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// HTTPRequest.h
// Library: Net
// Package: HTTP
// Module: HTTPRequest
// Definition of the HTTPRequest class.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Net_HTTPRequest_INCLUDED
#define Net_HTTPRequest_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Net/Net.h"
#include "Poco/Net/HTTPMessage.h"
namespace Poco {
namespace Net {
class Net_API HTTPRequest: public HTTPMessage
/// This class encapsulates an HTTP request
/// message.
/// In addition to the properties common to
/// all HTTP messages, a HTTP request has
/// a method (e.g. GET, HEAD, POST, etc.) and
/// a request URI.
/// Creates a GET / HTTP/1.0 HTTP request.
HTTPRequest(const std::string& version);
/// Creates a GET / HTTP/1.x request with
/// the given version (HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1).
HTTPRequest(const std::string& method, const std::string& uri);
/// Creates a HTTP/1.0 request with the given method and URI.
HTTPRequest(const std::string& method, const std::string& uri, const std::string& version);
/// Creates a HTTP request with the given method, URI and version.
virtual ~HTTPRequest();
/// Destroys the HTTPRequest.
void setMethod(const std::string& method);
/// Sets the method.
const std::string& getMethod() const;
/// Returns the method.
void setURI(const std::string& uri);
/// Sets the request URI.
const std::string& getURI() const;
/// Returns the request URI.
void setHost(const std::string& host);
/// Sets the value of the Host header field.
void setHost(const std::string& host, Poco::UInt16 port);
/// Sets the value of the Host header field.
/// If the given port number is a non-standard
/// port number (other than 80 or 443), it is
/// included in the Host header field.
const std::string& getHost() const;
/// Returns the value of the Host header field.
/// Throws a NotFoundException if the request
/// does not have a Host header field.
void setCookies(const NameValueCollection& cookies);
/// Adds a Cookie header with the names and
/// values from cookies.
void getCookies(NameValueCollection& cookies) const;
/// Fills cookies with the cookies extracted
/// from the Cookie headers in the request.
bool hasCredentials() const;
/// Returns true iff the request contains authentication
/// information in the form of an Authorization header.
void getCredentials(std::string& scheme, std::string& authInfo) const;
/// Returns the authentication scheme and additional authentication
/// information contained in this request.
/// Throws a NotAuthenticatedException if no authentication information
/// is contained in the request.
void setCredentials(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& authInfo);
/// Sets the authentication scheme and information for
/// this request.
bool getExpectContinue() const;
/// Returns true if the request contains an
/// "Expect: 100-continue" header.
void setExpectContinue(bool expectContinue);
/// Adds a "Expect: 100-continue" header to the request if
/// expectContinue is true, otherwise removes the Expect header.
bool hasProxyCredentials() const;
/// Returns true iff the request contains proxy authentication
/// information in the form of an Proxy-Authorization header.
void getProxyCredentials(std::string& scheme, std::string& authInfo) const;
/// Returns the proxy authentication scheme and additional proxy authentication
/// information contained in this request.
/// Throws a NotAuthenticatedException if no proxy authentication information
/// is contained in the request.
void setProxyCredentials(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& authInfo);
/// Sets the proxy authentication scheme and information for
/// this request.
void write(std::ostream& ostr) const;
/// Writes the HTTP request to the given
/// output stream.
void read(std::istream& istr);
/// Reads the HTTP request from the
/// given input stream.
static const std::string HTTP_GET;
static const std::string HTTP_HEAD;
static const std::string HTTP_PUT;
static const std::string HTTP_POST;
static const std::string HTTP_OPTIONS;
static const std::string HTTP_DELETE;
static const std::string HTTP_TRACE;
static const std::string HTTP_CONNECT;
static const std::string HTTP_PATCH;
static const std::string HOST;
static const std::string COOKIE;
static const std::string AUTHORIZATION;
static const std::string PROXY_AUTHORIZATION;
static const std::string UPGRADE;
static const std::string EXPECT;
void getCredentials(const std::string& header, std::string& scheme, std::string& authInfo) const;
/// Returns the authentication scheme and additional authentication
/// information contained in the given header of request.
/// Throws a NotAuthenticatedException if no authentication information
/// is contained in the request.
void setCredentials(const std::string& header, const std::string& scheme, const std::string& authInfo);
/// Writes the authentication scheme and information for
/// this request to the given header.
enum Limits
std::string _method;
std::string _uri;
HTTPRequest(const HTTPRequest&);
HTTPRequest& operator = (const HTTPRequest&);
// inlines
inline const std::string& HTTPRequest::getMethod() const
return _method;
inline const std::string& HTTPRequest::getURI() const
return _uri;
} } // namespace Poco::Net
#endif // Net_HTTPRequest_INCLUDED