/usr/lib/R/site-library/quantreg/NAMESPACE is in r-cran-quantreg 5.35-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 | useDynLib("quantreg")
importFrom('SparseM', t, chol, backsolve, as.matrix.csr)
importFrom('MatrixModels', model.Matrix)
importFrom('stats', approxfun)
importClassesFrom('MatrixModels', dsparseModelMatrix)
importClassesFrom('SparseM', matrix.csr)
# Export all names
importFrom("grDevices", "dev.interactive", "devAskNewPage", "gray",
"n2mfrow", "terrain.colors")
importFrom("graphics", "abline", "contour", "lines", "matlines",
"matplot", "par", "persp", "plot", "points", "polygon", "title")
importFrom("methods", "as", "hasArg", "new")
importFrom("utils", "flush.console", "modifyList")
importFrom("stats", ".checkMFClasses", ".getXlevels", "AIC", "approx",
"as.formula", "as.ts", "coef", "coefficients", "cycle",
"model.matrix", "model.response", "rmultinom",
"delete.response", "dnorm", "end", "fitted", "formula",
"frequency", "getInitial", "hat", "is.empty.model",
"is.stepfun", "knots", "lag", "lm", "lm.fit", "lm.wfit",
"logLik", "lsfit", "median", "model.extract", "model.frame",
"model.weights", "na.omit", "na.pass", "numericDeriv",
"optim", "pchisq", "pf", "pnorm", "predict", "printCoefmat",
"pt", "qnorm", "qt", "quantile", "reformulate", "relevel",
"resid", "residuals", "rexp", "runif", "setNames", "start",
"stepfun", "supsmu", "terms", "uniroot", "var")
S3method(AIC, nlrq)
S3method(AIC, rq)
S3method(AIC, rqs)
S3method(AIC, rqss)
S3method(anova, rq)
S3method(anova, rqlist)
S3method(anova, rqs)
S3method(coef, crq)
S3method(coef, nlrq)
S3method(deviance, nlrq)
S3method(extractAIC, nlrq)
S3method(extractAIC, rq)
S3method(fitted, nlrq)
S3method(fitted, rqss)
S3method(formula, nlrq)
S3method(formula, rq)
S3method(latex, summary.rqs)
S3method(latex, table)
S3method(latex, table.rq)
S3method(logLik, nlrq)
S3method(logLik, rq)
S3method(logLik, rqs)
S3method(logLik, rqss)
S3method(plot, qss1)
S3method(plot, qss2)
S3method(plot, rq.process)
S3method(plot, rqs)
S3method(plot, rqss)
S3method(plot, summary.crqs)
S3method(plot, summary.rqs)
S3method(plot, summary.rqss)
S3method(plot, table.rq)
S3method(predict, crq)
S3method(predict, crqs)
S3method(predict, nlrq)
S3method(predict, qss1)
S3method(predict, qss2)
S3method(predict, rq)
S3method(predict, rq.process)
S3method(predict, rqs)
S3method(predict, rqss)
S3method(print, anova.rq)
S3method(print, crq)
S3method(print, dynrq)
S3method(print, dynrqs)
S3method(print, nlrq)
S3method(print, rq)
S3method(print, rqs)
S3method(print, rqss)
S3method(print, summary.crq)
S3method(print, summary.crqs)
S3method(print, summary.dynrq)
S3method(print, summary.dynrqs)
S3method(print, summary.nlrq)
S3method(print, summary.rq)
S3method(print, summary.rqs)
S3method(print, summary.rqss)
S3method(residuals, nlrq)
S3method(end, dynrq)
S3method(start, dynrq)
S3method(summary, crq)
S3method(summary, crqs)
S3method(summary, dynrqs)
S3method(summary, nlrq)
S3method(summary, rq)
S3method(summary, rqs)
S3method(summary, rqss)