
This package is 18.2 KB. It is available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/lua-torch-torch7/libtorch-th-dev_0~20170926-g89ede3b-2_amd64.deb .

View its full control file here: debian/control.


libTH.so of Torch Package for Torch Framework (dev)


This package depends on: libtorch-th (= 0~20170926-g89ede3b-2).

This package does not recommend any other package.

This package does not suggest any other package.

This package does not conflict with any other package.

Package Contents

This package is indexed.

libtorch-th-dev 0~20170926-g89ede3b-2 is in ubuntu - bionic / universe. This package's architecture is: amd64.

File Mime Type Owner Mode Size
/usr/ root:root 0o755
/usr/include/ root:root 0o755
/usr/include/TH/ root:root 0o755
/usr/include/TH/generic/ root:root 0o755
/usr/include/TH/generic/THBlas.h text/plain root:root 0o644 903 bytes
/usr/include/TH/generic/THLapack.h text/plain root:root 0o644 2.4 KB
/usr/include/TH/generic/THStorageCopy.h text/plain root:root 0o644 929 bytes
/usr/include/TH/generic/THStorage.h text/plain root:root 0o644 2.5 KB
/usr/include/TH/generic/THTensorConv.h text/plain root:root 0o644 4.7 KB
/usr/include/TH/generic/THTensorCopy.h text/plain root:root 0o644 827 bytes
/usr/include/TH/generic/THTensor.h text/plain root:root 0o644 7.4 KB
/usr/include/TH/generic/THTensorLapack.h text/plain root:root 0o644 1.8 KB
/usr/include/TH/generic/THTensorMath.h text/plain root:root 0o644 11.8 KB
/usr/include/TH/generic/THTensorRandom.h text/plain root:root 0o644 2.1 KB
/usr/include/TH/generic/THVector.h text/plain root:root 0o644 849 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THAllocator.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 1.5 KB
/usr/include/TH/THAtomic.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 3.0 KB
/usr/include/TH/THBlas.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 188 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THDiskFile.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 661 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THFile.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 4.3 KB
/usr/include/TH/THFilePrivate.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 1.6 KB
/usr/include/TH/THGeneral.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 4.4 KB
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateAllTypes.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 405 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateByteType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 587 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateCharType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 577 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateDoubleType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 588 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateFloatType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 583 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateFloatTypes.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 414 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateHalfType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 639 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateIntType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 571 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateIntTypes.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 499 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateLongType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 577 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THGenerateShortType.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 582 bytes
/usr/include/TH/TH.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 412 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THHalf.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 875 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THLapack.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 951 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THLogAdd.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 323 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THMath.h text/plain root:root 0o644 699 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THMemoryFile.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 362 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THRandom.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 2.9 KB
/usr/include/TH/THSize.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 412 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THStorage.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 1.5 KB
/usr/include/TH/THTensorApply.h text/plain root:root 0o644 10.4 KB
/usr/include/TH/THTensorDimApply.h text/plain root:root 0o644 13.0 KB
/usr/include/TH/THTensor.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 889 bytes
/usr/include/TH/THTensorMacros.h text/plain root:root 0o644 1.6 KB
/usr/include/TH/THVector.h text/x-c root:root 0o644 325 bytes
/usr/lib/ root:root 0o755
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ root:root 0o755
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libTH.so root:root 0o777
/usr/share/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/libtorch-th-dev/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/libtorch-th-dev/changelog.Debian.gz root:root 0o777
/usr/share/doc/libtorch-th-dev/copyright text/plain root:root 0o644 5.2 KB