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* zed_re.mli
* ----------
* Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino <jeremie@dimino.org>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of Zed, an editor engine.
(** Regular expressions on ropes *)
open CamomileLibrary
type t
(** Type of compiled regular expressions. *)
type match_result = (Zed_rope.Zip.t * Zed_rope.Zip.t) option array option
(** Type of a match result. If the match fail, [None] is
returned. Otherwise an array of matched sub-strings is
returned, the index [0] corresponding to the full match, and
other indexes to matched groups. *)
val compile : URe.regexp -> t
(** [compile regexp] compiles the given regular expression. *)
val regexp_match : ?sem : URe.match_semantics -> t -> Zed_rope.t -> int -> match_result
(** [regexp_match ?sem regexp rope pos] tries to match [regexp] on
given rope, starting at [pos]. *)
val search_forward : ?sem : URe.match_semantics -> t -> Zed_rope.t -> int -> match_result
(** [search_forward ?sem regexp rope pos] searches the given regular
expression in [rope] starting at [pos]. *)
val search_backward : ?sem : URe.match_semantics -> t -> Zed_rope.t -> int -> match_result
(** [search_backward ?sem regexp rope pos] searches the given
regular expression in [rope] starting at [pos], in reverse
order. *)