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* zed_rope.mli
* ------------
* Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino <jeremie@dimino.org>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of Zed, an editor engine.
(** Unicode ropes *)
open CamomileLibrary
type t
(** Type of unicode ropes. *)
type rope = t
(** Alias. *)
exception Out_of_bounds
(** Exception raised when trying to access a character which is
outside the bounds of a rope. *)
(** {6 Construction} *)
val empty : t
(** The empty rope. *)
val make : int -> UChar.t -> t
(** [make length char] creates a rope of length [length] containing
only [char]. *)
val init : int -> (int -> UChar.t) -> t
(** [init n f] returns the contenation of [singleton (f 0)],
[singleton (f 1)], ..., [singleton (f (n - 1))]. *)
val rev_init : int -> (int -> UChar.t) -> t
(** [rev_init n f] returns the contenation of [singleton (f (n -
1))], ..., [singleton (f 1)], [singleton (f 0)]. *)
val singleton : UChar.t -> t
(** [singleton ch] creates a rope of length 1 containing only
[ch]. *)
(** {6 Informations} *)
val length : t -> int
(** Returns the length of the given rope. *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
(** [is_empty rope] returns whether [str] is the empty rope or
not. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Compares two ropes (in code point order). *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** [equal r1 r2] retuns [true] iff [r1] is equal to [r2]. *)
(** {6 To/from strings} *)
val of_string : string -> t
(** [of_string str] creates a rope from a string. The string must be
UTF-8 encoded and is validated. Note that [str] must not be
modified after this operation, if you intend to do so you must
copy it before passing it to [of_string]. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** [to_string rope] flatten a rope into a string encoded in
UTF-8. *)
(** {6 Random access} *)
val get : t -> int -> UChar.t
(** [get str rope] returns the character at index [idx] in
[rope]. *)
(** {6 Rope manipulation} *)
val append : t -> t -> t
(** Concatenates the two given ropes. *)
val concat : t -> t list -> t
(** [concat sep l] concatenates all strings of [l] separating them
by [sep]. *)
val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
(** [sub rope ofs len] Returns the sub-rope of [rope] starting at
[ofs] and of length [len]. *)
val break : t -> int -> t * t
(** [break rope pos] returns the sub-ropes before and after [pos] in
[rope]. It is more efficient than creating two sub-ropes with
{!sub}. *)
val before : t -> int -> t
(** [before rope pos] returns the sub-rope before [pos] in [rope]. *)
val after : t -> int -> t
(** [after rope pos] returns the sub-string after [pos] in [rope]. *)
val insert : t -> int -> t -> t
(** [insert rope pos sub] inserts [sub] in [rope] at position
[pos]. *)
val remove : t -> int -> int -> t
(** [remove rope pos len] removes the [len] characters at position
[pos] in [rope] *)
val replace : t -> int -> int -> t -> t
(** [replace rope pos len repl] replaces the [len] characters at
position [pos] in [rope] by [repl]. *)
val lchop : t -> t
(** [lchop rope] returns [rope] without is first character. Returns
{!empty} if [rope] is empty. *)
val rchop : t -> t
(** [rchop rope] returns [rope] without is last character. Returns
{!empty} if [rope] is empty. *)
(** {6 Iteration, folding and mapping} *)
val iter : (UChar.t -> unit) -> t-> unit
(** [iter f rope] applies [f] on all characters of [rope] starting
from the left. *)
val rev_iter : (UChar.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [rev_iter f rope] applies [f] an all characters of [rope]
starting from the right. *)
val fold : (UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold f rope acc] applies [f] on all characters of [rope]
starting from the left, accumulating a value. *)
val rev_fold : (UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [rev_fold f rope acc] applies [f] on all characters of [rope]
starting from the right, accumulating a value. *)
val map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t) -> t -> t
(** [map f rope] maps all characters of [rope] with [f]. *)
val rev_map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t) -> t -> t
(** [rev_map f str] maps all characters of [rope] with [f] in
reverse order. *)
(** {6 Iteration and folding on leafs} *)
(** Note: for all of the following functions, the leaves must
absolutely not be modified. *)
val iter_leaf : (Zed_utf8.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter_leaf f rope] applies [f] on all leaves of [rope] starting
from the left. *)
val rev_iter_leaf : (Zed_utf8.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter_leaf f rope] applies [f] on all leaves of [rope] starting
from the right. *)
val fold_leaf : (Zed_utf8.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold f rope acc] applies [f] on all leaves of [rope] starting
from the left, accumulating a value. *)
val rev_fold_leaf : (Zed_utf8.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [rev_fold f rope acc] applies [f] on all leaves of [rope]
starting from the right, accumulating a value. *)
(** {6 Zippers} *)
module Zip : sig
type t
(** Type of zippers. A zipper allow to naviguate in a rope in a
convenient and efficient manner. Note that a zipper points to
a position between two characters, not to a character, so in a
rope of length [len] there is [len + 1] positions. *)
val make_f : rope -> int -> t
(** [make_f rope pos] creates a new zipper pointing to positon
[pos] of [rope]. *)
val make_b : rope -> int -> t
(** [make_f rope pos] creates a new zipper pointing to positon
[length rope - pos] of [rope]. *)
val offset : t -> int
(** Returns the position of the zipper in the rope. *)
val next : t -> UChar.t * t
(** [next zipper] returns the code point at the right of the
zipper and a zipper to the next position. It raises
[Out_of_bounds] if the zipper points to the end of the
rope. *)
val prev : t -> UChar.t * t
(** [prev zipper] returns the code point at the left of the
zipper and a zipper to the previous position. It raises
[Out_of_bounds] if the zipper points to the beginning of the
rope. *)
val move : int -> t -> t
(** [move n zip] moves the zipper by [n] characters. If [n] is
negative it is moved to the left and if it is positive it is
moved to the right. It raises [Out_of_bounds] if the result
is outside the bounds of the rope. *)
val at_bos : t -> bool
(** [at_bos zipper] returns [true] iff [zipper] points to the
beginning of the rope. *)
val at_eos : t -> bool
(** [at_eos zipper] returns [true] iff [zipper] points to the
end of the rope. *)
val find_f : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [find_f f zip] search forward for a character to satisfy
[f]. It returns a zipper pointing to the left of the first
character to satisfy [f], or a zipper pointing to the end of
the rope if no such character exists. *)
val find_b : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [find_b f zip] search backward for a character to satisfy
[f]. It returns a zipper pointing to the right of the first
character to satisfy [f], or a zipper pointing to the
beginning of the rope if no such character exists. *)
val sub : t -> int -> rope
(** [sub zipper len] returns the sub-rope of length [len] pointed
by [zipper]. *)
val slice : t -> t -> rope
(** [slice zipper1 zipper2] returns the rope between [zipper1]
and [zipper2]. If [zipper1 > zipper2] then this is the same as
[slice zipper2 zipper1].
The result is unspecified if the two zippers do not points to
the same rope. *)
(** {6 Buffers} *)
module Buffer : sig
(** This module is similar of the [Buffer] module of the standard
library except that it works with rope. *)
type t
(** Type of rope buffers. *)
val create : unit -> t
(** Create a new empty buffer. *)
val add : t -> UChar.t -> unit
(** [add buffer x] add [x] at the end of [buffer]. *)
val contents : t -> rope
(** [contents buffer] returns the contents of [buffer] as a
rope. *)
val reset : t -> unit
(** [reset buffer] resets [buffer] to its initial state. *)
(** {6 Camomile compatible interface} *)
module Text : UnicodeString.Type with type t = rope and type index = Zip.t