/usr/lib/R/library/survival/NAMESPACE is in r-cran-survival 2.41-3-2build1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 | useDynLib(survival, .registration = TRUE)
importFrom(splines, spline.des, ns)
importFrom(stats, anova, approx, as.formula, coef, coefficients,
contr.treatment, cor, delete.response, extractAIC, formula,
logLik, makepredictcall, median, model.extract,
model.frame, model.matrix, model.offset, model.response,
model.weights, na.fail, na.pass, napredict, naprint, naresid,
pchisq, pnorm, printCoefmat, predict, qnorm, quantile, qgamma,
resid, residuals, runif, stat.anova, terms, var, vcov,
.checkMFClasses, .getXlevels)
importFrom(graphics, plot, points, lines, axis, box, matlines, matplot,
matpoints, par, segments,
arrows, frame, strheight, strwidth, text)
importFrom(Matrix, expm)
importFrom(methods, as)
importFrom(utils, getS3method, type.convert, methods)
export(Surv, aeqSurv, aareg, agreg.fit,
agexact.fit, attrassign,
basehaz, cch, clogit, cipoisson, cluster, cox.zph,
coxph, coxph.control, coxph.detail, coxph.fit,
coxph.wtest, finegray, format.Surv,
frailty, frailty.gamma,
frailty.gaussian, frailty.t, is.Surv,
is.na.Surv, is.ratetable,
labels.survreg, match.ratetable, neardate,
psurvreg, qsurvreg, dsurvreg,
pspline, pyears, ratetable, ratetableDate,
ridge, rsurvreg, statefig, strata, survConcordance,
survSplit, survdiff, survexp, survfit ,
survfitcoxph.fit, survfitKM, survfitCI,
survpenal.fit, survConcordance.fit,
survreg, survreg.control, survreg.fit,
survreg.distributions, survregDtest, tcut,
tmerge, untangle.specials)
S3method('[', aareg)
S3method('[', Surv)
S3method('[', cox.zph)
S3method('[', coxph.penalty)
S3method('[', ratetable)
S3method('[', ratetable2)
S3method('[', survfit)
S3method('[', survfitms)
S3method('[', tcut)
S3method(Math, Surv)
S3method(Math, ratetable)
S3method(Ops, Surv)
S3method(Ops, ratetable)
S3method(Summary, Surv)
S3method(anova, coxph)
S3method(anova, coxphlist)
S3method(anova, survreg)
S3method(anova, survreglist)
S3method(as.character, Surv)
S3method(as.character, Surv)
S3method(as.data.frame, Surv)
S3method(as.matrix, ratetable)
S3method(as.matrix, Surv)
S3method(attrassign, default)
S3method(attrassign, lm)
S3method(dim, survfit)
S3method(dim, survfitms)
S3method(format, Surv)
S3method(is.na, Surv)
S3method(is.na, coxph.penalty)
S3method(is.na, ratetable)
S3method(labels, survreg)
S3method(levels, tcut)
S3method(lines, aareg)
S3method(lines, survexp)
S3method(lines, survfit)
S3method(logLik, coxph)
S3method(logLik, survreg)
S3method(makepredictcall, pspline)
S3method(model.frame, coxph)
S3method(model.frame, survreg)
S3method(model.matrix, coxph)
S3method(model.matrix, survreg)
S3method(plot, aareg)
S3method(plot, cox.zph)
S3method(plot, survfit)
S3method(points, survfit)
S3method(predict, coxph)
S3method(predict, coxph.penal)
S3method(predict, pspline)
S3method(predict, survreg)
S3method(predict, survreg.penal)
S3method(print, Surv)
S3method(print, aareg)
S3method(print, cch)
S3method(print, clogit)
S3method(print, cox.zph)
S3method(print, coxph)
S3method(print, coxph.null)
S3method(print, coxph.penal)
S3method(print, pyears)
S3method(print, ratetable)
S3method(print, summary.cch)
S3method(print, summary.coxph)
S3method(print, summary.coxph.penal)
S3method(print, summary.survexp)
S3method(print, summary.survfit)
S3method(print, summary.survfitms)
S3method(print, summary.survreg)
S3method(print, survConcordance)
S3method(print, survdiff)
S3method(print, survexp)
S3method(print, survfit)
S3method(print, survfitms)
S3method(print, survreg)
S3method(print, survreg.penal)
S3method(quantile, survfit)
S3method(quantile, survfitms)
S3method(ratetableDate, POSIXt)
S3method(ratetableDate, Date)
S3method(ratetableDate, date)
S3method(ratetableDate, chron)
S3method(rep, Surv)
S3method(residuals, coxph)
S3method(residuals, coxph.null)
S3method(residuals, coxph.penal)
S3method(residuals, survreg)
S3method(residuals, survreg.penal)
S3method(summary, aareg)
S3method(summary, coxph)
S3method(summary, coxph.penal)
S3method(summary, ratetable)
S3method(summary, pyears)
S3method(summary, survexp)
S3method(summary, survfit)
S3method(summary, survfitms)
S3method(summary, survreg)
S3method(survfit, coxph)
S3method(survfit, formula)
S3method(survfit, matrix)
S3method(survfit, Surv)
S3method(vcov, cch)
S3method(vcov, coxph)
S3method(vcov, survreg)