/usr/include/rep/rep_gh.h is in librep-dev 0.92.5-3build2.
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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
* for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
* The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
* to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
* resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
* linking the GUILE library code into it.
* This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
* the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* This exception applies only to the code released by the
* Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
* code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
* GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
* not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
* anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
* this exception notice from them.
* If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
* whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
* If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */
#ifndef REP_GH_H
#define REP_GH_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <rep.h>
/* gcc has extern inline functions that are basically as fast as macros */
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define INL inline
# define EXTINL extern inline
# define INL
#define EXTINL
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
typedef repv SCM;
#define SCM_EOL Qnil
#define SCM_BOOL_F Qnil
#define SCM_BOOL_T Qt
#define SCM_UNDEFINED rep_undefined_value
#define SCM_UNSPECIFIED rep_undefined_value
typedef SCM (*scm_t_catch_body) (void *data);
typedef SCM (*scm_t_catch_handler) (void *data,
SCM tag, SCM throw_args);
void gh_enter(int argc, char *argv[], void (*c_main_prog)(int, char **));
#define gh_init () scm_init_guile ()
void gh_repl(int argc, char *argv[]);
SCM gh_catch(SCM tag, scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data,
scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data);
SCM gh_standard_handler(void *data, SCM tag, SCM throw_args);
SCM gh_eval_str(const char *scheme_code);
SCM gh_eval_str_with_catch(const char *scheme_code, scm_t_catch_handler handler);
SCM gh_eval_str_with_standard_handler(const char *scheme_code);
SCM gh_eval_str_with_stack_saving_handler(const char *scheme_code);
SCM gh_eval_file(const char *fname);
#define gh_load(fname) gh_eval_file(fname)
SCM gh_eval_file_with_catch(const char *scheme_code, scm_t_catch_handler handler);
SCM gh_eval_file_with_standard_handler(const char *scheme_code);
#define gh_defer_ints() do{}while(0)
#define gh_allow_ints() do{}while(0)
SCM gh_new_procedure(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(),
int n_required_args, int n_optional_args, int varp);
SCM gh_new_procedure0_0(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(void));
SCM gh_new_procedure0_1(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure0_2(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure1_0(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure1_1(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure1_2(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure2_0(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure2_1(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure2_2(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM, SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure3_0(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure4_0(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM, SCM, SCM));
SCM gh_new_procedure5_0(const char *proc_name, SCM (*fn)(SCM, SCM, SCM, SCM, SCM));
/* C to Scheme conversion */
SCM gh_bool2scm(int x);
SCM gh_int2scm(int x);
SCM gh_ulong2scm(unsigned long x);
SCM gh_long2scm(long x);
SCM gh_double2scm(double x);
SCM gh_char2scm(char c);
SCM gh_str2scm(const char *s, size_t len);
SCM gh_str02scm(const char *s);
void gh_set_substr(char *src, SCM dst, long start, size_t len);
SCM gh_symbol2scm(const char *symbol_str);
SCM gh_ints2scm(const int *d, long n);
SCM gh_doubles2scm(const double *d, long n);
/* Scheme to C conversion */
int gh_scm2bool(SCM obj);
int gh_scm2int(SCM obj);
unsigned long gh_scm2ulong(SCM obj);
long gh_scm2long(SCM obj);
char gh_scm2char(SCM obj);
double gh_scm2double(SCM obj);
char *gh_scm2newstr(SCM str, size_t *lenp);
void gh_get_substr(SCM src, char *dst, long start, size_t len);
char *gh_symbol2newstr(SCM sym, size_t *lenp);
char *gh_scm2chars(SCM vector, char *result);
short *gh_scm2shorts(SCM vector, short *result);
long *gh_scm2longs(SCM vector, long *result);
float *gh_scm2floats(SCM vector, float *result);
double *gh_scm2doubles(SCM vector, double *result);
/* type predicates: tell you if an SCM object has a given type */
int gh_boolean_p(SCM val);
int gh_symbol_p(SCM val);
int gh_char_p(SCM val);
int gh_vector_p(SCM val);
int gh_pair_p(SCM val);
int gh_number_p(SCM val);
int gh_string_p(SCM val);
int gh_procedure_p(SCM val);
int gh_list_p(SCM val);
int gh_inexact_p(SCM val);
int gh_exact_p(SCM val);
/* more predicates */
int gh_eq_p(SCM x, SCM y);
int gh_eqv_p(SCM x, SCM y);
int gh_equal_p(SCM x, SCM y);
int gh_string_equal_p(SCM s1, SCM s2);
int gh_null_p(SCM l);
/* standard Scheme procedures available from C */
SCM gh_not(SCM val);
SCM gh_define(const char *name, SCM val);
/* string manipulation routines */
SCM gh_make_string(SCM k, SCM chr);
SCM gh_string_length(SCM str);
SCM gh_string_ref(SCM str, SCM k);
SCM gh_string_set_x(SCM str, SCM k, SCM chr);
SCM gh_substring(SCM str, SCM start, SCM end);
SCM gh_string_append(SCM args);
/* vector manipulation routines */
/* note that gh_vector() does not behave quite like the Scheme (vector
obj1 obj2 ...), because the interpreter engine does not pass the
data element by element, but rather as a list. thus, gh_vector()
ends up being identical to gh_list_to_vector() */
SCM gh_vector(SCM ls);
SCM gh_make_vector(SCM length, SCM val);
SCM gh_vector_set_x(SCM vec, SCM pos, SCM val);
SCM gh_vector_ref(SCM vec, SCM pos);
unsigned long gh_vector_length (SCM v);
unsigned long gh_uniform_vector_length (SCM v);
SCM gh_uniform_vector_ref (SCM v, SCM ilist);
#define gh_list_to_vector(ls) gh_vector(ls)
SCM gh_vector_to_list(SCM v);
SCM gh_lookup (const char *sname);
SCM gh_module_lookup (SCM module, const char *sname);
SCM gh_cons(SCM x, SCM y);
SCM gh_list(SCM elt, ...);
unsigned long gh_length(SCM l);
SCM gh_append(SCM args);
SCM gh_append2(SCM l1, SCM l2);
SCM gh_append3(SCM l1, SCM l2, SCM l3);
SCM gh_append4(SCM l1, SCM l2, SCM l3, SCM l4);
SCM gh_reverse(SCM ls);
SCM gh_list_tail(SCM ls, SCM k);
SCM gh_list_ref(SCM ls, SCM k);
SCM gh_memq(SCM x, SCM ls);
SCM gh_memv(SCM x, SCM ls);
SCM gh_member(SCM x, SCM ls);
SCM gh_assq(SCM x, SCM alist);
SCM gh_assv(SCM x, SCM alist);
SCM gh_assoc(SCM x, SCM alist);
SCM gh_car(SCM x);
SCM gh_cdr(SCM x);
SCM gh_caar(SCM x);
SCM gh_cadr(SCM x);
SCM gh_cdar(SCM x);
SCM gh_cddr(SCM x);
SCM gh_caaar(SCM x);
SCM gh_caadr(SCM x);
SCM gh_cadar(SCM x);
SCM gh_caddr(SCM x);
SCM gh_cdaar(SCM x);
SCM gh_cdadr(SCM x);
SCM gh_cddar(SCM x);
SCM gh_cdddr(SCM x);
SCM gh_set_car_x(SCM pair, SCM value);
SCM gh_set_cdr_x(SCM pair, SCM value);
/* Calling Scheme functions from C. */
SCM gh_apply (SCM proc, SCM ls);
SCM gh_call0 (SCM proc);
SCM gh_call1 (SCM proc, SCM arg);
SCM gh_call2 (SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM arg2);
SCM gh_call3 (SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM arg2, SCM arg3);
/* reading and writing Scheme objects. */
void gh_display (SCM x);
void gh_write (SCM x);
void gh_newline (void);
/* void gh_gc_mark(SCM) : mark an SCM as in use. */
/* void gh_defer_ints() : don't interrupt code section. */
/* void gh_allow_ints() : see gh_defer_ints(). */
/* void gh_new_cell(SCM, int tag) : initialize SCM to be of type 'tag' */
/* int gh_type_p(SCM, tag) : test if SCM is of type 'tag' */
/* SCM gh_intern(char*) : get symbol corresponding to c-string.*/
/* void gh_set_ext_data(SCM, void*) : set extension data on SCM */
/* void *gh_get_ext_data(SCM) : return extension data from SCM. */
/* void gh_assert(int cond, char *msg, SCM obj); */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* REP_GH_H */
Local Variables:
c-file-style: "gnu"