharPtr accession,
CharPtr seqid,
CharPtr featureID,
CharPtr message,
CharPtr objtype,
CharPtr label,
CharPtr context,
CharPtr location,
CharPtr product,
Pointer userdata
#define SET_DEPTH 20
#define VALIDATE_ALL 0
#define VALIDATE_SET 5
typedef struct validstruct {
Int2 cutoff; /* lowest errmsg to show 0=default */
Int4 errors[6];
SeqEntryPtr sep; /* top level SeqEntryPtr */
BioseqSetPtr bssp; /* current bioseqset */
BioseqPtr bsp; /* current bioseq */
SeqFeatPtr sfp; /* current feature */
ValNodePtr descr; /* current descriptor */
Uint4 descrs [SET_DEPTH]; /* bit flags set by descriptor type */
Int2 protcnt, nuccnt, segcnt;
CharPtr errbuf;
Boolean patch_seq; /* repair invalid sequence residues? */
Boolean non_ascii_chars; /* non ascii chars found in read? */
Boolean suppress_no_pubs; /* internal use for no pub anywhere message */
Boolean suppress_no_cit_subs; /* internal use for no genome submission citation message */
Boolean suppress_no_biosrc; /* internal use for no biosource anywhere message */
SpellCheckFunc spellfunc;
SpellCallBackFunc spellcallback;
GatherContextPtr gcp; /* used for reporting the errors */
/* this section used for checking Bioseqs */
Uint2 bsp_partial_val; /* return from SeqLocPartial on segmented SeqLoc */
Boolean onlyspell; /* only do spell check */
Boolean justwarnonspell; /* severity WARNING instead of ERROR on spell */
Boolean useSeqMgrIndexes; /* new style indexing to speed up validation */
Boolean suppressContext; /* suppress context part of message */
Boolean validateAlignments; /* call alignval test suite */
Boolean farIDsInAlignments; /* fetch to get far IDs in alignments */
Boolean alignFindRemoteBsp; /* do remote fetching in alignment validation */
Boolean doSeqHistAssembly; /* do alignment validation in Seq-hist.assembly */
Boolean alwaysRequireIsoJTA; /* force check for iso_jta */
Boolean farFetchCDSproducts; /* lock CDS->products for CdTransCheck, if necessary */
Boolean farFetchMRNAproducts; /* lock MRNA->products for MrnaTransCheck, if necessary */
Boolean locusTagGeneralMatch; /* expect locus_tag to match Seq-id.general of CDS and mRNA product */
Boolean validateIDSet; /* look for gain or loss of general IDs on sequence update */
Boolean seqSubmitParent; /* flag from tbl2asn to suppress no pub message */
Boolean justShowAccession; /* extremely terse output with accession and error type */
Boolean ignoreExceptions; /* report translation and transcription problems even if exception set */
Boolean validateExons; /* check splice sites on exon features except at ends of overlapping CDS */
Boolean inferenceAccnCheck; /* lookup inference qualifier accession.version reference */
Boolean testLatLonSubregion; /* validate coordinates of states and provinces within a country */
Boolean strictLatLonCountry; /* bodies of water do not relax country vs. lat_lon mismatch */
Boolean rubiscoTest; /* look for ribulose bisphosphate variants */
Boolean indexerVersion; /* special tests for GenBank indexers */
Boolean disableSuppression; /* disables suppression of message by ShouldSuppressValidErr */
Boolean genomeSubmission; /* raise severity on numerous warnings for automated genome center submissions */
Boolean debugTestDuJour; /* used for turning on or off specific tests suspected of causing performance hit */
Int2 validationLimit; /* limit validation to major classes in Valid1GatherProc */
/* this section used for finer error reporting callback */
ValidErrorFunc errfunc;
Pointer userdata;
Boolean convertGiToAccn;
/* this section used for internal flags */
TextFsaPtr sourceQualTags; /* for detecting structured qual tags in notes */
TextFsaPtr modifiedBases; /* permitted modified bases in PCR_primer qualifier */
TextFsaPtr sgmlStrings; /* for detecting possible SGML tags in strings */
Boolean is_htg_in_sep; /* record has technique of htgs 0 through htgs 3 */
Boolean is_barcode_sep; /* record has technique barcode */
Boolean is_refseq_in_sep; /* record has seqid of type other (refseq) */
Boolean is_wp_in_sep; /* record is WP RefSeq protein */
Boolean is_gpipe_in_sep; /* record has seqid of type gpipe */
Boolean is_gps_in_sep; /* record has genomic product set */
Boolean is_small_genome_set; /* record has small genome set */
Boolean other_sets_in_sep; /* record has pop/phy/mut/eco/wgs set */
Boolean is_embl_ddbj_in_sep; /* record has embl or ddbj seqid */
Boolean is_embl_tpe_in_sep; /* record has embl or tpe seqid */
Boolean is_old_gb_in_sep; /* record has old style GenBank accession */
Boolean is_patent_in_sep; /* record has patent seqid */
Boolean is_insd_in_sep; /* record has genbank/embl/ddbj or tpg/tpe/tpd seqid */
Boolean is_pdb_in_sep; /* record has pdb seqid */
Boolean only_lcl_gnl_in_sep; /* record has seqid of only local or general */
Boolean has_gi_or_accn_ver; /* record has GI number of accession with non-zero version */
Boolean has_gnl_prot_sep; /* protein Bioseq has general seqid */
Boolean bsp_genomic_in_sep; /* biosource.genome == genomic */
Boolean is_smupd_in_sep; /* record in INSD internal processing */
Boolean feat_loc_has_gi; /* at least one feature has a gi location reference */
Boolean feat_prod_has_gi; /* at least one feature has a gi product reference */
Boolean has_multi_int_genes; /* record has multi-interval genes */
Boolean has_seg_bioseqs; /* record has segmented Bioseqs */
Boolean far_fetch_failure; /* a far location or bioseq with no fetch function */
Boolean use_heartbeat; /* use heartbeat to indicate process */
VoidPtr rrna_array; /* sorted feature index array of rRNA features */
VoidPtr trna_array; /* sorted feature index array of tRNA features */
Int4 numrrna; /* number of rRNA features */
Int4 numtrna; /* number of tRNA features */
Boolean is_geneious; /* lower severity for select messages */
ValNodePtr sisfp;
} ValidStruct, PNTR ValidStructPtr;
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ValidateSeqEntry PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, ValidStructPtr vsp));
NLM_EXTERN void ValidStructClear (ValidStructPtr vsp); /* 0 out a ValidStruct */
NLM_EXTERN ValidStructPtr ValidStructNew (void);
NLM_EXTERN ValidStructPtr ValidStructFree (ValidStructPtr vsp);
NLM_EXTERN void SpellCallBack (char * str);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean IsNuclAcc (CharPtr name);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GetValidCategoryName (int errcode);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GetValidErrorName (int errcode, int subcode);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GetValidExplanation (int errcode, int subcode);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LookForECnumberPattern (CharPtr str);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ValidateECnumber (CharPtr str);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ECnumberNotInList (CharPtr str);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ECnumberWasDeleted (CharPtr str);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ECnumberWasReplaced (CharPtr str);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr PNTR GetValidCountryList (void);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr PNTR GetFormerCountryList (void);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CountryIsValid (CharPtr name, BoolPtr old_countryP, BoolPtr bad_capP);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GetCorrectedCountryCapitalization (CharPtr name);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean StringContainsBodyOfWater (CharPtr str);
/* original country latitude-longitude tests */
NLM_EXTERN Boolean IsCountryInLatLonList (CharPtr country);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean TestLatLonForCountry (CharPtr country, FloatHi lat, FloatHi lon);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GuessCountryForLatLon (FloatHi lat, FloatHi lon);
/* improved country latitude-longitude tests */
for proximity tests, range is a maximum bounding search box in degrees,
distanceP is filled in with a minimum distance in kilometers (subject
to non-spherical earth calculation error)
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CountryIsInLatLonList (
CharPtr country
NLM_EXTERN Boolean WaterIsInLatLonList (
CharPtr country
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CountryContainsLatLon (
CharPtr country,
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon
NLM_EXTERN Boolean WaterContainsLatLon (
CharPtr country,
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LookupCountryByLatLon (
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LookupWaterByLatLon (
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr CountryClosestToLatLon (
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon,
FloatHi range,
FloatHi PNTR distanceP
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr WaterClosestToLatLon (
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon,
FloatHi range,
FloatHi PNTR distanceP
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CountryIsNearLatLon (
CharPtr country,
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon,
FloatHi range,
FloatHi PNTR distanceP
NLM_EXTERN Boolean WaterIsNearLatLon (
CharPtr country,
FloatHi lat,
FloatHi lon,
FloatHi range,
FloatHi PNTR distanceP
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CountryExtremesOverlap (
CharPtr first,
CharPtr second
NLM_EXTERN Boolean WaterExtremesOverlap (
CharPtr first,
CharPtr second
NLM_EXTERN FloatHi CountryDataScaleIs (void);
NLM_EXTERN FloatHi WaterDataScaleIs (void);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ParseStructuredVoucher (CharPtr subname, CharPtr PNTR inst, CharPtr PNTR id);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean VoucherInstitutionIsValid (CharPtr inst);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr RemoveBadInstitutionCollection (OrgModPtr mod);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr RemoveBadInstitutionCountry (OrgModPtr mod);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean AltitudeIsValid (CharPtr name);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean TypeMaterialIsValid (CharPtr name);
/* EC_number finite state machine persists to avoid expensive reload, should free on program exit */
NLM_EXTERN void ECNumberFSAFreeAll (void);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean HasTpaUserObject (BioseqPtr bsp);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CountryBoxesOverlap (CharPtr country1, CharPtr country2);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean IsGeneXrefRedundant (SeqFeatPtr sfp);
/* warns if over 1000 /inference qualifiers or accessions in inference qualifiers */
NLM_EXTERN Boolean TooManyInferenceAccessions (
SeqEntryPtr sep,
Int4Ptr numInferences,
Int4Ptr numAccessions
NLM_EXTERN Int4 IsQualValidForFeature (GBQualPtr gbqual, SeqFeatPtr sfp);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GetGBFeatKeyForFeature (SeqFeatPtr sfp);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ShouldSuppressGBQual(Uint1 subtype, CharPtr qual_name);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ShouldBeAGBQual (Uint1 subtype, Int2 qual, Boolean allowProductGBQual);
NLM_EXTERN void Heartbeat(ValidStructPtr vsp, CharPtr msg);
NLM_EXTERN void ConvertFailedCodingRegionsAndRNAsToMiscFeatures(SeqEntryPtr sep, LogInfoPtr lip);
typedef enum {
eEndIsChar_No = 0,
eEndIsChar_Last = 1,
eEndIsChar_All = 2
} EEndIsChar;
NLM_EXTERN void CheckBioseqEndsForNAndGap (BioseqPtr bsp, Uint1Ptr begin_n, Uint1Ptr begin_gap, Uint1Ptr end_n, Uint1Ptr end_gap);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean FixOrgModVoucher (OrgModPtr mod);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean IsIdenticalPublication (PubdescPtr pdp1, PubdescPtr pdp2);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN