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* zed_utf8.mli
* ------------
* Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino <jeremie@dimino.org>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of Zed, an editor engine.
(** UTF-8 enoded strings *)
open CamomileLibrary
type t = string
(** Type of UTF-8 encoded strings. *)
exception Invalid of string * string
(** [Invalid(error, text)] Exception raised when an invalid UTF-8
encoded string is encountered. [text] is the faulty text and
[error] is a description of the first error in [text]. *)
exception Out_of_bounds
(** Exception raised when trying to access a character which is
outside the bounds of a string. *)
(** {6 Validation} *)
(** Result of cheking a string for correct UTF-8. *)
type check_result =
| Correct of int
(** The string is correctly UTF-8 encoded, and the paramter is
the length of the string. *)
| Message of string
(** The string is invalid and the parameter is an error
message. *)
val check : t -> check_result
(** [check str] checks that [str] is a valid UTF-8 encoded
string. *)
val validate : t -> int
(** Same as check but raises an exception in case the argument is
not a valid text, otherwise returns the length of the string. *)
val next_error : t -> int -> int * int * string
(** [next_error str ofs] returns [(ofs', count, msg)] where [ofs']
is the offset of the start of the first invalid sequence after
[ofs] (inclusive) in [str], [count] is the number of unicode
character between [ofs] and [ofs'] (exclusive) and [msg] is an
error message. If there is no error until the end of string then
[ofs] is [String.length str] and [msg] is the empty string. *)
(** {6 Construction} *)
val singleton : UChar.t -> t
(** [singleton ch] creates a string of length 1 containing only the
given character. *)
val make : int -> UChar.t -> t
(** [make n ch] creates a string of length [n] filled with [ch]. *)
val init : int -> (int -> UChar.t) -> t
(** [init n f] returns the contenation of [singleton (f 0)],
[singleton (f 1)], ..., [singleton (f (n - 1))]. *)
val rev_init : int -> (int -> UChar.t) -> t
(** [rev_init n f] returns the contenation of [singleton (f (n -
1))], ..., [singleton (f 1)], [singleton (f 0)]. *)
(** {6 Informations} *)
val length : t -> int
(** Returns the length of the given string. *)
(** {6 Comparison} *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Compares two strings (in code point order). *)
(** {6 Random access} *)
val get : t -> int -> UChar.t
(** [get str idx] returns the character at index [idx] in
[str]. *)
(** {6 String manipulation} *)
val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
(** [sub str ofs len] Returns the sub-string of [str] starting at
[ofs] and of length [len]. *)
val break : t -> int -> t * t
(** [break str pos] returns the sub-strings before and after [pos]
in [str]. It is more efficient than creating two sub-strings
with {!sub}. *)
val before : t -> int -> t
(** [before str pos] returns the sub-string before [pos] in [str] *)
val after : t -> int -> t
(** [after str pos] returns the sub-string after [pos] in [str] *)
val insert : t -> int -> t -> t
(** [insert str pos sub] inserts [sub] in [str] at position
[pos]. *)
val remove : t -> int -> int -> t
(** [remove str pos len] removes the [len] characters at position
[pos] in [str] *)
val replace : t -> int -> int -> t -> t
(** [replace str pos len repl] replaces the [len] characters at
position [pos] in [str] by [repl]. *)
(** {6 Tranformation} *)
val rev : t -> t
(** [rev str] reverses all characters of [str]. *)
val concat : t -> t list -> t
(** [concat sep l] returns the concatenation of all strings of [l]
separated by [sep]. *)
val rev_concat : t -> t list -> t
(** [concat sep l] returns the concatenation of all strings of [l]
in reverse order separated by [sep]. *)
val explode : t -> UChar.t list
(** [explode str] returns the list of all characters of [str]. *)
val rev_explode : t -> UChar.t list
(** [rev_explode str] returns the list of all characters of [str] in
reverse order. *)
val implode : UChar.t list -> t
(** [implode l] returns the concatenation of all characters of [l]. *)
val rev_implode : UChar.t list -> t
(** [rev_implode l] is the same as [implode (List.rev l)] but more
efficient. *)
(** {6 Text traversals} *)
val iter : (UChar.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter f str] applies [f] an all characters of [str] starting
from the left. *)
val rev_iter : (UChar.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [rev_iter f str] applies [f] an all characters of [str] starting
from the right. *)
val fold : (UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold f str acc] applies [f] on all characters of [str]
starting from the left, accumulating a value. *)
val rev_fold : (UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [rev_fold f str acc] applies [f] on all characters of [str]
starting from the right, accumulating a value. *)
val map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t) -> t -> t
(** [map f str] maps all characters of [str] with [f]. *)
val rev_map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t) -> t -> t
(** [rev_map f str] maps all characters of [str] with [f] in reverse
order. *)
val map_concat : (UChar.t -> t) -> t -> t
(** [map f str] maps all characters of [str] with [f] and
concatenate the result. *)
val rev_map_concat : (UChar.t -> t) -> t -> t
(** [rev_map f str] maps all characters of [str] with [f] in reverse
order and concatenate the result. *)
val filter : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [filter f str] filters characters of [str] with [f]. *)
val rev_filter : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [rev_filter f str] filters characters of [str] with [f] in
reverse order. *)
val filter_map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t option) -> t -> t
(** [filter_map f str] filters and maps characters of [str] with
[f]. *)
val rev_filter_map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t option) -> t -> t
(** [rev_filter_map f str] filters and maps characters of [str] with
[f] in reverse order. *)
val filter_map_concat : (UChar.t -> t option) -> t -> t
(** [filter_map f str] filters and maps characters of [str] with [f]
and concatenate the result. *)
val rev_filter_map_concat : (UChar.t -> t option) -> t -> t
(** [rev_filter_map f str] filters and maps characters of [str] with
[f] in reverse order and concatenate the result. *)
(** {6 Scanning} *)
val for_all : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
(** [for_all f text] returns whether all characters of [text] verify
the predicate [f]. *)
val exists : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
(** [exists f text] returns whether at least one character of [text]
verify [f]. *)
val count : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> int
(** [count f text] returhs the number of characters of [text]
verifying [f]. *)
(** {6 Tests} *)
val contains : t -> t -> bool
(** [contains text sub] returns whether [sub] appears in [text] *)
val starts_with : t -> t -> bool
(** [starts_with text prefix] returns [true] iff [s] starts with
[prefix]. *)
val ends_with : t -> t -> bool
(** [ends_with text suffix] returns [true] iff [s] ends with
[suffix]. *)
(** {6 Stripping} *)
val strip : ?predicate : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [strip ?predicate text] returns [text] without its firsts and
lasts characters that match [predicate]. [predicate] default to
testing whether the given character has the [`White_Space]
unicode property. For example:
strip "\n foo\n " = "foo"
val lstrip : ?predicate : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [lstrip ?predicate text] is the same as {!strip} but it only
removes characters at the left of [text]. *)
val rstrip : ?predicate : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** [lstrip ?predicate text] is the same as {!strip} but it only
removes characters at the right of [text]. *)
val lchop : t -> t
(** [lchop t] returns [t] without is first character. Returns [""]
if [t = ""] *)
val rchop : t -> t
(** [rchop t] returns [t] without is last character. Returns [""] if
[t = ""]. *)
(** {6 Buffers} *)
val add : Buffer.t -> UChar.t -> unit
(** [add buf ch] is the same as [Buffer.add_string buf (singleton
ch)] but is more efficient. *)
(** {6 Escaping} *)
val escaped_char : UChar.t -> t
(** [escaped_char ch] returns a string containg [ch] or an escaped
version of [ch] if:
- [ch] is a control character (code < 32)
- [ch] is the character with code 127
- [ch] is a non-ascii, non-alphabetic character
It uses the syntax [\xXX], [\uXXXX], [\UXXXXXX] or a specific
escape sequence [\n, \r, ...]. *)
val add_escaped_char : Buffer.t -> UChar.t -> unit
(** [add_escaped_char buf ch] is the same as [Buffer.add_string buf
(escaped_char ch)] but a bit more efficient. *)
val escaped : t -> t
(** [escaped text] escape all characters of [text] as with
[escape_char]. *)
val add_escaped : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
(** [add_escaped_char buf text] is the same as [Buffer.add_string
buf (escaped text)] but a bit more efficient. *)
val escaped_string : CamomileLibraryDyn.Camomile.CharEncoding.t -> string -> t
(** [escaped_string enc str] escape the string [str] which is
encoded with encoding [enc]. If decoding [str] with [enc] fails,
it escape all non-printable bytes of [str] with the syntax
[\yAB]. *)
val add_escaped_string : Buffer.t -> CamomileLibraryDyn.Camomile.CharEncoding.t -> string -> unit
(** [add_escaped_char buf enc text] is the same as
[Buffer.add_string buf (escaped_string enc text)] but a bit more
efficient. *)
(** {6 Safe offset API} *)
val next : t -> int -> int
(** [next str ofs] returns the offset of the next character in
[str]. *)
val prev : t -> int -> int
(** [prev str ofs] returns the offset of the previous character in
[str]. *)
val extract : t -> int -> UChar.t
(** [extract str ofs] returns the code-point at offset [ofs] in
[str]. *)
val extract_next : t -> int -> UChar.t * int
(** [extract_next str ofs] returns the code-point at offset [ofs] in
[str] and the offset the next character. *)
val extract_prev : t -> int -> UChar.t * int
(** [extract_prev str ofs] returns the code-point at the previous
offset in [str] and this offset. *)
(** {6 Unsafe offset API} *)
(** These functions does not check that the given offset is inside the
bounds of the given string. *)
val unsafe_next : t -> int -> int
(** [unsafe_next str ofs] returns the offset of the next character
in [str]. *)
val unsafe_prev : t -> int -> int
(** [unsafe_prev str ofs] returns the offset of the previous
character in [str]. *)
val unsafe_extract : t -> int -> UChar.t
(** [unsafe_extract str ofs] returns the code-point at offset [ofs]
in [str]. *)
val unsafe_extract_next : t -> int -> UChar.t * int
(** [unsafe_extract_next str ofs] returns the code-point at offset
[ofs] in [str] and the offset the next character. *)
val unsafe_extract_prev : t -> int -> UChar.t * int
(** [unsafe_extract_prev str ofs] returns the code-point at the
previous offset in [str] and this offset. *)