/usr/share/doc/lua-term/README.md is in lua-term 0.07-0.1.
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lua-term is a Lua module for manipulating a terminal.
lua-term is available on Luarocks.
local term = require 'term'
local colors = term.colors -- or require 'term.colors'
print(term.isatty(io.stdout)) -- true if standard output goes to the terminal
print(colors.red 'hello')
print(colors.red .. 'hello' .. colors.reset)
print(colors.red, 'hello', colors.reset)
-- The following functions take an optional IO handle (like io.stdout);
-- io.stdout is the default if you don't specify one
term.clear() -- clears the screen
term.cleareol() -- clears from the cursor to the end of the line
--term.cursor.goto(1, 1) -- It will fail in Lua >= 5.2 because goto is a reserved word.
term.cursor['goto'](1, 1) -- This will work on Lua >= 5.2, please use jump instead
term.cursor.jump(1, 1) -- jump is just an alias for goto
term.cursor.jump(io.stdout, 1, 1)
term.cursor.save() -- save position
term.cursor.restore() -- restore position
`term` Functions
Some functions in lua-term take an optional file handle argument; if this is
not provided, `io.stdout` is used.
### `term.clear([opt_file])`
Clear the terminal's contents.
### `term.cleareol([opt_file])`
Clear from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.
### `term.isatty(file)`
Returns `true` if `file` is a TTY; `false` otherwise.
*NOTE*: This function has been deprecated in favor of luaposix's implementation.
If you would like this functionality in the future, please use luaposix.
`term.colors` Values
The following values are available in `term.colors`:
### Terminal Attributes
* reset
* clear (a synonym for reset)
* default (a synonym for reset)
* bright
* dim
* underscore
* blink
* reverse
* hidden
### Foreground Colors
* black
* red
* green
* yellow
* blue
* magenta
* cyan
* white
### Background Colors
* onblack
* onred
* ongreen
* onyellow
* onblue
* onmagenta
* oncyan
* onwhite
Every value in `term.colors` may be used in several ways:
### As a Function
print(colors.red 'hello')
### As a String
print(colors.red .. 'hello' .. colors.reset)
print(colors.red, 'hello', colors.reset)
`term.cursor` Functions
### `term.cursor.goto([opt_file], x, y)`
Place the cursor at (`x`, `y`).
### `term.cursor.jump([opt_file], x, y)`
An alias for `term.cursor.goto`.
### `term.cursor.goup([opt_file], nlines)`
Moves the cursor up `nlines` lines.
### `term.cursor.godown([opt_file], nlines)`
Moves the cursor down `nlines` lines.
### `term.cursor.goright([opt_file], ncols)`
Moves the cursor right `ncols` columns.
### `term.cursor.goleft([opt_file], ncols)`
Moves the cursor left `ncols` columns.
### `term.cursor.save([opt_file])`
Saves the cursor position.
### `term.cursor.restore([opt_file])`
Restores the cursor position.
If you are looking to simply provide coloration to a terminal application and would
like to use a more "tag-like" API (ex. `colors '%{red}hello%{reset}'`), there is a Lua rock
named ansicolors: https://github.com/kikito/ansicolors.lua