/usr/lib/ocaml/zed/zed_macro.mli is in libzed-ocaml-dev 1.4-3build1.
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* zed_macro.mli
* -------------
* Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino <jeremie@dimino.org>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of Zed, an editor engine.
(** Macro recorder *)
type 'a t
(** Type of macro recorders. *)
val create : 'a list -> 'a t
(** [create macro] create a new macro recorder, with initial
contents [macro]. *)
val recording : 'a t -> bool React.signal
(** Whether the recorder is recording a macro. *)
val get_recording : 'a t -> bool
(** Returns the current state of the recorder. *)
val set_recording : 'a t -> bool -> unit
(** Starts or stops the macro recorder. *)
val cancel : 'a t -> unit
(** Cancels the current macro if recording one. *)
val count : 'a t -> int React.signal
(** The number of actions in the macro recorder. It is [0] if the
recorder is not currently recording. *)
val get_count : 'a t -> int
(** Returns the current number of actions in the macro recorder. *)
val add : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
(** [add recorder x] adds [x] to the recorder if it is recording a
macro. *)
val contents : 'a t -> 'a list
(** Returns the currently recorded macro. *)
val counter : 'a t -> int React.signal
(** The contents of the macro counter. *)
val get_counter : 'a t -> int
(** Gets the contents of the macro counter. *)
val set_counter : 'a t -> int -> unit
(** Sets the macro counter to the given value. *)
val add_counter : 'a t -> int -> unit
(** Adds the given value to the macro counter. *)